Emdriven's first run

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Post by RobRegish »

Nice work on the PR's, Emdriven!!

Consider updating that body building dot com, log... :)
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Post by Emdriven »

Feast Workout 10
Static Hold Rack Pull 395 - 5 seconds, 415 - 5 seconds

EDT Block 1
Hack Squats 275 x 4 x 4, 330 x 3 x 3 x 3
Hamstring curls 110 x 6, 110 x 4, 130 x 3, 140 x 2 x 2
Static Hold calf raises 445 - 10 seconds, 495 - 15 seconds

Dead lifts 145 x 6, 165 x 6

EDT Block 2
Weighted Cable Crunches 150 x 10, 160 x 8 x 8, 170 x 4 x 4
Hyperextention w 25lb plate x 15
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Post by Emdriven »

Feast Workout 11

Static Hold on Barbell Press 225 - 7 seconds (twice)

One arm DB rows: 90 x 10, 95 x 8, 100 x 6, 110, x 4, 120 x 3 (PR)

3 sets of weighted crunches w/ 25lb plate

3-5 minute rest between sets

Weight: 182
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Post by RobRegish »

Emdriven wrote:Feast Workout 11

Static Hold on Barbell Press 225 - 7 seconds (twice)

One arm DB rows: 90 x 10, 95 x 8, 100 x 6, 110, x 4, 120 x 3 (PR)

3 sets of weighted crunches w/ 25lb plate

3-5 minute rest between sets

Weight: 182
PR's, PR's, PR's... :)

I'm just happy, you're happy... :)

Now, it's just a matter of updating your log on body building dot com such that "they" can all see, the POWER that is - 3.0!!!

Witness, Matter203 raising his hand, to testify here... :):):)

"When I first started, I was squatting 380 lbs 5 or 6 times and was struggling to do it. My 4th workout in the BP I hit 415 lbs for 4 reps, which was a PR for me. My 6th workout, I obliterated my PR 4 consecutive sets. That is not a mistype or misprint. I did 415 lbs x 8 reps/ 425 x 6 reps/ 435 x 6 reps/ 445 x 6 reps. My squat has gone up 65 lbs in 4 weeks. 65 pounds in 4 weeks!!

If he priced this at 10 times the price its at now, it would still be a bargain..."
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Post by Emdriven »

Feast Workout 12

Hack Squats 225 x 8, 275 x 6, 320 x 6, 360 x 4, 380 x 3

Hamstring Curls 130 x 6, 140 x 4

3-5 minute rest between sets

Rack Pull Hold 415 2 sets 7 seconds each

Felt really strong doing Hack squats despite having a bad knee. Done with Feast. On to Cruise for 2 weeks.
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Post by RobRegish »

Emdriven wrote:Feast Workout 12

Hack Squats 225 x 8, 275 x 6, 320 x 6, 360 x 4, 380 x 3

Hamstring Curls 130 x 6, 140 x 4

3-5 minute rest between sets

Rack Pull Hold 415 2 sets 7 seconds each

Felt really strong doing Hack squats despite having a bad knee. Done with Feast. On to Cruise for 2 weeks.

Cliffs, on your satisfaction with your run thus far? :)
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Post by Emdriven »

Gotta tell you Rob I'm pretty happy with my first run. Managed to put on 6lbs so far while staying pretty lean.

Doing cruise for two weeks and then gonna take a week off and tweak my workout a little to focus more on legs for my second run. Looking forward to it and hopefully get close to 190 on my second run.

Will try Adaptogen N with E-bol on my next run. Thanks for everything Rob.
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Post by RobRegish »

Emdriven wrote:Gotta tell you Rob I'm pretty happy with my first run. Managed to put on 6lbs so far while staying pretty lean.

Doing cruise for two weeks and then gonna take a week off and tweak my workout a little to focus more on legs for my second run. Looking forward to it and hopefully get close to 190 on my second run.

Will try Adaptogen N with ebol ecdy on my next run. Thanks for everything Rob.
Other than my son, you guys are all that I have left. There is much going on, bad things that are threatening to ruin everything I've ever worked for.

Yet, your success lifts me. Bless you, Emdriven...
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Post by RobRegish »

Emdriven wrote:Gotta tell you Rob I'm pretty happy with my first run. Managed to put on 6lbs so far while staying pretty lean.

Doing cruise for two weeks and then gonna take a week off and tweak my workout a little to focus more on legs for my second run. Looking forward to it and hopefully get close to 190 on my second run.

Will try Adaptogen N with ebol ecdy on my next run. Thanks for everything Rob.
Other than my son, you guys are all that I have left. There is much going on, bad things that are threatening to ruin everything I've ever worked for.

Yet, your success lifts me. Bless you, Emdriven...
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Post by Emdriven »

Ok just finished my two weeks of cruise. Did a slight variation to the program. Did 3 body parts consisting of 5 sets each.

Sample of today's workout:

Decline bench 135 x12 x 12, 145 x 10 x 10 x 8

Seated rows: 140 x 12, 150 x 10, 160 x 8 x 8

Preacher Curls: 75 x 10 x 10, 90 x 8 x 8 x 8

Felt pretty strong and but did not want to push since after all I am in Cruise.

BP run stats:

Start of BP:
Weight: 176
BF: 10.8%

End of BP:
Weight: 185 :D
BF: Will take it tomorrow but will tell you it's around the same.

Supps: E-bol, cbol creatine and the formula.

I have been lifting for quite a few years and have tried many different programs so I was pretty skeptical when I started BP. I ran 3.0 and followed it as best I could and when I had a question I emailed Rob and he answered all my questions. Dude your support is awesome.

This was my first run and I focused more on size then strength. Although I will admit, I had PRs in Hack Squats and one arm rows. So, I was pretty happy not only with my weight gain but also strength gains. I could tell by my waist that most of my gains were pretty solid with little body fat. Taking one week for rest and going on vacation the second week but will do my next run starting July 31st. Thinking about doing the 20-rep squat routine and will try new supps: Adaptogen N and Kre-Anabolyn.

All I gotta say is: Rob you da man!!
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Post by RobRegish »

Thanks so much man, but the credit is due to YOU!!!

HUGE Favor: Mind sharing your final review, on body building dot com?

Either way, I'm just happy - You're Happy!!! :):):)
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Post by Emdriven »

No problem Rob. Will post it on bodybuildingsupplements.com. :D
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Post by RobRegish »

Thanks so much man!

Means the WORLD, to The 5Faces of Fear(tm)... :):):):):)
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Post by matter2003 »

Great Job, Emdriven!!

8 lbs of solid muscle is pretty freaking good in a few months work!

I am getting ready to start cruise in about a week and a half, can't wait to report my ending results...I am pretty sure I will be dropping a lot of body fat during that time frame...hoping to come in around 13% at the end of cruise...sitting at about 15-16% or so right now, although I have been usually eating more than the recommended amount of calories to try and preserve body mass, but its not really working, as I keep losing weight. Down to 211 right now, and am just gonna go with what my body seems to want to do, which is give up some weight(all fat hopefully!)...probably am gonna be real close to 200 lbs by end of cruise if things go the way I think they will...
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