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Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 7:28 pm
by RobRegish
Looking cut and full brother, in Famine!

Fantastic work, and proof positive The BP Periodic doesn't exactly bloat you/weight you down with unhealthy bodyfat, to achieve unreal strength levels... :)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 8:06 pm
by KatZilla
Finished the first five Feast workouts, so I'll be starting TWNP on Sunday or Monday! Looking forward to it. Hit 225 on bench and matched my previous PR on squat at 405, so those are the numbers I'll be using.

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:57 am
by RobRegish
KatZilla wrote:Finished the first five Feast workouts, so I'll be starting TWNP on Sunday or Monday! Looking forward to it. Hit 225 on bench and matched my previous PR on squat at 405, so those are the numbers I'll be using.

Now, prepare to blow those out of the water!!!

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 7:48 pm
by KatZilla
Had my second workout on bench-press today, with the ten sets. Absolutely brutal but I hit every rep, and hit the top number anytime there was a range. Hopefully I'll do the same on squats tomorrow! I was also wondering about trying out that "arm specialization" phase during TWNP, any thoughts on its feasibility or placement?

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 1:58 pm
by RobRegish
KatZilla wrote:Had my second workout on bench-press today, with the ten sets. Absolutely brutal but I hit every rep, and hit the top number anytime there was a range. Hopefully I'll do the same on squats tomorrow! I was also wondering about trying out that "arm specialization" phase during TWNP, any thoughts on its feasibility or placement?
Some advice I got once, that's served me well: "Invest only as much, as you can afford to lose..."

In other words, not yet... :)

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 3:30 pm
by KatZilla
Yeah now that I've gotten further into TWNP I can see that taking on something like that would probably be too much. Anyway the workouts have been going well! Still hitting every rep. I have a little predicament this week with finding a gym open on Thanksgiving, so I'm just going to go ahead and do my second bench workout of the week today, take Thursday as the off day that was supposed to be today, and that will keep my second squat workout of the week on Friday like it's supposed to be.

Other than that I still need to work on getting some more calories down (as always), but overall everything is going well in TWNP.

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:37 pm
by KatZilla
I've been a little caught up with finals recently so my workouts this week all got shifted over a day. Hit a new two-rep record on squats this morning at 385; good start to my 19th birthday! My last week of TWNP is coming up, so I'm looking forward to some new 1RMs.

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:40 pm
by RobRegish
KatZilla wrote:I've been a little caught up with finals recently so my workouts this week all got shifted over a day. Hit a new two-rep record on squats this morning at 385; good start to my 19th birthday! My last week of TWNP is coming up, so I'm looking forward to some new 1RMs.
New record already? Way to go Kat!!!

I'm really hoping TWNP is going to be the ticket for you. Looks promising so far!!!