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Post by RobRegish »

restoman45 wrote:
RobRegish wrote:Terrific!!!

Now, take note of the following: "Red Zone" workouts start during workout #5.

Something to consider as you bite off more on those EDT blocks. Otherwise, absolutely fantastic work thus far!!!
So would you consider adding an additional edt block just for workouts 2-4 depending on my current recovery?

Also, this may be a dumb question, but should I continue the static hold the entire glp2 or will that be too taxing on my nervous system?

Thanks for all your help Rob!
These are questions only you can answer. Meaning, your body will tell you exactly what to do. My guess would be this... add those EDT blocks for workouts 2-4 and then taper them back as the 10% solution intensifies. Solid strategy that I've used in the past.

On the static holds... there are no dumb questions :) Same rule of thumb applies here. Play these by ear. If, after performing your now abbreviated EDT blocks you feel up to it and can recover from it - go for it.

Those are big if's, but if you at all need any assistance in making that call well.... you know who to call :)

Keep up the great work!!!
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Post by restoman45 »

Glp2 squat day #1
Squats 310: 6, 6, 6, 6. Fairly easy, last rep on last set was tough, but I went a2g on the last 3 reps on that set and the last rep of first 3 sets.
straight leg deadlifts 225: 6, 6, 6, 6
1 leg calf raises bodyweight + 35 lb plate: 6, 6, 6, 6.
Done in 15 min. Took it slightly easy because after thqat last set of squats I knew I was going to be sore...
Situps bodyweight: 8, 8, 8, 8, 8
Standing obliques 45 lbs: 8, 8, 8, 8, 8.
Done in 15 min. Was real easy and will up the weight significantly. I don't do static holds because I don't have a training partner or a pulley on my power rack so I figured this would be next best thing. When I travel for work and am at a gym ill do the static holds.

Didn't eat enough today, had to go grocery shopping and pigged out when we got back to make up for least I had my formula first though haha.

My chest is still a little sore from Friday. ..I am hoping its recovered by Wednesday but we shall see
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Post by RobRegish »

"I don't do static holds because I don't have a training partner or a pulley on my power rack so I figured this would be next best thing. When I travel for work and am at a gym ill do the static holds...."

Smart move... :). Here's why!!!

High School Student Dies Lifting Weights
Published December 04, 2010

"16-year-old Jake Pezon was found dead under a bench press at home in Wisconsin on December 1, 2010. A Wisconsin high school football player has died in an accident while lifting weights at home.

Slinger police say 16-year-old Jake Pezon was home alone in his basement rec room Wednesday night and was bench pressing 185 pounds when the weights dropped on him.

Police Lt. Joel Schodron says Pezon's mother arrived home shortly after midnight Thursday and found her son unresponsive. Schodron says the teen was dead by the time first responders arrived.

Pezon was a junior at Slinger High School and played wide receiver and defensive back for the Owls. School District administrator Bob Reynolds says counselors are available Friday at the high school".

Don't let this go down in your world....
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Post by restoman45 »

I was going to try and do my glp2 upperbody workout today, but my legs/abs are FAR too sore...I can barely walk around haha...I haven't had my legs this sore probably since the last time I did 20 rep squats last summer. I am using the formula and the blueprint mass stack so honestly I was not expecting to be this sore...

I was 220 pounds when I got up this morning which is up about 5 pounds since I started glp2, so its not like I have been starving myself haha. This is also the heaviest I have ever been I believe, so I am hoping this soreness will not be in vein...

If I am this sore, would drinking the formula after forcing myself to walk around the block help any?

Of course I got called into work for an emergency at a local plant today when I was expecting to be off, so I am sure everyone thinks I got ran over by a bus haha...
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Post by RobRegish »

restoman45 wrote:I was going to try and do my glp2 upperbody workout today, but my legs/abs are FAR too sore...I can barely walk around haha...I haven't had my legs this sore probably since the last time I did 20 rep squats last summer. I am using the formula and the blueprint mass stack so honestly I was not expecting to be this sore...

A. First things first: SMART move!!! Give it 10 days and report back. I think you're going to find recovery improves.... drastically :)

I was 220 pounds when I got up this morning which is up about 5 pounds since I started glp2, so its not like I have been starving myself haha. This is also the heaviest I have ever been I believe, so I am hoping this soreness will not be in vein...

If I am this sore, would drinking the formula after forcing myself to walk around the block help any?

A. Not really. Some moderate form of LISS may help a bit, but GPP such as sled dragging, etc. on your off days is the real ticket... along with those 10 more magic days I'm referring too. Let's just see if I'm right on that one. Hmmm... :)

If all else fails, no problem. Solution is simple: Insert just one extra rest day meaning if you're currently on a 1on/1off workout frequency schedule, move to a 1on/2off.

Presto, there's your fix. Solutions for everything in my world. Here are a few others:

Some ideas to facilitate active recovery between workouts:

1.) GPP such as sled dragging
2.) Push a weighted wheelbarrow up a slight incline
3.) Medicine ball throws
4.) Some LISS (but not HIIT) cardio
5.) Treat yourself to a massage
6.) Get a chiropractic adjustment
7.) Daily hot/cold showers. Alternate 1 minute of each for 10 minutes.
8.) Cryotherapy on sore muscles: Take a dixie cup, fill it with water and place in the freezer. Have you GF/wife or mistress (ideally all 3) apply to said muscles, peeling the cup as the ice melts.

You can add Cayenne Pepper to this when you freeze it, but unclear as to if that's legal in your state. Since I'm not up on these things, you can cite cite Rob's recommendation and ignorance of the law. That'll work in every state*

Any of the above is going to GREATLY benefit you and shave days off of recovery between heavy workouts.

*Excludes states with vowels in their names :)

Of course I got called into work for an emergency at a local plant today when I was expecting to be off, so I am sure everyone thinks I got ran over by a bus haha...
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Post by restoman45 »

I just came back after 10 days off just a few days ago, you think I should take 10 more off? I'm not scheduled to squat again until saturday/Sunday with my 1 on 2 off schedule I am trying to keep, so I imagine I will not be sore still then. I felt great when I squated, all my aches were gone, just got real sore (maybe from going a2g which I haven't really done much of since before I started the bp). I did want to try and do upperbody today in hopes of a 1 on 1.5 average off, but if I lift tomorrow that would be 1 on 2 off (last upperbody day was Friday).
I think ill try some sled dragging or some other house-style remedy...or some liss...

Thanks Rob!
RobRegish wrote:
restoman45 wrote:I was going to try and do my glp2 upperbody workout today, but my legs/abs are FAR too sore...I can barely walk around haha...I haven't had my legs this sore probably since the last time I did 20 rep squats last summer. I am using the formula and the blueprint mass stack so honestly I was not expecting to be this sore...

A. First things first: SMART move!!! Give it 10 days and report back. I think you're going to find recovery improves.... drastically :)

I was 220 pounds when I got up this morning which is up about 5 pounds since I started glp2, so its not like I have been starving myself haha. This is also the heaviest I have ever been I believe, so I am hoping this soreness will not be in vein...

If I am this sore, would drinking the formula after forcing myself to walk around the block help any?

A. Not really. Some moderate form of LISS may help a bit, but GPP such as sled dragging, etc. on your off days is the real ticket... along with those 10 more magic days I'm referring too. Let's just see if I'm right on that one. Hmmm... :)

If all else fails, no problem. Solution is simple: Insert just one extra rest day meaning if you're currently on a 1on/1off workout frequency schedule, move to a 1on/2off.

Presto, there's your fix. Solutions for everything in my world. Here are a few others:

Some ideas to facilitate active recovery between workouts:

1.) GPP such as sled dragging
2.) Push a weighted wheelbarrow up a slight incline
3.) Medicine ball throws
4.) Some LISS (but not HIIT) cardio
5.) Treat yourself to a massage
6.) Get a chiropractic adjustment
7.) Daily hot/cold showers. Alternate 1 minute of each for 10 minutes.
8.) Cryotherapy on sore muscles: Take a dixie cup, fill it with water and place in the freezer. Have you GF/wife or mistress (ideally all 3) apply to said muscles, peeling the cup as the ice melts.

You can add Cayenne Pepper to this when you freeze it, but unclear as to if that's legal in your state. Since I'm not up on these things, you can cite cite Rob's recommendation and ignorance of the law. That'll work in every state*

Any of the above is going to GREATLY benefit you and shave days off of recovery between heavy workouts.

*Excludes states with vowels in their names :)

Of course I got called into work for an emergency at a local plant today when I was expecting to be off, so I am sure everyone thinks I got ran over by a bus haha...
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