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Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 4:24 pm
by islandboy90
hopefully i'm somewhat getting this
I'm going to have to make this a 4th day of not doing shit because I have no clue what i'm supposed to be doing and am about to rip my head off

this is the only thing i found that came close to making sense since everything I look at says to do things differently(logs, stickies, BP)

needless to say i'm going insane so someone please explain this to me...


8-10 reps
8-10 reps

rest 5-10 minutes

8-10 reps
stiff leg deads
8-10 reps

Rest 10 minutes

EDT Block 1 "" reps in ""minutes
incline DB press
EDT Block 2 "" reps in "" minutes
seated row

Rest 10 minutes

EDT block 1 ""reps in ""minutes
romanian deadlifts
EDT block 2 ""reps in ""minutes
leg sled

rest 5 minutes

static ab crunch


Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 4:54 pm
by bigpelo

8-10 reps
8-10 reps

rest 5-10 minutes

8-10 reps
stiff leg deads
8-10 reps

Rest 10 minutes

EDT Block 1 total reps in 16 minutes
incline DB press
seated row

Rest 10 minutes

EDT block 2 total reps in 16 minutes
romanian deadlifts
leg sled

rest 5 minutes

static ab crunch

You maybe want to do only 1 EDT block depending on your energy level.

You know how to do the EDT block right? Because to way you write it, I am not sure you understand.

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:11 pm
by islandboy90
have no idea what EDT stands for no
but from what i've seen it looks like it's when you start 10 reps, then 6, 4, 2 or something like that

i've never gotten into this kind of training before
also have no idea what PR Zone is supposed to be

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:15 pm
by islandboy90
thanks for PM big pello
think i'm getting it now
not sure why it says different ways in different places, made my own summary when I first got the BP of phases and workouts and diets and what I was seeing didnt match up in the bp, stickies, or other logs

will go with that I suppose
sorry if I sounded rude, i'll just say it's been a bad day and leave it at that


Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:39 pm
by bigpelo
EDT: escalating density training

Lots of variation possible, so there's for your confusion. I am happy I could help.

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:58 pm
by islandboy90
now i'm wondering what leg sled is?
all i'm finding is a machine
is there an alternative exercise or is it basically squats?

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 8:23 pm
by bigpelo
Leg sled=leg press

Rob will be better then me at suggesting an alternative exercise but I can guess leg curl, lunge or something working hamstrings or quads.

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 8:53 pm
by islandboy90
thanks again

I have a feeling when I get used to all this i'm really going to benefit from it

already looking forward to a second run knowing what i'm doing haha

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 10:16 pm
by RobRegish
islandboy90 wrote:now i'm wondering what leg sled is?
all i'm finding is a machine
is there an alternative exercise or is it basically squats?
Leg sled = leg press (great answer bigpelo!!)

Alternatively, consider step ups onto a bench with a barbell on your shoulders.

Try that on for SIZE sometime :)

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 9:21 am
by islandboy90
sounds good will do
thanks Rob

Have a question here, I noticed on a log somewhere a guy had problems with getting stiff or sore and he was recommended to eat an apple and plum a day to help a suspected magnesium deficiency or something

For as long as I can remember when I lift weights, wether it is 20lbs or 200lbs I seem to shake. (note it does not have to be difficult for me to lift but I still quiver) I've always just ignored it but could this be some sort of deficiency?
it is usually my arms with Bench pressing

thanks ahead

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 9:38 am
by RobRegish
islandboy90 wrote:sounds good will do
thanks Rob

Have a question here, I noticed on a log somewhere a guy had problems with getting stiff or sore and he was recommended to eat an apple and plum a day to help a suspected magnesium deficiency or something

For as long as I can remember when I lift weights, wether it is 20lbs or 200lbs I seem to shake. (note it does not have to be difficult for me to lift but I still quiver) I've always just ignored it but could this be some sort of deficiency?
it is usually my arms with Bench pressing

thanks ahead
A. Could be. By all means, experiment! Likely a BIG PICTURE thing though, so look there first (vs. micro-nutrient deficiency).

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 5:29 pm
by islandboy90
alrighttt first workout of feast here we go

bench press 135 x 10
(was supposed to do 95 hopefully wont matter
pullovers 8 x 45
rest 5-10 min
squat 10 x 115
stiff leg DL 10 x 115

rest 10 min

EDT Block 1
incline db row 6 x 70
seated row 6 x 70
rest 2 min
Set 2
same thing 6 reps each
rest 2 min
Set 3
same thing 5 reps
rest 2 min
Set 4
same 5 reps
rest 2 min
Set 5
same 3 reps
rest 2 min
Set 6
same 3 reps

total workout time 16 min
total reps 56

rest 10 min

EDT Block 2
romanian deadlifts 6 x 125
leg sled 6 x 95
rest 2 min
Set 2
same thing 6 rep
rest 2 min
Set 3
same thing 5 reps
rest 2 min
Set 4
same 5 reps
rest 2 min
Set 5
same thing 3 reps
rest 2 min
Set 6
same thing 3 reps

rest 5 min

static crunch
3 holds x 15 seconds up relax and up 15 sec again(no way to do with extra weight)


Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 5:32 pm
by islandboy90
Workout went well
seemed like I may have chosen too light of weight
but I guess too light is better than too heavy
will probably raise the bar a little the next workout

I did 10 reps of 135 on the bench press and probably would have maxed at 11 reps
was supposed to be 95lbs but put wrong plates on not thinking..
any advice on what I should use next time? I feel 95 would be too light now

ended up doing barbell stradle instead of leg sled, nothing to step up on that's sturdy and even

is there any other recommended exercise instead of static ab crunch?
couldnt attach weight so I tried to make it more intense by holding up 15 seconds, going down for a breath and up for another 15 seconds 3 times

thanks guys! :D

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 11:59 pm
by RobRegish
islandboy90 wrote:Workout went well
seemed like I may have chosen too light of weight
but I guess too light is better than too heavy
will probably raise the bar a little the next workout

I did 10 reps of 135 on the bench press and probably would have maxed at 11 reps
was supposed to be 95lbs but put wrong plates on not thinking..
any advice on what I should use next time? I feel 95 would be too light now

A. GREAT work and SMART too. Keep doing what you're doing!

ended up doing barbell stradle instead of leg sled, nothing to step up on that's sturdy and even

is there any other recommended exercise instead of static ab crunch?
couldnt attach weight so I tried to make it more intense by holding up 15 seconds, going down for a breath and up for another 15 seconds 3 times

A. If you have a decline bench, hold a HEAVY weight against your chest and hold it in the strongest range. It'll take but 2-3 tries but... you'll find it :)

Hope that helps..
thanks guys! :D