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Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 12:36 pm
by RobRegish
On the Ecdy, there is no effect on testosterone/hormones or libido. Some do feel like Superman on Kre-Anabolyn, some don't. I will say this - virtually everyone finds out REAL fast how good it is, when you come off of it.

It's one of those supps that's "sneaky", so to speak. It doesn't hit you over the head like ephedrine/methyl-1 testosterone etc.. It works and works well, but being an adaptogen its mode of action is different. As always, a run without it will allow you to evaluate best.

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 1:31 pm
by DaGymWarrior
RobRegish wrote:On the Ecdy, there is no effect on testosterone/hormones or libido. Some do feel like Superman on Kre-Anabolyn, some don't. I will say this - virtually everyone finds out REAL fast how good it is, when you come off of it.
Hey Rob, I thought a "rise in libido" was one of the things to expect when taking AN (based on your posts and BP 2.0). It may not be due to ecdy, but to AN? Is this no longer the case?

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 1:26 pm
by matter2003
DaGymWarrior wrote:
RobRegish wrote:On the Ecdy, there is no effect on testosterone/hormones or libido. Some do feel like Superman on Kre-Anabolyn, some don't. I will say this - virtually everyone finds out REAL fast how good it is, when you come off of it.
Hey Rob, I thought a "rise in libido" was one of the things to expect when taking AN (based on your posts and BP 2.0). It may not be due to ecdy, but to AN? Is this no longer the case?
Yes, I believe AN contains both ecdy and test boosters as well, so you should be noticing some libido effects unless your test is already at optimal levels...

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 7:09 pm
by DaGymWarrior
FEAST Workout 8 (10/31/11)
Rack Pull Static Holds
1)675x14sec , 2)675x15sec (PR)
EDT Block 1
Squats / Ham Curls
1-6) 275x6 / 120x6
Seated Calf Raise Static Holds
1)225x11 (PR) , 2)225x10
Romanian Deadlifts
1)245x10 , 245x10
EDT Block 2
Decline Crunches / Hyperextensions
1)+35x6 / +90x6 , 2)+35x5 / +90x6, 3)+35x5 / +90x6
4)+35x6 / +90x6, )+35x4 / +90x9
TIME: 82 minutes

I felt surprisingly strong in this workout, especially considering I had less than 4 hours of sleep, lifting in the wee early morning hours.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 7:31 pm
by DaGymWarrior
FEAST Workout 9 (11/3/11)
Decline Smith Bench Press Static Holds
1)585x5sec , 2)585x6sec, 3)495x10sec
Still can't get this one right. Palm pain was unbearable. Tried putting towels and pads on the bar, but it didn't help much.
EDT Block 1
Dips / One-arm DB Rows
1-4) +180x2 / 125x5
5) +160x3 / 125x6
Military power rack and smith machine unavailable. Sucks. Was supposed to do Military Statics. Oh well.
EDT Block 2
Incline DB Curls / Overhead One-Arm DB Extensions
1) 50s x 3 / 45x3 , 2) 50s x 3 / 45x3 , 3-5) 50s x 4 / 45x4
Standing Barbell Military Press
1) 135x4 , 2) 155x2, 3) 185x1 , 4) 155x5, 5) 135x12
Substituted standing militaries in place of the statics.
TIME: 90 minutes

Except for the Decline SHs, felt pretty good. Dipping with 4-plates was new territory, as is much of BP to me.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 8:31 pm
by matter2003
DaGymWarrior wrote:FEAST Workout 9 (11/3/11)
Decline Smith Bench Press Static Holds
1)585x5sec , 2)585x6sec, 3)495x10sec
Still can't get this one right. Palm pain was unbearable. Tried putting towels and pads on the bar, but it didn't help much.
EDT Block 1
Dips / One-arm DB Rows
1-4) +180x2 / 125x5
5) +160x3 / 125x6
Military power rack and smith machine unavailable. Sucks. Was supposed to do Military Statics. Oh well.
EDT Block 2
Incline DB Curls / Overhead One-Arm DB Extensions
1) 50s x 3 / 45x3 , 2) 50s x 3 / 45x3 , 3-5) 50s x 4 / 45x4
Standing Barbell Military Press
1) 135x4 , 2) 155x2, 3) 185x1 , 4) 155x5, 5) 135x12
Substituted standing militaries in place of the statics.
TIME: 90 minutes

Except for the Decline SHs, felt pretty good. Dipping with 4-plates was new territory, as is much of BP to me.
I use FatGripz on my holds and they work really well...

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 3:52 am
by DaGymWarrior
matter2003 wrote:I use FatGripz on my holds and they work really well...
Thanks, I just put my order in. Looks like these are just what I was looking for.

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 8:03 am
by matter2003
DaGymWarrior wrote:
matter2003 wrote:I use FatGripz on my holds and they work really well...
Thanks, I just put my order in. Looks like these are just what I was looking for.
I love those things...forearms will be blazing the first few times after using them

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 7:25 am
by DaGymWarrior
FEAST Workout 10(11/5/11)
Weight (in the morning): 170.0 lbs
Rack Pull Static Holds
1)675x15 ; 2)725x14 (PR)
I'm always self-conscious loading the bar with all of that weight, and then just getting it off of the pins. But, a guy in the gym told me he was impressed that I could even get the weight up. He also told me I was bending the olympic bar. I told him I was only doing static holds, and that the bar would bend back... it didn't. That was cool.
EDT Block 1
Squats / Ham Curls
1) 315x3 / 160x2 ; 2-4) 315x3 / 150x3
5) 315x6 / 150x4
I can sum up my weakness in one word, "Quads", so this was quite a good block for me.
Seated Calf Raise Static Holds
1)225x15 (PR) ; 2)250x7 (PR)
Romanian Deadlifts
1)275x6 ; 2)295x6
Hanging Leg Raises to Vertical / Rope Crunches (1 minute rest between sets for these)
1-2) 10 / 150x10 ; 3-4) 8 / 150x10
5) 6 / 10
Both the decline crunch bench and the hyperextension bench were taken so I couldn't do my 2nd EDT block, so I decided to do these instead.
1)90x5 2)135x4 3)135x6
The Hyperextension bench opened up, and I was still feeling good, so I decided to do some extra work.
TIME: 93 minutes

It is a luxury for me to lift in the afternoon, but the wife gave me the green light and I took full advantage on a Saturday. I don't know if it was that, or the good night's rest, or the KA... but I did feel like Superman in the gym today. I worked out for an hour and a half, and still felt like I could go on. Not bad for an "old man."

I am no cheerleader or blind optimist. I consider myself an objective (open-minded) skeptic. I tell it like it is. I will reserve final judgement until at least two rounds of a workout regimen. But, I gotta tell you, I am presently impressed with The Blueprint 3.0.

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:54 am
by RobRegish
Glad you're liking it man!

It gets better as time goes by... :)

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:21 pm
by DaGymWarrior
FEAST Workout 11 (11/9/11)
Weighted Dips
Bodyweight x 10 , Bodyweight x 10 , +45x8, +90x6,
+135x3, +180x2, +205x1 (PR), +225 Fail, +205 Fail

Seated BB Military Static Holds
Warm-up: 135, 225, 275, 315
1)365x2sec, 2)365x11sec, 3)365x12sec (PR)

TIME: 61 minutes

Workout 10 was 4 days ago but I think I could have used another day of rest. Traps and chest were still tight from Workout 9 which was 6 days ago! CNS was still recovering, I think.

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 7:33 pm
by Street-dreams
listen to your body man. no shame in taking an extra day(or two) of rest when you need it.

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 1:58 pm
by DaGymWarrior
Whoa, life has been hectic. Haven't been missing workouts, but I have neglected logging my workouts. Time to catch up...
Feast Workout 11 (11/9/11)
Weighted Dips
1)Bodyweight x 10 2)Bodyweight x 10 3)+45x8 4)+90x6
5)+135x3 6)+180x2 7)+205x1 (PR)
8 )+225 fail 9)+205 fail
Barbell Military Static Holds
1)365x2sec 2)365x11sec 3)365x12sec (PR)
Time: 61 min

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 2:07 pm
by DaGymWarrior
Feast Workout 12 (11/13/11)
1)Bodyweight x 20 2) Bar x 15 3)135x10 4)185x8
5)185x8 6)225x6 7)275x4 8 )315x2
9) 355x1* 10)355x1* 11)315x5
*I don't think I went to full squat. It's hard to tell without a spotter. I'll bring my little Mino video recorder next time. I'll give myself credit for 335. Gotta bring up these twigs!
Rack Pull Static Holds
Warm-up: 315, 405, 585, 675
1)765x11sec 3)765x12sec (PR)
I have no idea how I can static hold so much weight, and yet deadlift and squat like a girl. No, I do have an idea. It's called weak quads.
Time: 65 min