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Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 8:50 am
by aron7awol
Feast Day 14

Today's Exercise: Softball
Today's Maintenance Calories: 2389
Daily Caloric Goal: 110% of 2389 = 2628
Calories Consumed: 2756 (~115% of maintenance) 201g protein

Weight is up a bit to 173.8 lbs this morning. I'm definitely noticing increased muscle hardness after my first day of Synthagen yesterday. No soreness at all, but I don't generally get too much anyway, so hard to tell at this point if it's had any effect there.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 10:57 am
by aron7awol
Feast Day 15

Today's Exercise: Feast Workout #6 (CC)
Today's Maintenance Calories: 2933
Daily Caloric Goal: 110% of 2933 = 3226
Calories Consumed: 3219 (110% of maintenance) 232g protein

Weighed in this morning at 171.8 lbs and I'm down to 9.4% body fat! This is just crazy. I keep eating a ton, and yet I keep losing weight/fat. I was planning on dropping my calories down to 105% of maintenance starting today, but I'm going to stick with 110% and keep monitoring my body fat. I'll drop down if I start to put on any fat.

I've always been an extreme ectomorph, but this just seems strange. I'd like to be putting on a little more muscle than I am right now. I'm wondering if this has anything to do with the fact that I've been taking 100mg/day of trans-resveratrol. I bought it because of a study on ergo-log that showed it helped regenerate spinal discs, but I know it also has effects on metabolism. By the way, anyone looking for a high quality yet inexpensive source for resveratrol, look no further than They sell 150 tablets of 100mg each of the high quality ResVida trans-resveratrol for $41 with free shipping. I hope John doesn't mind me posting this since it doesn't compete with any of his products.

Awesome, awesome workout today. I wish I found CC sooner!

Close squats: 20,18,15,14 (Toward the end I was not keeping my back completely straight, need some work there)
Close pullups: 8,8,8,8
Full bridges: 10,7,6,9 (Brutal!)

In other news, 3 days of castor oil and my back feels almost perfect. Color me amazed!

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 11:07 am
by dropthebeats
aron7awol wrote:
Weighed in this morning at 171.8 lbs and I'm down to 9.4% body fat!

Awesome! Great job! That's about where I would like to be. What BF% did you start at?

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 11:53 am
by aron7awol
dropthebeats wrote:
aron7awol wrote:
Weighed in this morning at 171.8 lbs and I'm down to 9.4% body fat!

Awesome! Great job! That's about where I would like to be. What BF% did you start at?
Thanks, man. 12% when I started famine.

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 2:14 pm
by aron7awol
Feast Day 16

Today's Exercise: Softball
Today's Maintenance Calories: 2670
Daily Caloric Goal: 110% of 2670 = 2937
Calories Consumed: 2937 (110% of maintenance) 194g protein

Weight down a tiny bit to 171.6 lbs this morning, probably because I was somewhat dehydrated; I drank 3 beers last night. Body fat is also up a bit to 9.9%. Since I've been tracking it, my body fat has gone down almost every day, and has only gone up two times. Both times I had drank 3 beers the previous night. I'm going to try to avoid alcohol for the rest of this run after seeing that.

I'm still going to keep my calories at 110% until my body fat goes back above 10%. As long as I monitor it and keep it around 10%, I'm confident that the final two weeks of feast at 90% and 85% of maintenance will get me down to 9% or lower, which is where I'd like to finish.

Nailed my diet today exactly down to the calorie!

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 8:24 am
by aron7awol
Feast Day 17

Today's Exercise: Softball
Today's Maintenance Calories: 2710
Daily Caloric Goal: 110% of 2710 = 2981
Calories Consumed: 2957 (109% of maintenance) 211g protein

Perfect day of eating yesterday, and it's showing on the scale/tape. Up to 173.6 lb and back down to 9.4% body fat. I'm definitely not moving from this 110% calorie level yet!

I couldn't be happier with my progress so far. I might take some midway-through-feast progress pictures in a few days to compare, but in the mirror, I'm already noticing a dramatic difference. I'm hoping the extreme precision of this diet will make it one of the most successful Blueprint runs ever. You usually get out whatever you put into something, and I'm putting everything I've got into this.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 2:38 pm
by aron7awol
Feast Day 18

Today's Exercise: Feast Workout #7 (CC)
Today's Maintenance Calories: 2791
Daily Caloric Goal: 110% of 2791 = 3070
Calories Consumed: 3239 (116% of maintenance)

173 lbs and still 9.4% body fat this morning.

Close pushups 15,17
Regular pushups 16,15
Full bridges 12,9,7,5 (These things kill me)
Hanging bent leg raises 10,12
Lying straight leg raises 15, 12

The workout was really tough because my shoulder was killing me all day. I had played 4 softball games in the previous 4 days, and I woke up and I could barely move my shoulder without excruciating pain. It's my front shoulder when I swing, so it takes a lot of abuse when I swing hard repeatedly. Luckily, it loosened up more and more throughout the day to the point that I was actually able to work out decently well.

These workouts are definitely ridiculous. Doing these in almost superset fashion has been bringing me to the edge of nausea these last couple of workouts. I'm starting to see great results though so I'm loving it!

I have a feeling I'm going to have to dial my calories down to 105% or lower soon. How long can I possibly keep eating like this before I start putting on fat?

Edit: I just realized a day later than I had estimated my maintenance calories based on working out for an hour, but forgot to adjust it down after only working out for 45 minutes. The difference puts me at 116% of maintenance instead of 110%. The result: I put on fat. Precision is key here! Lesson learned...

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 8:38 pm
by dropthebeats
What type of food have you been eating?

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 10:44 pm
by aron7awol
dropthebeats wrote:What type of food have you been eating?
Every morning I start my day with 3 hard boiled eggs, a packet of oatmeal, and a big glass of milk, along with 3-6 Beverly International Ultra 40 liver tabs.

During the day I try to eat healthy; common food items in my diet are:
fish oil
olive oil
a ton of milk
liver tabs
granola bars

Before bed, I always eat a serving of cottage cheese.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 10:55 pm
by aron7awol
Feast Day 19

Today's Exercise: None
Today's Maintenance Calories: 2291
Daily Caloric Goal: 105% of 2291 = 2406
Calories Consumed: 2410 (105% of maintenance) 176g protein

Ahh, finally a day off with no workout and no softball. My shoulder will thank me for this.

Weight is up to 174.8 lbs this morning, but body fat is up to 10.3%, probably due to my calculation error yesterday. Time to knock my calories down. I'll drop to 105% for the next three days then probably go to 100% for week 4, as originally planned, but if my body fat drops back below 10% in the next 3 days that may change.

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 6:40 am
by RobRegish
aron7awol wrote:Feast Day 17

Today's Exercise: Softball
Today's Maintenance Calories: 2710
Daily Caloric Goal: 110% of 2710 = 2981
Calories Consumed: 2957 (109% of maintenance) 211g protein

Perfect day of eating yesterday, and it's showing on the scale/tape. Up to 173.6 lb and back down to 9.4% body fat. I'm definitely not moving from this 110% calorie level yet!

I couldn't be happier with my progress so far. I might take some midway-through-feast progress pictures in a few days to compare, but in the mirror, I'm already noticing a dramatic difference. I'm hoping the extreme precision of this diet will make it one of the most successful Blueprint runs ever. You usually get out whatever you put into something, and I'm putting everything I've got into this.
You nailed it man!

You're putting a lot into it, and de-facto getting a LOT out of it. MORE in fact, than you're investing.

Part of the beauty, of our sport! :)

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 8:20 am
by aron7awol
Feast Day 20

Today's Exercise: Feast Workout #8 (CC)
Today's Maintenance Calories: 2791
Daily Caloric Goal: 105% of 2791 = 2931
Calories Consumed:

Weight is at 174.0 lbs and body fat back down to 9.9%, right where I want to be at this stage.

Close squats 20,20,20,15
Close pullups 10,10,10,9
Crow stands longest was 25s

Great workout today. I've reached the progression standard for both the close squats and close pullups, which means I can move to uneven squats (level 7) and uneven pullups (level 7) next time I hit these exercises.

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 9:45 am
by aron7awol
RobRegish wrote:You nailed it man!

You're putting a lot into it, and de-facto getting a LOT out of it. MORE in fact, than you're investing.

Part of the beauty, of our sport! :)
Thanks for following my progress, Rob.

Getting my new scale in the middle of the run makes it a little tricky to track my progress, but if I break it into two parts, pre-scale and post-scale, and add them together, I end up with the following result:

In 23 days (4 famine and 19 feast) I have gained 4 lbs of lean mass and lost 5.6 lbs of fat mass. 9.6 lbs of positive progress in just over 3 weeks!

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 12:17 am
by mikej26
Just read through this whole log and it's fantastic. I've been a loyal CC devotee since last fall. I absolutely love it. Well... except for the bridges. Those are still my nemesis. Unfortunately I've taken about a month off cause I was out of the country. I've been curious how CC would work when coupled with the BP diet protocol famine/feast etc. Looks like a run is definitely in my near future. Keep up the good work!!