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Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 9:21 am
by matter2003
24 hour fast completed yesterday, weighed in this morning at 213.0 lbs...
Definitely feel I am going to be dropping some weight this time...if I remember correctly last run I was in the 220's at this point of my run...Seems my body wants to drop weight this time, so I am gonna go with it instead of trying to fight it...

Getting ready to fuel up for tomorrow's session...hoping the lifting hooks get here today or early tomorrow...

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 9:47 am
by matter2003
Weighed in this morning at 213.4 lbs, body fat continues to drop and muscle percentage continues to rise...nothing major, just a few tenths of a percent a day, but it all adds up over the long haul.

Composition scale definitely helps in this regard, as it is not even close to accurate on actual percentages, but it is off in the same manner each time, so it accurately tracks changes on a weekly and long term basis.

Feeling really good in regards to my workout later today, have a feeling its gonna be a lot better than the first one...praying those lifting hooks get here in the afternoon before I go to lift, although I can only imagine what my traps are gonna feel like after deadlifting and shrugging an extra 150-200lbs...

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 2:55 pm
by sergio BD
Matter, you are really into the recomp effect of BP 3.0

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 7:23 pm
by matter2003
Feast Workout #2

I am going to tell you up front, this workout almost broke me...I came pretty close to walking out of the gym halfway through it. Brutal is not the word I would use for this...that would be many degrees too nice...I would call this workout soul-searching, as in, do I really want to go through this to get to the end result. Happily for me, I stuck with it, and while I am again shaking and feeling wrecked, I can already feel the muscle soreness creeping in the usual places(traps especially again).

All I can say is Thank God, I only have one more of these workouts left before going back to the BP workouts for a week...Pete Sisco, I will likely love you for the end results your workouts provide, but right now I think you are a Fu**ing A**hole!!! When he said this is the most taxing workout you could do, he wasn't lying. I can see how Rob ended up with his 13,200 CK lab results after these...

Now, after that little bit of ranting, on to the workout log.

SuperRep 1:

Wide Grip Bench/Close Grip Bench: 315 lbs x 8/7, 365 lbs x 5/5, 365 lbs x 5/3, 365 lbs x 4/2

- moved the catches in the power rack up to the next level from last week and was easily able to lift more weight. I knew this would be the case because I easily did a 405 lb static hold in side the power rack on one of my last BP workouts from last run...was very surprised to be able to close grip bench at this weight...

SuperRep 2:

DL/Shrug/Calf Raise: 255 lbs x 4/265 lbs x 4/275 lbs x 4/225 lbs x 3

-noticed that one of the reasons am struggling with these grips is my wedding ring is pinching my left hand and causing a great deal of discomfort...took ring off and it felt a lot better...still waiting on lifting hooks to make this a moot point tho...

SuperRep 3:

Leg Press/Calf Press: 620 lbs x 10/10, 800 lbs x 10/10, 980 lbs x 9/6, 1160 lbs x 10/6, 1340 lbs x 12/5, 1520 lbs x 8/0

-Leg Presses were no issue, as were calf presses for most of them. Did not even try calf presses at 1520 lbs, as I really struggled on the weight before and didn't feel like tearing anything. I am out of weight to be able to add, so will have to get creative with upping my weights here...perhaps have 2 cute girls come sit on either side of the machine?? Hahahaha

No static holds this week, as I significantly upped the weights on the BP/CBP which I believe set the tone for the workout in general...I think I would have probably passed out if I tried to do any statics...

Very excited to see what kind of growth this leads to...getting ready to start adding tbol trib into the mix on Sunday, so I expect to supercharge it even a little bit more...

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 9:19 pm
by matter2003
Extremely sore today, no workout just rest and recovery...

focusing on eating to my hearts content before a 24 hour fast tomorrow...

Couple things I noticed today:

1) Traps are getting bigger quick, and they are by far the most sore bodypart after these workouts.

2) Calves are literally exploding, I would not be surprised to put on more than inch in this run, although they grow for me pretty much by doing anything and they are already very large as it is...

3) Quads are looking pretty large as well, especially the sides...

Going to hit the gym early tomorrow for some Cardio...

I actually ordered a military heavy duty duffel bag so I can throw about 100 lbs of sand in it and start doing some Sand Bad workouts a few days a week...

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 3:29 pm
by matter2003
Weighed in today at 219 lbs, did some cardio this morning, currently in middle of 24 hr fast...these crazy weight swings are gettin crazy!

Traps are still extremely sore....

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:13 pm
by RobRegish
matter2003 wrote:Weighed in today at 219 lbs, did some cardio this morning, currently in middle of 24 hr fast...these crazy weight swings are gettin crazy!

Traps are still extremely sore....
Wow, 219 now?

Fun stuff... :)

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:16 pm
by matter2003
RobRegish wrote:
matter2003 wrote:Weighed in today at 219 lbs, did some cardio this morning, currently in middle of 24 hr fast...these crazy weight swings are gettin crazy!

Traps are still extremely sore....
Wow, 219 now?

Fun stuff... :)
Yeah, I went down to 213 then bounced back up to 219 after 2 heavy feeding days...arms hit 17 inches today, 2 weeks into my feast run, which is a half inch bigger already than when I measured them last...this is almost too good to be true....hahahaah

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:37 am
by matter2003
Arms measured out at 17 inches yesterday, gained a half inch already(tricep)...cannot believe I am gonna have some 18 inch guns soon! Friend who was taping them up was like "Yo, your triceps are big as f**k!!"...I told him its all the green bananas I've been eating....hahaha

Preliminary results for this weeks composition check(a day early since I am going out of town this weekend for the holiday) show a 4 pound weight gain to 219 lbs, a .3% decrease in body fat and a .4% increase in muscle. In terms of pounds, this equates to a .6 lb increase in fat and a 2.2 lb increase in muscle.

Not bad, although not as good as last week...granted its a day early, but I don't think I would put on a pound of muscle in a day, although nothing is impossible I guess....hahahaha

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 8:09 pm
by RobRegish

These gains are so inspiring, I'm going to give this BP thing a whirl.

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 8:55 pm
by matter2003
RobRegish wrote:EPIC.

These gains are so inspiring, I'm going to give this BP thing a whirl.
You really should give it a try..
It just might work for you...rofl

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 10:24 pm
by matter2003
Weighed in today at 216 lbs, down 3 pounds from last weigh in. Not overly surprised as I just completed a 24 hour fast yesterday. I will likely start dropping some more weight as I transition into lower calories counts in week 3 and 4, and especially in weeks 5 and 6.

Started taking tbol trib and preparing for some heavy lifting tomorrow. Everything came in at once today. My 3 bottles of KA I ordered at a 25% discount came in for my next run, my heavy duty army duffel bag for my sand bag workouts came in today and my 1TonHooks came in just in time for some deadlifting and shrugging tomorrow....

I am gonna be one sore mutha tomorrow night and Thursday...

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 7:29 am
by RobRegish
matter2003 wrote:
RobRegish wrote:EPIC.

These gains are so inspiring, I'm going to give this BP thing a whirl.
You really should give it a try..
It just might work for you...rofl
Well, I did try it once. Didn't work for me though. Maybe I did something wrong?

I'm doing that 3 sets of 10 thing now. Seems to be working real well. Besides, it was FREE!!!

I got it off the internet...

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 7:59 pm
by matter2003

Didn't feel as good as I normally do heading into a workout...almost seemed like I still wasn't recovered properly to lift again, but I still got a pretty good workout in.

Wide Grip Bench/Close Grip Bench: 365 lbs x 8/8, 385 lbs x 7/5, 405 lbs x 5/2
-complete failure on close grip tri's....almost felt like they were gonna explode...

DL/Shrug/Calf Raise: 275 lbs x 6/315 lbs x 6/225 lbs x 8

-I put the lifting hooks to use today, and was disappointed at first because I wasn't lifting more weight with them at all...then I realized that didn't have the hooks tightened properly on my palms, which caused my hands to keep slipping off. After doing this, I easily ripped off 315 lbs x 6, but likely could have done a lot more if I had not attempted about 5 or 6 other sets prior to that with the hooks not tightened, which kind of drained me a little bit. Likely could have done at least 350 lbs, but I will settle for a solid 40 lb increase right off the rip on these exercises after being pre-fatigued quite a bit and shoot for more next time...those hooks are incredible when properly set up...completely take grip out of the equation..

Leg Press/Calf Press: 800 lbs x 10/10, 980 lbs x 10/8, 1160 lbs x 10/5, 1340 lbs x 10/0, 1610 lbs x 10/0

-figured out how to slide in 45 lb plates on the top of the machine to overload the leg press because I was out of room on the sides. Worked pretty well, those were 10 tough leg presses let me tell you...

All in all pretty good workout, can already feel the extreme trap soreness working in...gonna be a fun 4 days...

Gonna get my sand bag set up tonite, this military duffel bag is freaking humongous and could likely hold about 200 lbs of sand...gonna start with 75lbs and work my way up from there...this should be pretty fun...looking up some interesting sandbag exercises....

This was my last CNS workout until week 5, as I am only supposed to do 3 of these in the first month, so next Wednesday I will be back to hitting Upper Body with a BP 3.0 stock workout...