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Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 7:45 am
by drtda
I am close to the same age as you and have a pretty fast metabolism. At 12X BW I will lose weight every time. I would at least try to hit 15X BW on your lifting days and then do 12X BW on your non-lifting days.

As far as protein levels go, since you are fairly lean, just go with 1g per lb of BW, not necessarily lean weight. I personally try to go just a little higher on lifting days-more like 1.25g.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 9:18 am
by SloTown
Thanks drtda! This is very helpful. Will implement your advice immediatley.
I am starting to think I am a ecto-meso type, rather than an endo.

The big problem is that I have never really paid much attention to any of this stuff. I went to the gym whenever it was convenient and just blindly followed a number of different workout routines. Don't get me wrong, I always gave an all out effort in the gym, and have tried to follow a healthy diet in years past, but never really had the knowledge that is necessary to be truly successful.

The BP and people like you are changing all that though, and I am extremely grateful to Rob and the BP community for all the help!

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 9:21 am
by bigpelo
drtda wrote:I am close to the same age as you and have a pretty fast metabolism. At 12X BW I will lose weight every time. I would at least try to hit 15X BW on your lifting days and then do 12X BW on your non-lifting days.

As far as protein levels go, since you are fairly lean, just go with 1g per lb of BW, not necessarily lean weight. I personally try to go just a little higher on lifting days-more like 1.25g.

2k calories is pretty low for a guy no matter your weight or size.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 8:27 pm
by SloTown
Day 19 of Feast
Weight 168

GLP1 WO2 - Squats

Things went much better than on the first Squat GLP WO!

A few warm ups and then:
Ball Squat - 40sx10, 45sx8, 50sx6, 55sx6, 60sx6, 65sx6
SS with Hyperextensions - BWx15, BWx15, BWx15, BWx12, BWx12, BWx10
3 min rest between sets 1-3 and 5 min rest between sets 3-6.

About 5 min rest and then:

EDT Block
Lat Pulldowns - 110x6, 110x6, 110x5, 110x5, 110x3
Seated Cable Rows - 120x6, 120x6, 120x5, 120x5, 120x3
Reached failure on my last rep.
Total Time - 13:15

Abs - Leg Raises - 15, 15, 15, 15

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 9:21 pm
by SloTown
Day 22 of feast
Weight - 168
Today was GLP1 - WO3 - Bench Press
And my first workout with Synthagen.

Based on Rob's recommendations, I took 7 caps right before my workout and then proceeded to have one of the best workouts I've had so far.

Started with a few warmups and then:
BP - 45sx10, 60sx8, 65sx6, 70sx4, 75sx5, 80sx7
SS with DB pullovers - 50x8,6,6,6,6,6
*Notice that my last 2 sets of the BP were above what is recommended for this workout. Even though I could barley do 80sx4 just a few short weeks ago, I could tell I could do more than 4 today and went for it. I may have even been able to do one more rep, but without a spotter, I didn't take the chance.

BB Curls - 90x6,6,5,5,5
Triceps Pushdowns - 120x6,6,5,5,5
Total Time - 9:55
*A little better than what I did last week and less time. I only rested for about 1 min in between sets.

Felt like I still had a lot left in the tank so I did a second set of EDT's
Decline DB - 60x6,6,6,6,8
Seated Cable Rows - 120x6,6,8,8,8
Total Time - 11:45
*Just last week, I maxed out Seated Cable Rows at 120x6,6,5,5,3

I definitely felt worked at the end, but as I sit and log this now (5 hours later) I don't even feel like I worked out today.

I would have to say that my initial experience with MPS is extraordinary! I know it's not a stim or an enhancer, but I gotta believe it made a difference in my performance today!
If you look at my BP today, I did 80sx7. If you punch that into the 1RM calculator, that puts my 1RM at 96s.
Just a few weeks ago, my 1RM was 90s!
That's about a 7% increase, and I'm only half way through GLP1.

Will be very interesting to see how things progress in the coming weeks.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 7:06 am
by beefcake66
You still using the DB's or you switched to the BB for bench press?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 8:51 am
by SloTown
DB's, and you raise a good point, I should clarify that I was posting the total of both DB's added together in my logs for both bench press and ball squats.

I am not even sure if 2 - 80lb. DBs really equates to a 160 BB lift.
I know 80+80=160, but I'm honestly not sure if it would be the same on a real barbell bench station. Maybe I could do more than 160?? Maybe less?
Man, I can't wait until our new gym is finished and I can start using real equipment!!

Anyway, I just edited all my logs to reflect the DB numbers and will post this way from now on so there is no confusion.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 10:28 am
by aron7awol
SloTown wrote:I am not even sure if 2 - 80lb. DBs really equates to a 160 BB lift.
I know 80+80=160, but I'm honestly not sure if it would be the same on a real barbell bench station. Maybe I could do more than 160?? Maybe less?
I would expect you to be able to do more on a barbell press, because you would be using less energy for stabilization. I much prefer dumbbell presses anyway, they are much better for the long term health of your shoulders.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 9:16 pm
by SloTown
I would expect you to be able to do more on a barbell press, because you would be using less energy for stabilization.
That's what I was thinking, but didn't want to make assumptions. Makes sene though.
I would expect you to be able to do more on a barbell press, because you would be using less energy for stabilization.
This is good to know since I have had shoulder problems in the past.


Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 9:32 pm
by SloTown
Day 23 of feast
Weight - 169 - woo-hoo!! I got my 1 lb. back! :)
Not sure what my BF is because I broke my cheap little caliper. Any recommendations on the best way to measure BF?

I slept good last night. I usually toss and turn throughout the night, but I don't remember waking once last night! Woke up in a great mood too.

GLP1 - WO3 - Squats
MPS - 7 caps pre and post workout.

Today's workout was not as impressive as yesterday's, but I still had a solid workout, and that's a big deal on Squat day. For some reason, working my legs really wipes me out and I usually cannot do a full workout, but today was solid.

A few warmups and then:
Squats - 40sx10, 55sx8, 60sx6, 65sx5, 70sx4, 75sx4
SS with Hyperextensions - 15,15,15,15,15,15

5 min rest

Lat Pulldowns - 120x6,6,5,5,3
Shoulder Press - 25x6,6,6,6,6 (as mentioned above, I have had problems with my shoulders in the past so I didn't want to push it here)
Total Time - 11:15

Abs - Leg raises - 15,15,15

Wasn't ready to be done (again, this is a big deal on Squat day), so did another EDT Block

Calf Raises - 150x10,10,10,8,6
Quad Press - 100x6,6,5,5,4
Total Time - 13:05

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 9:58 pm
by SloTown
Day 24 of feast
Weight - 169
GLP1 WO4 - Bench Press

Another solid workout today, but see below for comments on some mental roadblocks that affected my overall workout.

A few warmups then:
Bench Press - 45sx10, 65sx8, 70sx6, 75sx4, 80sx2, 90sx2
SS w/DB Pullovers - 50x8,7,7,6,6,7

5 min rest

Decline DB Bench - 60x7,6,6,6,5
Seated Cable Rows - 130x7,6,6,6,5
Total Time - 11:25 and last reps were failure.

rest 5 min

BB Curls - 90x6,5,4,4,3
Tricep Pushdowns - 120x6,5,5,4,3
Total Time - 8:37 and last reps were failure.

The Bench Presses were a little sketchy for me on that last set. lifting 2 - 90lb DB's with no spotter actually scared the crap out of me. I had a major mental block going on and it lasted throughout my entire workout. My body actually responded when it was time to lift the 90sx2, but the whole time leading up to it, I was worried and that stayed with me even as I did my EDT's. I didn't feel comfortable increasing any of the weights from my last EDT's, so instead, I increased intensity by cutting my resting times down a bit between routines and between sets.

I am not sure what I'll do in WO 6 where I am supposed to do 105% (95sx2). Maybe I'll stick with the 90s and just do them 4-5 times if I can.

I don't know, it was actually a pretty strange day for me. Am I just being a sissy here? The progression of my BP run, the nature of the GLP, and the added benefits of MPS all helped me physically do what was called for today, but none of that helped me overcome a little good old fashioned fear of failing on the lift and potentially getting hurt.

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 6:08 am
by dropthebeats
You can do it man! In between sets just imagine yourself lifting the next set of dumbbells. It doesn't matter what the weight it, just picture yourself doing the motion. Start the night before while you're laying in bed. Go through your whole workout. It makes it easier, because in your mind you have done the workout before.

Plus, it's easier with dumbbells if you can't get the lift. You can just toss them to your sides. A lot better than a barbell, which you would be trapped underneath.

You've got this!

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 12:02 pm
by SloTown
Thanks for the encouragement. I feel much better today. I think I just psyched myself out a little bit yesterday. I should be good to go when it's time to heave up those tiny little 95s! :)

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 6:01 pm
by SloTown
Day 28 of feast
Weight - 169
GLP1 WO5 - Bench Press
MPS - 7 caps pre/post

Great workout today!

Felt fully recovered from last week's workouts and ready to do some serious damage. Today's workout looks like a deload of sorts for the GLP1 run, so only 5 sets and the weight maxes out at 94% of 1RM.

I was really tempted to vindicate myself for last week's mental shortcomings and do one last set with either the 97% weight that I struggled with last week, or the 105% that is due next week. I really felt as though I could have pulled off either one, but figured the GLP is structured this way for a reason and I forced myself to move on to my EDT's.

Anyway, a few warmups and then:
Bench Press - 45sx10, 70sx8, 75sx6, 80sx4, 85sx2
SS With DB Pullovers - 55x7,6,5,6,6
Rested 2-5 minutes between sets

Rested about 5 min.

EDT 1 - 13:23
Decline DB Bench - 65X7,7,6,5,5F
Seated Cable Rows - 140X7,6,5,5,5F
Rested 2 min or less between sets

EDT 2 - 11:04
BB Curls - 100x4, 90x5,5.5,5F
Skull Crushers - 60x6,6,6,5,5F
Rested 2 min or less between sets

Reached failure on the last rep of each set.

My Bench Press sets were done with total confidence and full range of motion. No cheating or bad form whatsoever. It felt great, period.

I increased weight in all EDT routines except the BB curl. I started off with 100lb. but could only do 4 on my first set, so I went back to the 90lb. BB.

I'm not really doing all the math to determine how much total weight I pushed in X minutes, I am just making sure I either increase my weight or decrease the time for each EDT the next time out.

Another side note, I felt more pumped during/after this workout than I have in a long time. And saw some veins pop out that I've never seen before, and I just felt great during and after the workout.

I've read about an increased overall sense of well being that others are getting from MPS, but up until today, all I had really noticed was increased work capacity/stamina in the gym. Now I know what they're talking about.

And Rob says things really start to kick in after about 3 weeks?? I'm only 9 days in and can't imagine what else there is to experience with MPS, but I'm all for it. :)