Matter2003 Big Time Bulk getting ready to start...

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Post by RobRegish »

Hard, smart work man.

Keep us posted on how you feel tomorrow with Synthagen in the mix. Sounds like the ultimate challenge for the product!
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Post by matter2003 »

RobRegish wrote:Hard, smart work man.

Keep us posted on how you feel tomorrow with Synthagen in the mix. Sounds like the ultimate challenge for the product!
So far so good. Not saying I feel great or anything, but I definitely feel a lot better than I expected. Did chest and biceps this morning so that is 4 body parts completely worn out. A lot of fatigue, not much soreness so far, and chest feels like I have continuous heartburn from being so blasted...

Will post log when I get home tonite after some HIIT cardio...
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Post by matter2003 »

MI40 Day 2

Chest and Biceps today in the morning. Got a good 8 hours of sleep, woke up feeling good and ready to hit the metal!!


Bench Press(with intention): 95/135/155/145-125x4-105x5-95x5
45 Degree Incline DB Press(w/intention):25/30/35/35-30x5-25x5-20x7
Flat DB Press Fly: 30/30/25/25-22.5x5-20x7-17.5x8
Machine/Cable Fly: 15/20/25/25-20x5-15x5-10x8
superset with Pushups(to failure): 8/5/3/5


Machine Preacher Curl: 50/60/60/50-45x4-40x5-35x7
Seated DB Curl: 25/25/25-22.5x4-20x4-17.5x4
1 Arm Cable Curl:15/15/15-12.5x5-10x4-7.5x4

Chest was on fire for most of the day and it felt like I had heartburn, but it was the muscles, not internally. Biceps pretty much shot as well, cannot even make a bicep muscle.

Noticed my body felt like it was in overdrive also, felt very warm a lot of the day, and it felt like I was on turbo...kinda liked it!

Acne exploding again on my shoulder and neck, as I started taking IsaTestGF 4 or 5 days ago and also using "The recipe" in the morning after showers...

Enjoying eating more, but getting down 147g of carbs in one sitting twice a day is a hell of a task(3.25 cups of brown rice or 2.75 cups of oatmeal).

Did 15 mins of HIIT cardio this evening, 30 secs High intensity, 30 secs low intensity. Quads and calves tomorrow night, I am afraid I won't be able to walk on Wednesday...
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Post by matter2003 »

DOMS so bad right now its almost unbearable...I have quads and calves tonite and I am wondering if I am going to be able to walk tomorrow or Thursday.

Back, biceps, hamstrings and chest all extremely sore and tender..
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Post by matter2003 »

I made it through today's workout OK. I made it upstairs OK once I got home. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to walk up the stairs, I had to go one step at a time on my ass.

I honestly have no idea how I am going to walk tomorrow, thank God I am off. I have never had my quads this jacked up from a workout before. Crazy part is, it wasn't even comparably heavy weight, but between the form used, lack of any real rest periods, and creating extra torque via "intention", it feels like I leg pressed my house all night long.

Leg Extension: 55/85/100/130-115x5-100x5-85x5
-squeezed water bottle and pushed thighs inward...horrible
DB Squat(w/ intention): 35/40/45/45-40x6-35x6-30x6
DB Lunge: 30x10ea x10ea x10ea x10ea
Leg Press(w/ intention): 105x20 x20 x20 x20

Seated Calf Raise: 110xx10/110x10
Standing Calf Raise: 145x8
-stopped during calf workout because achilles tendon/calf area felt like jello...not overly concerned about my calves, they will grow with very little effort...

HIIT cardio tomorrow, no lifting...
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Post by tufluk »

Hey dude, glad your blazing through it.
I did the quads, calves today and had trouble walking to the car! DOMs is guna make moving pretty bad all week.

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Post by matter2003 »

tufluk wrote:Hey dude, glad your blazing through it.
I did the quads, calves today and had trouble walking to the car! DOMs is guna make moving pretty bad all week.

I don't think I would say I'm blazing through it...more like getting by "by the skin of my teeth"...hahahaha

My body is completely wrecked right now. Virtually anything that could be sore is sore. Had HIIT cardio today and my quads were so fatigued still from last night, I thought they were going to start spasming once I started the elliptical motion. Luckily they didn't, I lowered the resistance at first during the 5 minute warmup, and then bumped it back up to normal during the 20 minute HIIT session which I completed without incident. Then I proceeded to limp around the gym for another 10 minutes trying to stretch and continue my cooldown.

Hamstrings are still so sore right above the knees that I can hardly straighten my legs over 4 days later(worked them out Sunday around 2pm)!!! Tomorrow is supposed to be back and hamstrings again, but I have no idea how I am going to make that happen unless a miracle occurs overnight.

Can't wait til my body gets used to this type of punishment and the DOMS go is literally enough to make you say "F it, its not worth it". If only I was a quitter, but as Flo Rida would say:

"Got adrenaline, never giving in,
giving up's not an option, gotta get it in...
Witness I got the heart of 20 men
No fear, go to sleep in the lion’s den"
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Post by tufluk »

lol, from what I gather from other "frequent routines" after around two weeks your body response better to DOMs and it becomes more efficient at reducing it. At least I hope so :P, I was just doing hard and heavy for months before MI40. Im used to around 4 minuets rest between compound lifts. :lol:

quick question bro, are you hitting the nail on the head at 40 minuets per workout? cuz I seem to be missing out a couple sets or even an whole exercise to fit it in. I think its due to the NOS sets not being taken into account in the time limit. I got chest/bis later so Im gunna focus on rest times better.
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Post by matter2003 »

tufluk wrote:lol, from what I gather from other "frequent routines" after around two weeks your body response better to DOMs and it becomes more efficient at reducing it. At least I hope so :P, I was just doing hard and heavy for months before MI40. Im used to around 4 minuets rest between compound lifts. :lol:

quick question bro, are you hitting the nail on the head at 40 minuets per workout? cuz I seem to be missing out a couple sets or even an whole exercise to fit it in. I think its due to the NOS sets not being taken into account in the time limit. I got chest/bis later so Im gunna focus on rest times better.
No it takes longer if you are doing both bodyparts simultaneously. He said should be done in under an hour with everything which is right about where I come in most days..
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Post by matter2003 »

MI40 Day 5:

Back and hamstrings today. I was very surprised when I woke up this morning and virtually all hamstring soreness was gone. I thought for sure I was going to be dealing with that for a few more days, but apparently that 400g of protein I took in yesterday was put to good use.

BACK: 2 second hold in contraction with all back movements
Wide Grip Assisted Pullup(w/ intention): 85/80/75/85/90/100 -115x6-120x5-125x7(6 sets+3 drop sets)
Supported Machine Row(w/ intention): 70/120/100/90-80x6-70x5-60x6
2 Arm DB Row: 25/30/35/35-30x5-25x8-20x6
Deadlift: 135/155/175-160x5-145x6-135x5(3 sets+3 drop sets)

Seated Leg Curl: 35/40/35/35-30x5-25x5-20x5
Leg Press(w/ intention & feet high and wide): 130/150/170/170 -160x6-150x5-130x5
Lying Leg Curl: 50/55/60/60-50x5-40x4-30x5

I am gonna be so fucked tomorrow...could barely walk again after finishing these and quads are really sore now too...gonna have front and back of legs sore...not a good combo...

Gotta have a quick turnaround as I have to hit the gym early tomorrow morning to do Delts and Triceps before going to work as the gym is only open til 9pm and I won't make it by the time I get off...
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Post by matter2003 »

MI40 Day 6:

Rough turnaround today, as I just lifted last night got some sleep and woke up this morning to hit it again.

Seated Side Laterals: 10/12.5/15/15-12.5x4-10x5-7.5x7
Bent Over Lateral Raise: 12.5/15/17.5/17.5-15x6-12.5x6-10x6
Cable Side Lateral: 10x8/10x8/5x12/5x12
Machine Shoulder Press: 40/50/60/60-50x5-40x5-30x8

Triceps Cable Pushdown: 20/30/35/40(No NOS sets prescribed)
Lying Tri Extension: 35/45/50/50-40x5-30x5-25x8
Seated Machine Dip: 70x15/80x15/85x15/90x15(no NOS prescribed)
2 arm Tricep Kickback: 20/20/20/20-15x6-10x6-7.5x6

Shoulders pretty fried after the workout and triceps quivering and spasming when put down...crazy how little weight needs to be used when it is all directed into the targeted muscle...

Got HIIT cardio tomorrow morning...

Started making sure I am using liberal doses of cinnamon during my big carb meals on training days, since I am not taking any MPS during that time. Should help with glucose/insulin sensitivity and really help in limiting fat gains along with the way the meals are structured...
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Post by matter2003 »

MI40 Day 7:

Just some HIIT cardio for 20 minutes this morning before heading to work after a 5 minute warmup. 30 seconds high and 30 seconds lower intensity 20 times. Not even tough anymore for me, I rarely am getting my heart rate above 145 now, so I know my conditioning is becoming very very good.

Noticed the front side of my triceps is bulging bigger than I have ever seen it before, and it seems to have done so out of nowhere. Very strange. When I say front side, I am talking about the part that runs underneath the bicep, not the part behind it...

Overall I am confident my measurements are going to come in pretty good tomorrow morning. I am pretty in tune with what is going on with my body and I know the feeling I have when I am building muscle and I know the feeling I have when I am losing or gaining fat as well. I am feeling thick, dense and I definitely am looking bigger.

I know it sounds ridiculous after only a week, but perhaps it is my body's way of rebounding back to the size I was at previously with all the carbs I am taking in on training days. I make sure to include a healthy dose of cinnamon along with those carbs to help make sure it doesn't linger and lead to fat storage due to insulin sensitivity problems(damn endomorphic tendencies!!). Definitely a LOT leaner than I was at 215 lbs tho...weighed in at 188.6 lbs this morning...
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Post by matter2003 »

MI40 Day 7: Measurement Day!
I have Chest and Biceps later today, will post log after workout.

Chest: 47 inches!(I am pretty sure my measurement was accurate last week because I was stunned and had to retake it about 4 times, so this would represent a full 3 inch gain, mainly due to my back widening out again!)
Biceps: 14.5"(+.25" from last week!)
Waist: 33 3/4"(-.25" from last week!)
Hips: 39"(+.5" from last week!)
Quads: 25"(+.5" from last week!)
Calves: 17"(unchanged from last week---didn't really work them very much)

Weight: 187.8 pounds(+1.0 lbs from last week)
Bodyfat%: 11.1%(-.9% from last week!!)
LBM: 166.95(+2.57 lbs from last week!!!)

Wow!! What a difference a week makes! pretty much gained everywhere from .25-.5" and a massive 3 inch!!! gain on my chest measurement!! Waist actually went down .25 inches!!

Body fat dropped between .6-.9% and gained 2.57 lbs of LBM!! Not bad for a week of work! If I continue at this pace, I will put on over 15 lbs of muscle in the 6 weeks!

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Post by dropthebeats »

That's insane! Great job Matter!
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