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Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:18 am
by bigpelo
ElderadoRacing wrote:
I have been thinking about trying eat stop eat. I hear some really good things about this way of eating. Perhaps.
You may want to look into the warrior diet also. It's a different intermittent fasting then eat stop eat. Read both and use the one that best suit your life style. I personally did red them both and I am using warrior diet since march or so and I lose +25 lbs while increasing my lifts and lean body mass. PM me if you have questions I will be please to help!

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:42 pm
by ElderadoRacing
Big Pelo, to be honest I know very little about the warrior diet. However I am not sure I could go 20 hours a day, every day without eating. Am i right that on the warrior diet you fast for 20hours and eat for 4?

I will look into it more, because I like to know what I don't know.

Today being a non-weights day I did a little bit of cardio from hell.

This is the workout:
Ran the length of a soccer field,
10 medicine ball slams,
Lunge walk half way down the soccer field, walk the rest.
10 Kettle bell swings,
Backwards run the length of the soccer field,
10 push-ups
walk the length of the soccer field,
10 medicine ball situps.
Lateral run soccer field,
medicine ball chest pass to floor,
jog soccer field,
10 goblet squats
lateral run soccer field,
10 pushups,
jog soccer field,
10 medicine ball twists.

Repeat 1 time.

Game over! All in a fasted state, bye bye fat.

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:53 am
by bigpelo
ElderadoRacing wrote:Big Pelo, to be honest I know very little about the warrior diet. However I am not sure I could go 20 hours a day, every day without eating. Am i right that on the warrior diet you fast for 20hours and eat for 4?

I will look into it more, because I like to know what I don't know.
More a 18 hours under eating, not fasting. Followed by high intensity exercise and finally 4-5 hours of overeating or one big main meal.

During undereating, you eat mostly raw, unprocessed fruits, veggies and nut. You may also have a salad with olive oil dressing, boiled egg and whey protein. It's hard to limit food intake during the day for the first 2-3 weeks and then it gets really easy and energy level climbs.

Eat stop eat is 24 hours of no food at all 1 or 2 time per week from 2pm to 2pm the next day or so. You do eat every day on eat stop eat but I found it hard to fall asleep on a empty stomach. The beauty of warrior diet is that: going to sleep on a stuffed belly!

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:00 am
by RobRegish
Great diet, you need to ease into it though.

Start by fasting until 10 or 11AM. Remember too, you can "undereat" by having a handful of berries, nuts or what have you. It doesn't mean absolutely no food/water. That's crazy.

Steady as she goes. As time goes by, you'll become acclimated to it. Then refine, refine, refine... :)

Certainly has merit and I use it too. GREAT (for me)...

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 10:25 pm
by ElderadoRacing
Okay, back from a busy weekend at the race track. Selling tires, racing bike's, now that's a weekend.

Here is my workout from Wednesday Aug. 10.

GLP2 Chest workout #2.

Bench Warm-up: bar/10, 95/10, 115/5, 135/3, 140/1
Bench Press: 140/5, 5, 5, 5
DB Pullovers: 40/5,5,5,5

Decline SCT: 185/20seconds, 215/20seconds.

E.D.T #1
Incline DB press: 55lb DB/ 6,6,6,6,6,6,6=42reps
Single Arm DB rows: 60lb DB/ 6,6,6,6,6,6,6=42reps
1:30 breaks, 17 mins.

Ran out of time, but was feeling great.

I am doing some more reading on the Warrior diet, and will make a decision soon. I just love pizza so much. Thanks for all the info guys.

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 10:33 pm
by ElderadoRacing
Man double posts again.

Workout from today. Aug. 15.

GLP2, Legs #2

Squat warm-up: 95/10, 115/5, 135/3, 180/1
Squats: 180/5,5,5,5
SLDL: 110/5,5,5,5

Top Range Rack Pull: 325/10 seconds ( no straps) 345/15 seconds (straps)

E.D.T #1
Leg Press: 380/6,6,6,6,6,6,6=42reps
Romanian Dead lifts: 145/6,6,6,6,6,6,6=42reps
1:30 breaks, 17mins

Split squats: 50lbs, 15reps per leg, 60lbs 10 reps per leg.

E.D.T #2
Bicep Curls: 60/6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6=54reps
Tricep rope pressdowns: 60/6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6=54reps
1:30breaks, 18mins.

Hanging leg raises: 3/10,10,7

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 11:39 pm
by ElderadoRacing
Workout from today,

GLP2 Chest workout 3.

Bench warm-up: bar/10, 95/10, 115/5, 135/3, 160/1
Bench Press: 160/5,5,5,5
DB Pull-over: 45/5,5,5,5

Decline SCT: 225/15 seconds, 245/15 seconds.

E.D.T #1
Incline Press: 55lb DB/ 6,6,6,6(1 min breaks) 6,6 (1:30 breaks) 5,5(2min breaks)
Single Arm Rows: 60/ 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6 (all 1 min breaks)
17 min total.

E.D.T. #2
Chest Fly's: 25lb DB/ 6,6,6,6 (1 min breaks) 6,6,6,6(1:30 breaks)
Lat. Pulldowns: 130/ 6,6,6,6(1min breaks) 6,6,6,6(1:30 breaks)
18 mins total.

Another workout in the books, and a sweet "5 faces of fear" shirt on the way.

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 8:49 am
by RobRegish
Thanks so much, for the 5Faces of Fear Tshirt support... :):):):):)

FANTASTIC work, on GLP 2. I just finished up another round of it. Plus 30lbs on my bench, just like it promises... ONE SUGGESTION: On your static holds, increase weight and decrease hold times to 5 seconds or thereabouts.

Otherwise, EPIC work! Workout frequency is key, so any issues I can help with on that please do let me know!

Also, if you haven't already availed yourself to the "Electric Blue" T, you may want to now.


Free shipping on ANY BP Tshirt, courtesy of yours truly...:)

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 10:35 pm
by matter2003
Eldorado, I was just about to say the same thing as Rob on the static holds...

I would try adding about 100 lbs or so, and you should be able to hold that at least 5 secs...remember the key with the static holds is heavy weight moreso than the time that you are holding it, that is where the muscle growth will occur fastest...don't be afraid to add weight, you will be very surprised how much weight you can really hold when it comes down to it...also each time you do the statics once you get down to the 5 second range, you should be looking to add 10-30% more will be going up in weight pretty quick with these...

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 10:46 pm
by ElderadoRacing
Rob, I now have both the electric blue t and the 5 faces of fear t.

Thanks for all the advice on the static holds. I tried some heavier weight today and got my times down.

GLP 2 Legs workout 3. August 18.

Squat warm-up: bar/10, 95/10, 135/5, 185/3, 210/1
Squats: 210/5,5,5,5
SLDL: 110/5,5,5,5

Top Range Rack Pull: 365/15 seconds, 385/12 seconds. used straps on both lifts. I have never lifted this kinda weight so I am taking baby steps into it.

E.D.T. #1
Leg Press: 380/6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6=48reps
Romanian Deadlifts: 145/6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6=48reps.
1 min breaks, 18mins total.

Had to end my workout here as I had to go to work.

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 10:53 pm
by ElderadoRacing
Alright guys, I am really trying to add weight to those static holds.

GLP2 chest workout 4. August 20

Bench Warm-up: bar/10, 95/10, 115/5, 135/3, 140/1
Bench Press: 140/6,6,6,6
DB Pullovers: 40/6,6,6,6

Decline SCT: 265/15 seconds, 285/7 seconds(push off was tough) PB as well.

Incline Chest press 55lb DB's: 8,8,8,7,7,6,6=50reps
Single arm rows: 60lb DB; 8,8,8,7,7,6,6=50reps.
2 min breaks, 20 mins total.

Shoulder Press: 30/10, 35/6, (barbell @ 100lbs/5reps)
Lateral Raises: 12.5/10, 15/8 (need to up this weight, way too light)

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 3:32 pm
by ElderadoRacing
Time compressed again, I really don't like not being able to hit the full workout.

GLP2 Legs workout 4. Aug. 23.

Squat warm-up: Bar/10, 95/10, 135/5, 180/1
Squats: 180/6,6,6,6,
SLDL: 110/6,6,6,6

Top Range Rack Pull: 395/15 seconds, 435/8 seconds. PB!!!

Leg Press: 400/6,6,6,6,6,6=36reps.
Romanian Deadlifts: 150/6,6,6,6,6,6=36reps
17 minutes total, 2 min breaks.

And then I had to go to work. To bad, as this was a good workout.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 3:40 pm
by RobRegish
ElderadoRacing wrote:Time compressed again, I really don't like not being able to hit the full workout.

GLP2 Legs workout 4. Aug. 23.

Squat warm-up: Bar/10, 95/10, 135/5, 180/1
Squats: 180/6,6,6,6,
SLDL: 110/6,6,6,6

Top Range Rack Pull: 395/15 seconds, 435/8 seconds. PB!!!

Leg Press: 400/6,6,6,6,6,6=36reps.
Romanian Deadlifts: 150/6,6,6,6,6,6=36reps
17 minutes total, 2 min breaks.

And then I had to go to work. To bad, as this was a good workout.
That's OK man, you're really cooking with gas now!

Glad the tips helped. The traction here looks strong, real strong. Love to see it too!... :)

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:57 pm
by ElderadoRacing
Time for some posts. It has been three workouts since my last post so here we go.

Bench workout #5. Aug 25.

Bench warm-up: bar/10, 95/10, 115/5, 135/3, 160/1
Bench Press: 160/6,6,6,6
DB Pullovers: 40/6,6,6,6

Decline SCT: 295/12 seconds, 325/7seconds PB!!

Incline DB Press: 60/6,6,6,6,6,6=36reps
One arm rows: 65/6,6,6,6,6,6=36reps
17mins, 2min breaks.

Shoulder Press: 35db/10, 40/6
Lat shoulder raises: 15db/10, 20/8

Pull-ups: 12,8,7,7,6=40. 1 min breaks.