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Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 8:41 am
by ckeahey76
Enjoy the feast that is coming and get ready to grow!!! Always keep health first, if you don't have a spotter, don't risk it with heavy weights. Had a buddy who was doing 225 and when he got to his last set he did not have enough gas to get the last rep up. He had to lean to the side and unrack the weights with gravity. My buddy was alright, but a little scared about next time, so I told him that I will try to come in early for lunch and spot him. Be safe. :lol:

Are you doing 3.0 on this run? If so I will have to keep tabs to see how it works for you. I just finished up doing The Russian from 2.0 and have gone from lifting 275 to 300 on bench and 340 to 390 on squats. Good run, but can't wait to see what 3.0 has instore.

Good luck, and be safe.

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 8:55 am
by Linkiroth
y0lked wrote:
Linkiroth wrote:
y0lked wrote:why are your famine weights soo low? you did 115 for a set of 10 on bench but looking to max @ 270?
I did 125 (did I type 115?) on bench for 10 reps (not that the 10 pounds makes a difference, really) because I had to lift without a spotter outside of a rack that day so I decided to aim low to reduce the chance of injury when lifting fatigued.
Wait so just curious, 125 is your 10rm?
No, 125 is not my 10RM at all. I haven't really shot for a 10RM ever before: I tend to stay at or under 5 reps for non-accessory work. I've done 135 for sets of ten, but that was several months ago.
coontentment wrote:nice thread here :)

i'm going to be starting 3.0 in a month so i'll follow you along and see how you go. good luck!
Glad to have you along! Hopefully, I can provide you some good insight into the programme while I learn how it all works.
bigpelo wrote:
Linkiroth wrote:
Finally about to get into the feast. VERY excited, have I mentioned that?
Protein containing foods taste SOOOO good after famine, it's unreal! I find the first 2 days of re-feeding to be the best part of this program.

Enjoy! :)
I can't wait. Once wifey wakes up, the feast begins! I'm going for 15x target BW today.

Morning weight was 171.7!! I've got some weight to gain!
ckeahey76 wrote:Enjoy the feast that is coming and get ready to grow!!! Always keep health first, if you don't have a spotter, don't risk it with heavy weights. Had a buddy who was doing 225 and when he got to his last set he did not have enough gas to get the last rep up. He had to lean to the side and unrack the weights with gravity. My buddy was alright, but a little scared about next time, so I told him that I will try to come in early for lunch and spot him. Be safe. :lol:

Are you doing 3.0 on this run? If so I will have to keep tabs to see how it works for you. I just finished up doing The Russian from 2.0 and have gone from lifting 275 to 300 on bench and 340 to 390 on squats. Good run, but can't wait to see what 3.0 has instore.

Good luck, and be safe.
Thanks for the advice; it's the very reason I shot low on all my weights on famine workout 2. A dead lifter doesn't grow.

I'm doing something 3.0 inspired. I'm not terribly interested in hypertrophy; just getting strong as hell. I'll be following the diet protocol Rob tested during the creation of 3.0 that resulted in "an incredible amount of LBM but little fat loss". Since I couldn't bring myself to care about fat loss so long as I lift heavy things, I decided to go with the 120%/100% "zig-zag" with macros outlined as in 3.0. I may or may not updose the ecdy depending on how my finances look (KA is not cheap and askmass proved that you can get results on just one cap). So that will be a game time decision following GLP1. Going into GLP2, I also have a bottle of AN that I want to unload so that may impact my decision.
I think of it as the Blueprint Periodic with the extra knowledge that 3.0 brought along. I won't rest, I won't recomp, I won't cut until I outlift Big.Jaz.

So basically, perma-bulk. ~_^

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 5:58 pm
by Linkiroth
Transition: DAY 1

Took my BF% (3 point caliper, not very accurate) today.
Weight: 171.7
BF% 14.1%
LBM: 151.49

Definitely stuffed myself today. Cutting it back a bit once transition's over. I'm on vacation from today until Sunday so this is probably the PERFECT time to transition.

Calories: 2862kcal
FAT: 87.9g
CHO: 342.5g
PRO: 162.3g

Started KA and will take Gamma GH 30 minutes prior to bed today. I feel 300% better now that I ate real food. Breakfast was 6 eggs with potatoes, bacon, ham, cheese, peppers, onions, broccoli, spinach, and tomato. Lunch was cereal and a protein shake; I had a steak with rice and broccoli for dinner. I also may have had a brownie. ^_^;;

Good day. Now to get back into training on Monday.

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 9:09 pm
by Linkiroth
Transition Day 2+3 & FEAST day 1

To say that this weekend was me splurging would be to undermine just the type of gluttony that occurred. Today was Feast workout #1 and I think I did reasonably well. The Formula needs a bit more water but all in all, I feel pretty good just four hours post workout. We'll see how I feel in the morning.
Mother's day dinner was tonight, so I overshot my calories by a bit; I'll be reeling it in from now on.

Calories: 3039 kcal (WOW.)
FAT: 136g (!!! NEED to cut this back!)
CHO: 240g (Not too terribly many, actually.)
PRO: 225g (This is actually not too terribly many either.)

Feast workout #1
Squat 280 x 10 PR!!
SLDL 205 x 10
Bench Press 175 x 8 (*More on this below)
DB Pull-over 55 x 8

PR Block 1
Romanian Deadlift 185 x 6,6,6,6,6
Leg Press +360 x 6,6,6,6,6

PR Block 2
Decline DB press 40 x 6,6,6,6,6 (*More on this below)
T-bar row +100 x 6,6,6,6,6

Ab machine crunch 170 x 15sec x 2 (*More on this below)

So, a few notes.
1) I felt good for one more on bench but on my sixth rep, my hip cramped, HARD. I got two more reps and that was it for me, I lost my tightness, my legs came in, my ass nearly came off the bench, it was all just a bit too much and neither my spotter nor I wanted to risk injury.
2) I intended to do incline DB press but the adjustable benches were all taken so I had to hop on one of the situp benches. Adapt and overcome.
3) The ONLY cable machine was monopolized, apparently they were doing "circuits" so I couldn't work in for two minutes. Whatever. Adapt and overcome.

The 10 reps on squat (I felt good for one, MAYBE two more) puts me at a projected max of 375 (rounded up to the nearest five) but 10 reps at 280 is good for a PR! Beyond that, I feel that I'll be homing in on my 1RMs over the next few workouts, using the rep ranges and my projected 1RM from the previous workout to home in on what I should be shooting for when I test my 1RM in a little over a week.

Now, I'm gonna watch some TV with wifey and chill for a bit before I take my Gamma GH and drift off.

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 9:56 pm
by dropthebeats
[quote="Linkiroth"]Transition Day 2+3 & FEAST day 1

Feast workout #1
Squat 280 x 10 PR!!

PR in the first workout??? Way to go!!! Watch those numbers fly up.

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 7:43 pm
by Linkiroth
dropthebeats wrote:
Linkiroth wrote:Transition Day 2+3 & FEAST day 1

Feast workout #1
Squat 280 x 10 PR!!
PR in the first workout??? Way to go!!! Watch those numbers fly up.
Thanks a lot, looking forward to writing that a whole lot more in the next few weeks.

Feast: DAY 2
A solid off day. Did some DE lawn mowing (which ended when my lawn mower started pouring out white smoke) and followed up with a nice shower and shake. Gonna just chill out for the rest of the night, methinks.

Calories: 2471kcal (129 over target)
FAT: 60g (22%) [A little too high]
CHO: 298.2g (49%) [Again, a little high]
PRO 180.6g (29%) [A little low]

Planning on Feast workout 2 tomorrow provided that DOMS doesn't rear its ugly head.

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 1:23 am
by y0lked
looks like a solid running of BP in the mix. Whats the weight currently?

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 7:57 am
by RobRegish
Sorry I haven't been around for this. You can only imagine...

Keep up the great work!!! And to everyone here, picking up the slack while I/we are fulfilling the 3.0 promise...


Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 8:12 pm
by Linkiroth
y0lked wrote:looks like a solid running of BP in the mix. Whats the weight currently?
Not 100% sure. I weighed myself for kicks today (post workout, so that's after three meals and over a gallon of water) and I was 179.3!!

Feast: DAY 3

Had some bad DOMS in my adductors today but I decided that with sufficient warmup, I could work through it... and did I ever!
But first:

Calories: 2383 kcal (427 kcal under target)
FAT: 56.1g (Just about right. <60g is my target for workout days, 22%)
CHO: 224.3g (39%: Just a little low.)
PRO: 224.4g (39%: Just a LITTLE low. Target is 225g on workout days.)

Feast workout #2
Squat 325 x 6 PR!!
SLDL 275 x 6
Bench Press 195 x 4 (No excuse. Rep 5 went down, got about halfway up and stopped.)
DB Pull-over 60 x 6

PR Block 1 - 11:16.9 PR?
Romanian Deadlift 225 x 6,6,6,6,6
Leg Press +450 x 6,6,6,6,6

PR Block 2 - 11:47.5 PR?
Decline DB press 50 x 6,6,6,6,6
T-bar row +125 x 6,6,6,5,4 (This was just about right.)

Kneeling cable crunch
85 x 15 sec
95 x 15 sec

Initially, I was planning on doing workout #3 on Friday but due to family constraints, I'll be doing it Saturday. I suppose that PR Blocks 1&2 count as PRs but since I'm still establishing a working weight, I don't think they really count.

Thanks for the support, Rob! You take care of yourself, I appreciate you stopping into my log, it's a huge boost.

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 8:46 pm
by y0lked
Squatting looks phenom!!

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 9:26 pm
by Linkiroth
Feast: DAY 4&5

Rested over the last two days. Feast workout #5 tomorrow, looking for:

375 x 3 on squats
210 x 3 on bench

That'll set me up for
400-405 on squats
225-230 on bench

when I take my 1RM which will line me up pretty solidly with my goals for after GLP #1 and GLP #2.

My goals for taking my 1RM later this week are
405 Squat
235 Bench

But those numbers are a little high.

I haven't tracked my calories very well over the past two days, got lots going on at work and what not so if I don't write it down, I don't really remember it. I'll be back on the bandwagon tomorrow. No doubt.

G'night everyone, lifting in the morning for a change.

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 7:25 am
by RobRegish
Do it justice man..

SOLID work.. :)

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 9:13 pm
by Linkiroth
Feast: DAY 6

Performed workout #3 today. Have I mentioned I hate not having a workout partner? Some people don't understand what "Don't touch the bar unless I say 'take it'" means... moreover, I had to skip my EDT and static hold since wifey had somewhere to be at 1200. But, family comes first. I had some DELICIOUS steaks for dinner.

AM Weight: 176.1
BF% (3 point caliper): 18%

Calories: 2595 kcal (215 kcal under target)
FAT: 84.8g (30%)
CHO: 234.2g (37%)
PRO: 214.9g (34%)

Feast workout #3
Squat 375 x 2 PR!!
SLDL: 315 x 3 (Beltless)
Bench Press 210 x 1/3 (Despite my "do not touch the bar" prior to lifting, his hands were under/on the bar the whole time. I'm 99% sure he didn't touch on the first rep, 85% sure on the second and 0% sure on the third. I may have had all three on my own but I can't tell.)
DB Pull-over 70 x 3

Romanian Deadlift 275 x 6
Leg Press +500 x 6
Then wifey texted and said I had to come home. So I did.

Workout # 4 is coming up on Monday, then I'll go for my 1RMs on either Wednesday or Thursday, depending.

It's all starting to come together.
Except my bench. That sh*t sucks.

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 8:19 pm
by Linkiroth
Feast: DAY 7

End of the first week. Things are looking pretty good. So far, I've set several squat PRs (and one potential bench PR, if it weren't for captain spot) and I feel great. A little hazy in the morning which may be due to the Gamma GH (I'm not sure I'll go up to 5g, it's a doozy of a "relaxer".) but my recovery is great and my lifts are spot on.

Today's diet:
Calories: 2029kcal (313 under target)
FAT: 51.8g (23%)
CHO: 202.1g (40%)
PRO: 180.9g (36%)

A decent day of eating even though because I was pretty busy running errands (wifey's birthday is this upcoming Saturday) I had to sub a protein shake (and a mocha light frappuccino because they were half off, but don't tell Rob.) for a solid meal. Put the baby to bed and am about to take my Gamma GH and hit the sack myself. Feast workout #4 tomorrow (aka the Deload) followed by setting NEW 1RMs on either Wednesday or Thursday!

Just to reiterate, I'm looking for:
Squat: 405
Bench: 235

for my new maxes. If the GLP #1 really gives me 5% and GLP #2 gives me 10% on the maxes, I'll be squatting 465 come the end of this run. If I'm squatting 465, I'll shell out for the KA to do another run with the Russian and 10% solution (which would put me at ~545 before the year's up!?) to see how the Blueprint Periodic holds up.

Also: Rob, if you're reading this (which because of your immaculate customer service, I'm sure you will some day) and you want any more information on anything that would help you out, you let me know. If my squat hits 500 before this year is out, there is nothing I won't do to help build the blueprint army. I'm already something of a believer, but adding 120 pounds to my squat in less than a year would turn me into a zealot!