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Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 2:48 pm
by JayBezel
so im to lazy to go out to the car and grab my journal to give you real numbers but last nights cruise workout looked basically like this

bench 305x5*5
smith military press- 245x5*5
CG static hold 315x10

that static hold ruined my whole night. i felt like a champ during my bench and still felt pretty good on the military presses. i have no idea what happened on the statics....i totally flamed out. last time i did these (also my first time ever doing a static movement of any kind) i got 405 for 8 secs. i went into the gym thinking i would try 415 but for some reason that 315 felt like there was an additional fat guy sitting on the bar. i have 2 more cruise workouts until i give the body a recharge with famine and some lighter weights

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 2:02 pm
by JayBezel
ok so im officially in day 3 of famine prepping for run #2 of 2.0. ive been alot stricter with this famine than i was with the last one and i see the results in mirror. ive been sticking strictly with fruits and veggies (no other sources of carbs) all fats coming from avocado, olive oil and on serving of almonds a day. protein is def under 30g a day. famine itself sucks but i feel pretty good. it's nice to get all the metabolic garbage out after blasting my body for weeks with heavysweights, high protein and supps. looking forward run #2. im going to use glp 2 this time around. i want to stick with the same exercises just so i can get an accurate gauge of how effective each program is for my body. run #3 ill probally change some stuff up but i was so impressed with the lbm and strength gains that i got from glp 1 and my first run that id like to give it a go again using glp 2 and see what happens. overall from ym first run i put 20lbs on my bench and 15lbs on my hs row along with about 5 lbs of lbm that i ended up keeping before i started my famine. in run # 2 im hoping to put on another 5 lbs of lbm and hopefully similar strength gains to get me closer to that magic 405 on the bench. ill also be "the formula thru this whole run so hopefully thatll help kick things up a few % points. as far as other supps go thats probally not going to happen. not that im not a supp guy or anything like that, school clothes shopping is putting a big dent in the budget right now tho (as im writing that sentence im having a quater life crisis. im 26 talking about school clothes shopping, i have 2 small bald spots that magically appeared like a month ago and arent growing back, and i own a minivan...smh, wtf? :shock: ) my first bridge workout will be on friday and im toying around with the idea i training fasted here and there during this run....any thoughts from anyone? good idea? stupid idea? i would be using the formula during my workout thoughts are that im inducing a state in which the body will be hyper sensitive to nutrients and in turn i should really optimize utilization of nutrition in the shake along with that PWO nutrition.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 12:18 pm
by JayBezel
start of run # 2 famine workout 1

this workout wasnt that bad considering i was in a calorie restricted mini coma

hs row 4px 4*3
lf pulldown 230x 4*3

supported t bar- 3p + 25x 5*3
neutral grip pulldown 240x 4*3

1 arm hs preacher curl 2px4
incline db curls 45x 6
cable curl 150x6

one more day of fruits and veggies....then...back to meat :shock: gonna put down so many chickens those next 3 days it'll put some happy farmers kids thru college

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 1:25 pm
by JayBezel
ok so i have a couple of bridge workouts knocked already so heres what #1 looke dlike

bench 305x8
db pullover 105x8

hs row- 3p+25x 10
lf pulldown 175x10


incline db- 100x6*6
db row- 110 x 6*6

2nd edt

smith military- 225x 6*3
1 arm hs preacher- 1p+10x6*3
overhead rope 140x 6*3

ran out of time again on the last edt

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 1:28 pm
by JayBezel
bridge # 2

bench 315x6
db pullover- 120x5

hs row- 4px4
lf pulldown- 205 x 4


incline db-100x7*6
db row 110x 7*6

skipped out on the second edt b/c i didnt feel like the shoulders,bis,tris were fully recovered from the last time around