Shoulder Rehab

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Post by PushingTheLimit »

Its mostly sore in a good way. I think I might have slightly strained it. Overall I am feeling good. Just have to get back in the groove of lifting
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

Alright so I am about to start the 10% solution tomorrow. Do you want me to continue the same thing I have been doing for hamstrings? I have been doing RDLs after my squats. I have hit a sticking point with strength increases on those
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Post by RobRegish »

You have two choices here.. either change the rep sequence or change the exercise.

Suggest rotating 20, 15 and 10 reps each workout. Can't recall if I suggested that prior. If I did, suggest switching to 12, 8's and 6's...

The other alternative is to switch the movement. If you have a reverse hyper, hit that for similar rep range. If you don't (most don't), suggest stiff legged deads from a platform.

The other alternative is Dimel Dead. Suggest 2 sets of 20 reps, done in the following fashion:

High rep variation that lends itself well to buiding the hams. Hope that helps!
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

Thanks, I have been doing the 20, 15, 10 cycle. I will experiment with your suggestions. Just thought it might be tiime to switch it up
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Post by RobRegish »

I think you're right on :)
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

Alright so workout went great. Shoulder feels fine 24 hours later which is a huge plus. I have even begun practicing baseball again and throwing is not aggravating it. I have been invited to a college try out next month and have decided to go for it. Got any sport specific exercises to help me get back into baseball shape by June 15th?
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Post by RobRegish »

Wow that's fantastic! Congratulations!!

Unfortunately, I don't. I left baseball so long ago.... Wish I did. I don't really see things changing much for you though. If you think about it, baseball really embraced weight training and the records followed. Sure, BALCO played a part but c'mon....there's no comparison between a weight training athlete and non-weight training athlete.

I would be shocked if the college team didn't have a strength trainer. Absolutely shocked..

So glad to hear you're feeling better man. What great news.. :)
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

They have their own lifting program I would use if I made the team. I thought I was done with baseball but I just cant stay away. I have figured out I need something to compete in. I am competitive person. I have even been considering training for a triathlon. But since the opportunity to play baseball again has presented itself I am going to take advantage of it. Just have to get back into the swing of things. No pun intended.
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

Alright so I had delay lifting last week due to college finals. I had a great workout yesterday. Chest is nice and sore and my shoulder feels ok.

Question: With the 10% solution I know you lift 3 times a week. Do I also do the other exercises you listed 3 times a week?

Also if cable pullovers feel better than DB pullovers should I limit myself to just doing them? I have found those dont cause any strain on my shoulder.

I have an MRI Tuesday to figure out what is still going on with my shoulder so that should give me insight into how I am going to proceed with this injury.
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Post by RobRegish »

Alright so I had delay lifting last week due to college finals. I had a great workout yesterday. Chest is nice and sore and my shoulder feels ok.


Question: With the 10% solution I know you lift 3 times a week. Do I also do the other exercises you listed 3 times a week?

A. Yes, but do take care to limit them to ensure full recovery. The 3 workouts/week is NOT set in stone... so feel free to experiment.

Also if cable pullovers feel better than DB pullovers should I limit myself to just doing them? I have found those dont cause any strain on my shoulder.

A. Sure. Experiment with different angles, etc.. We found one that doesn't hurt. That's great!
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

Alright thanks. Correction to the post above. My MRI is thursday. I hope it comes back negative to what the doctor thinks it is. Lingering injury like this generally means there is a more severe underlying problem. I will just have to see. Until then I will still work on improving every day.
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Post by RobRegish »

Thanks for the update. I'm sure it'll be fine.

If not, right here for you.. :)
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

MRI results came back and revealed I have a torn labrum in my right shoulder as well as a large cyst formation in the area of the joint. I have surgery scheduled for this friday and will be out from most physical activity for a minimum of 2 months. Probably going to be 4+ months till I can lift again. Not the news I wanted to hear but I am glad I finally know the underlying cause to all this shoulder pain. I want it fixed as quickly as possible so I can get back to 100%.
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Post by RobRegish »

OK man at least now we know. Right here for you when you get back!
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