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Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 12:43 am
by lineux

Flat bench
115lb x 12
125lb x 10
135lb x 8
145lb x 6
155lb x 6
165lb x 6

Decline db press 55x8 55x8 60x8 60x8
Seated rows 150x8 150x8 170x8 190x8

DB rows 50x8 50x8 50x8

Decline Static holds
225 x 10sec
245 x 10sec
265 x 10sec

Mixed grip pullups 10 10 8

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 7:07 am
by RobRegish
Right on schedule... :)

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 6:21 pm
by lineux

Happy to say that I'm losing fat and seeing it go away slowly. Had to change my diet by a tiny bit which fixed everything. I am actually seeing results now.

Lessons learnt:
Meal+coke = not a good option.
Loads of pizza = not a good option either.

knew this but saw the results just now on how much it can matter.

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:02 pm
by RobRegish
lineux wrote:Update:

Happy to say that I'm losing fat and seeing it go away slowly. Had to change my diet by a tiny bit which fixed everything. I am actually seeing results now.

Lessons learnt:
Meal+coke = not a good option.
Loads of pizza = not a good option either.

knew this but saw the results just now on how much it can matter.
Great fix!!! :)

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:36 am
by lineux

135lb x 10
135lb x 8
155lb x 6
175lb x 6
185lb x 6
195lb x 5
200lb x 6

Barbell rows (underhand grip): 135lbx8 185lbx8 135lbx8
Stiff legged deadlift: 135lbx8 185lbx8 135lbx8

10 Quick pullups.

Was running out of time so couldnt do much on the rows/sldl
and didnt run a second EDT but it was still a good workout.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:56 am
by RobRegish
lineux wrote:GLP

135lb x 10
135lb x 8
155lb x 6
175lb x 6
185lb x 6
195lb x 5
200lb x 6

Barbell rows (underhand grip): 135lbx8 185lbx8 135lbx8
Stiff legged deadlift: 135lbx8 185lbx8 135lbx8

10 Quick pullups.

Was running out of time so couldnt do much on the rows/sldl
and didnt run a second EDT but it was still a good workout.
Looks great man! What was the 195 x 5? Miss a rep? If so, no worries. Completely natural on this loading pattern.

Even so, looks like you rebounded, on the last set... :)

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 12:17 pm
by lineux
RobRegish wrote:
Looks great man! What was the 195 x 5? Miss a rep? If so, no worries. Completely natural on this loading pattern.

Even so, looks like you rebounded, on the last set... :)
I think I didn't rest completely between 185 and 195. Didnt want to perform a quarter squat so just skipped the whole 6th rep, thought I ran out of energy.

Rested properly and then did my last set.

I was running out of time as well.

this workout wasn't as heavy so i'm going back today (after a day's break) and I feel like doing some cleans and presses and some HIIT cardio. What is your suggestion?

Is it ok for me to add clean and press to my schedule when i'm using GLP for bench press and squats?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:45 pm
by matter2003
lineux wrote: I think I didn't rest completely between 185 and 195. Didnt want to perform a quarter squat so just skipped the whole 6th rep, thought I ran out of energy.

Rested properly and then did my last set.

I was running out of time as well.

this workout wasn't as heavy so i'm going back today (after a day's break) and I feel like doing some cleans and presses and some HIIT cardio. What is your suggestion?

Is it ok for me to add clean and press to my schedule when i'm using GLP for bench press and squats?
Lineux, happens to the best of us...something I like trying to do when that happens is a "pause rep". It basically is when you fail to complete a full rep, you wait for a few seconds, maybe 10 or 15 to regain some strength and then attempt the rep most cases, you can usually do it with a little difficulty...I personally believe it helps to build up strength and increase stamina, but I don't have any definitive proof of it...

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:33 am
by RobRegish
Adding the clean and press is going to take a LOT out of you.

I'd proceed with caution. The caveat is always this; You may add it, IF you can recover from it and ONLY IF, you can recover from it... :)

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:16 pm
by lineux
matter2003 wrote:
Lineux, happens to the best of us...something I like trying to do when that happens is a "pause rep". It basically is when you fail to complete a full rep, you wait for a few seconds, maybe 10 or 15 to regain some strength and then attempt the rep most cases, you can usually do it with a little difficulty...I personally believe it helps to build up strength and increase stamina, but I don't have any definitive proof of it...
Thank you matter2003, I believe you are correct. But for some reason I don't do it any more. I should consider doing a pause rep from now on.

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:52 pm
by lineux
RobRegish wrote:Adding the clean and press is going to take a LOT out of you.

I'd proceed with caution. The caveat is always this; You may add it, IF you can recover from it and ONLY IF, you can recover from it... :)
I did it ! coudln't stop my self from doing it. Now lets see how long it takes for me to recover. I did the exercise yesterday and I'm pretty much recovered already. But my traps are very sore. I'll give it a day and then move on with my Bench press (GLP). I think Clean and press could be best positioned after bench press day so then there will be rest till the squats day and then more rest till the next bench press day and so forth.

And a note to every one whos reading. From experience, green tea is helping me keep healthy and lose fat. I think its the combine effort of HIIT and green tea.


Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:49 am
by RobRegish
lineux wrote:
RobRegish wrote:Adding the clean and press is going to take a LOT out of you.

I'd proceed with caution. The caveat is always this; You may add it, IF you can recover from it and ONLY IF, you can recover from it... :)
I did it ! coudln't stop my self from doing it. Now lets see how long it takes for me to recover. I did the exercise yesterday and I'm pretty much recovered already. But my traps are very sore. I'll give it a day and then move on with my Bench press (GLP). I think Clean and press could be best positioned after bench press day so then there will be rest till the squats day and then more rest till the next bench press day and so forth.

And a note to every one whos reading. From experience, green tea is helping me keep healthy and lose fat. I think its the combine effort of HIIT and green tea.

Nice work man... :)

Now, the true test is if you hit all your GLP reps/sets. Best of luck!

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:59 am
by lineux

115lb x 10
135lb x 8
135lb x 6
155lb x 6
175lb x 4
185lb x 4 < yay.

Did some DB pullovers in between the sets with a 60lb.

Struggled on the last rep of the 6th set bench.


Db decline bench 60x8 65x8 65x8 70x6
Seated rows 190x8 197.5x8 210x8 210x6

Static holds
275x10secs x 2

I don't know why but I did 7sets of light flies just to completely kill myself and get that stretch. I don't know if it was a good idea.


That ended this workout.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 6:05 am
by RobRegish
GREAT work, man!

Now if you find yourself struggling on the last set or two of GLP, save the pullovers/other movements for AFTER GLP/the big barbell lift.

Much, much easier to complete the loading pattern that way... :)