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Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 10:46 am
by bigpelo
sorry! I forget the word "can't" between the words "you" and "go"...

edited :?

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 10:51 am
by JML2011
Haha. No worried. I was just giving you a hard time. I assumed you meant can't to begin with.

Thanks for the reply!

Just out of curiosity, what did you do instead of GLP?

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:00 am
by bigpelo
check out my log :x

(10% solution :) )

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:45 pm
by JML2011

Did so. Thanks.
I should have checked that first. I had just assumed that was on your first run and I knew you were on your second. Regardless, thanks.

I think I am going to run the 10% for the first part and then run a high-rep routine for the second part of feast.
That will get me close to the end of Feast I think...

Then it will be time for cruise!

Alrighty. Got a plan, now gonna take a few days to read over it again, formulate my weights and routines, and calendar mark it out!

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 7:14 pm
by JML2011
Started the High Rep yesterday....

Hit Bench and Squat. Then did a little bit of other triceps and leg work. Felt really good to be hitting it hard again.

Today did back, bis, and calves. Going to take tomorrow off most likely. Most I may do will be abs/pushups.

Have to get my situps/pushups and run goin here the next few weeks, as I have a test coming up (military PRT).

(going down one notch in scale next week since couldnt complete with reps required)

Felt really good at the end of this.

Pretty sore today... been massaging the muscles tonight to get some of the soreness out :)
Hopefully will be ready to go by Thursday.

Also bought some light cream this weekend... had it with my protein shake the other night... amazing!!! wow... tastes so good.... mmmmm

nom nom nom!

Hit me up with suggests!

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:31 pm
by JML2011
off day today. resting and letting the soreness come out a little. Back in it tomorrow!

Question for you KA users... I take one on off days and two on training days...
When is the best time to take it on the off day? I usually take it with lunch. On training days I take it with lunch and then workout about an hour after I take it, then take my second one right after my workout before I jump in the shower.

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 2:07 am
by JML2011
damn today was a great day in the gym! Felt good!

Bench and squat as per high rep schedule.



Then did a few other things, wont mention them here. Logged some of them, some I just remembered. I usually throw in more chest and tricep work on these days, including lots of pullups throughout each workout.

Also got in some rack pulls today... first time doing them...
1x5x225 + 2x5sec hold
1x4x245 + 2x5sec hold

Good start I think... Gotta start somewhere. New to rack pulls, so we shall see improvement I predict Smile

Probably going to get some lifting straps... hands are quite tired lol
anyone else use these?

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 9:26 am
by bigpelo
On kre-Anabolyn question: if you take only 1 cap per day on non training day, take it 20-30 minutes before your highest carb containing meal.

On training day at 2 caps, I dose 1 before heading to the gym (20-30 before beginning training) and one with the last 1/3 of the formula right after my last set.

I plan on increasing to 3/day starting next week as I bought another KA bottle last Sunday. It should arrive soon. It will surely help with the increasing intensity of my program...

I do use lifting straps on dead lift and rack pull. It's the only training gear I use beside clothes and shoes. I got an old white pair that are starting to rip apart. I can't dispose of them though, it's like an emotional connection with them, being the firsts I got. I do bought MASS straps last December. They are black and strong build. I haven't try them yet, still waiting for the other pair to fail in action I guess...

If you plan on buying a pair of lifting straps, I suggest you choose the cheapest one. You want them to be thin but strong and long enough to do 2 wrap around. MASS strap is a good choice. They also had a french writing on the MASS straps packaging, which make me happy!

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 1:54 pm
by JML2011
great thanks for the info! Glad to hear you wear clothes while you workout :)

You dont use any squat belt or anything when doing rack pulls or anything?

Was curious about that too. Dont feel like I need it, but at the same time, curious as to how it might affect my ability.

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 3:54 pm
by bigpelo
JML2011 wrote:
You dont use any squat belt or anything when doing rack pulls or anything?
I want to be the one lifting the weight, not the tension in the belt nor the elastic feed back of the knee straps... I would wear those only if it was a competition to go further my max. If I was injured, I would restrain myself before using belt and the like. My thought

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:53 pm
by JML2011
Got a decent workout in today. Was a little tired.. not sure why.



Goofed up the squats so I did one less set of the mid level.

Felt good, was a tough one to get through but made it without the need for a spot.

Busy day tomorrow but going to try to get a workout in. Will do some bi/back/calves work.

Went for a short run today. Gotta start getting my run time down, test in two weeks.... yuck.

Really not much else to update on..

Oh I weighed in this morning at 142.6... much higher than a couple days ago at 140.2. That was a great way to wake up this morning... We will see what it says tomorrow...

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 6:33 pm
by JML2011
holy moly! Great day today....

Lifted Bi's and back and a little calv work on the stairstepper

Felt really good, got a great pump and lift in.

Decided to go rock climb afterwards... wow..

Forearms and fingers are burning, but what a good climb today. Usually climb on thursday mornings but have decided to start goin a few afternoons.

Cleared a straight face 5.12a/b today... pretty happy about that.

not much new here. Long week for me, lots of exams and hopefully gettin to some new lifting levels...

Starting to finally see some good changes in my body size/composition.

Happy monday!!!

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 12:20 am
by JML2011



Rack Pull
Worked up to 315. Got 315 up but couldnt hold it.

Im feeling stronger... I feel like I am able to hit these weights with more energy and easier than previous workouts. Almost a third of the way through this set.. 14 WOs total.

Rest day tomorrow. Have to get some research done... blah.

Keep on Keepin on!
Did an intense leg routine afterwards. Buddy of mine has started working out and I told him I would destroy his legs today... so we did lots of variations of squats, one leg squats, etc.

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 4:06 pm
by JML2011

Felt reallllllly sore when I got up this morning. must have been that killer leg workout I did 2 days ago... damn.

Today was a update day: check progress and see if I am on track.

1 set to failure at 150: 5
5 means I am supposed to go up a 5 lb inc on the chart, but really dont know if I should.... will try next workout and see how it feels. Might stay where Im at.

1xFx205: hit 4 solid.

Right on pace. Squats really hurt today since I was so sore, but pushed through and got the beast done.

Did some more chest and tri's. Butterfly, tricep cable pushdowns, mil press, etc.

Going to take tomorrow to go for a little run, PRT next weekend, so will probably have to ease up next week on the weights in order to be ready to pass on Saturday. Will definitely hit the gym hard saturday afterwards though :)

but I am le tired!
Going to go take a nap....