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Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 12:15 pm
by tnubs
Hank! wrote:Are the 7keto or 7Ke sprays and transdermals the same as this?
those are more for cortisol and fatloss support

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:04 am
by tnubs
at the end of my third day and im already breaking out more. part of it is due to the rub sitting on my skin and its kind of oily. but my face is also breaking out. am i rly the only one tryin this stuff?

also, is this stuff supposed to be suppressive?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 6:36 am
by DaCookie
tnubs wrote:
Hank! wrote:Are the 7keto or 7Ke sprays and transdermals the same as this?
those are more for cortisol and fatloss support
I got a bottle of Patrick arnolds one of these.Wont be trying it for awhile though.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:53 pm
by nigh70wl
I'd really love to hear from someone in their early to mid 20's that's using transdermal DHEA.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:10 am
by tnubs
nigh70wl wrote:I'd really love to hear from someone in their early to mid 20's that's using transdermal DHEA.
im 21 ;)

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 10:09 am
by RobRegish
tnubs wrote:at the end of my third day and im already breaking out more. part of it is due to the rub sitting on my skin and its kind of oily. but my face is also breaking out. am i rly the only one tryin this stuff?

also, is this stuff supposed to be suppressive?
A. Are you the only one? Oh no, no, no... :) And suppressive? Minimal, in my/our and related Believer's experience(s)...

Like any androgen, it's simply a function of;

1.) How much is used and;
2.) How long it's used for...

Assuming a 6 week run during Feast, you should be fully recovered if using Adaptogen N*, Biotivia Bioforge (V.3.0, just hit the streets), etc..

*Personal favorite. All 5 of us love it, and will NOT give it up!! You? Your mileage may vary. As always... I/we have NO vested interest!!! YOU use what works best... for YOU!!!!!

You see tnubs, 5Faces of Fear(tm) don't fool around. We don't run, we don't hide and we don't present to you solutions that we haven't tested - on all 5 of me/us. In other words,,,

We play OFFENSE, and We play to WIN...

To this, I/we farm solutions out to no less than 3,5,7 or 9* different somatype Believer's. This, to ensure you're satisfied with our solutions!!!

*Anything but even numbers. I/we live and die by "odd". Whole 'nother story, but you gotta' use, what gets you to the grocery store... :):)

With respect to acne breakouts/flareups, consider the following;

Vitamin B5, graduating the dose by beginning with label recommendations and adding just ONE additional pill/capsule, per day.

You see folks, there are solutions for everything in my/our world. Those that don't believe/hate/pirate? The pirates, trolls, assclowns, haters and doubters can go stick it.

5Faces of Fear(tm) don't want you, we don't need you and we for damn sure don't want your $. Keep debating how many more rounds of "Pink Magic" (no disrespect to USPLabs, love me/us some SuperCissusRx...), it's going to take, to break that pleateau, brotha'...

Tnubs, sincerely hope that helps you. For you are a Blueprint Believer, and I'll move heaven and earth - To help my/our people...

5Faces of Fear(tm), 4The Win... :):):):):)

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 5:27 pm
by 5.0stang
Is the transdermal DHEA supposed to be used every day during Feast/Cruise?

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 10:20 pm
by tnubs
5.0stang wrote:Is the transdermal DHEA supposed to be used every day during Feast/Cruise?
just feast would be optimal

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 10:49 pm
by 5.0stang
tnubs wrote:
5.0stang wrote:Is the transdermal DHEA supposed to be used every day during Feast/Cruise?
just feast would be optimal
Do you apply it after your shower every day (on and off)?

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 2:07 am
by tnubs
5.0stang wrote:
tnubs wrote:
5.0stang wrote:Is the transdermal DHEA supposed to be used every day during Feast/Cruise?
just feast would be optimal
Do you apply it after your shower every day (on and off)?
yep every day so it builds your dhea/test level up to the max =D
the stuff works for sure. i wouldnt run it past 4wks/or your feast so that it doesnt start to run too high and shut u down, tho

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 5:36 am
by RobRegish
tnubs wrote:
5.0stang wrote:
tnubs wrote: just feast would be optimal
Do you apply it after your shower every day (on and off)?
yep every day so it builds your dhea/test level up to the max =D
the stuff works for sure. i wouldnt run it past 4wks/or your feast so that it doesnt start to run too high and shut u down, tho
That "Mixelflick" guy, is sharp!

Although he wasn't the first to drop that gem, he did offer some "underground" information as to how to best go about it... :)

Glad it's treating you well. 1 of The 5Faces of Fear(tm), will be rotating through that part of the woods soon. Rumor has it, he may also be taking a certain sapogenin analog related to 25-R/Laxogenin along with it!?!?!


any thoughts on the "new" Andro Series from PP?

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 5:52 pm
by bigbob21
any thoughts on the "new" Andro Series from PP?
I know blueprint(s) go over prohormone products, mainly discussing not ruining a hormonal balance.
Just curious on your thoughts, since transdermal DHEA is mentioned due to the increased absorption compared to OTC pills...

On top of the new delivery using grapefruit oil, their only ingredients are different variations of DHEA
"super 1-DHEA", "super 4-DHEA", "super 5-DHEA", "super 7-DHEA" and R-DHEA

Thoughts? LOL stay away??? :lol:

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:35 pm
by DaCookie
bigbob the product/s you are referring to are are definitely not just dhea, they are definitely proper prohormones.Assuming your on about the andro line.

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 12:25 am
by the_buffer
I don't know much about it, but most of the logs I've seen people have been reporting mediocre gains and bad sides, including liver problems.