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Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:45 pm
by RobRegish
Yes, workout #5 for bench.

Keep it going with the legs. You look to be right on schedule there...

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 10:12 am
by MSR9889
putting legs off until tomorrow because a couple people want to go with me to the gym so i can help them. i also could use some more rest since i didnt sleep in the morning as planned.

before breakfast i had 1 tbsp peanut butter with ebol
breakfast was a veggie egg white omelet with 2 eggs over hard
lunch was a buffalo chicken wrap and a cookie
snack was 2 scoops xf whey and cheeze its
before dinner i had 1 tbsp peanut butter and ebol
dinner was a chicken breast and 2 churros
after dinner i had boneless wings
before bed i had ebol and 1 tbsp peanut butter

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 2:53 pm
by MSR9889
before breakfast i had 1 tbsp peanut butter and ebol
breakfast was 3 mini egg and cheese omelets and a wheat bagel
snack was 2 scoops xf whey and 2 tbsp white chocolate peanut butter
intra was 2 scoops intrabolic, 6g citrulline malate and 3 tsp raz lemonade mix. only finished half of it, see next post.
pwo was 1 scoop xf whey with 3/4 cup oats ground up and ebol
dinner will be a naked burrito, same as before but no guacamole
before bed i got boneless wings again in bbq sauce

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 7:37 pm
by MSR9889
hit all the reps again. right knee was really tight today but that may have been because of the cold. i have had problems with it in the past, but dont think its a problem at the moment.
i was also tired because i was woken up early.

squat- 120x10, 180x8, 195x6, 210x4, 225x2

just realized i forgot to do the dimel deadlifts afterwards...
during the workout i was drinking 2 scoops intrabolic, 6g citrulline malate and 3 tsp raz lemonade mix but it was making me feel really sick so i just finished squatting and left. i finished about half of it.

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:06 pm
by RobRegish
OK nice work. The table has been set then for squats. You've done all the physical work, now it becomes a mental game..

Looks like you had a 1RM of 240lbs at the conclusion of phase I. This loading pattern delivers a 5% increase to that in 6 workouts so I'd be looking for no less than 250lbs on max day, possibly more.

Anyway, shoot for the moon and do consider that CNS trick prior to your max attempt I outlined prior. It may well make the difference...

What was your previous best SQ prior to BP?

In reviewing your history, I'm building a mental library of what you respond best to. You'll probably want to keep something similar on your computer/workout log.

Thus far, here's what I've got:

- You respond better to multi-set loading patterns
- The loading patterns can accomodate a wide spread of intensity ranges
- The intensity ranges vary from a low of 50% up to and including 100%+
- You're responding well to straight, descending total tonnage
- There is a preponderance of slower twitch muscles which lends itself to
these intensity range spreads.
- I expect that over time, we can change this slow twitch vs. FT fiber ratio
with training. That's if you're interested in doing so.

What I'm missing (but suspect) are your subjective obervations such as muscle hardness, hypertrophy/fullness and what type of toll this is taking on your CNS.

Based upon what I know/suspect, I feel strongly that you'd be well served with BP for Strength. In other words, after completing this German LP #1 you'd take a week off to regroup, reload and begin German LP #2. I'd bet good money you'd respond well to undulating periodization in that model, as well as the Russian LP/10% solution that follow.

Six months of this and you're going to be a lot bigger and stronger. Check out the BP 2.0 for strength spreadsheet for how it works and let me know if my thoughts are one the mark..

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 7:16 am
by RobRegish
As an example of how I specifically set up BP for Strength for you/others, please consult this chart contained in BP 2.0: ... dSheet.pdf

I've mapped out 4 very specific loading patterns that when rotated in the specified sequence, deliver incredible POWER. This is not hyperbole.

For example, let's look at how the total tonnage strategically de-loads you from program to program:

Loading Pattern #1: Average total tonnage of 2,374lbs/workout
Loading Pattern #2: Average total tonnage of 1,347lbs/workout
Loading Pattern #3: Average total tonnage of 1,233lbs/workout
Loading Pattern #4: Average total tonnage of 610lbs/workout

As you can see, there is a method behind the madness. This approach runs circles around traditional training (i.e. winging it) and will allow you to handily out-perform your competitors.

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 1:07 pm
by MSR9889
RobRegish wrote:OK nice work. The table has been set then for squats. You've done all the physical work, now it becomes a mental game..

Looks like you had a 1RM of 240lbs at the conclusion of phase I. This loading pattern delivers a 5% increase to that in 6 workouts so I'd be looking for no less than 250lbs on max day, possibly more.

Anyway, shoot for the moon and do consider that CNS trick prior to your max attempt I outlined prior. It may well make the difference...

What was your previous best SQ prior to BP?

In reviewing your history, I'm building a mental library of what you respond best to. You'll probably want to keep something similar on your computer/workout log.

Thus far, here's what I've got:

- You respond better to multi-set loading patterns
- The loading patterns can accomodate a wide spread of intensity ranges
- The intensity ranges vary from a low of 50% up to and including 100%+
- You're responding well to straight, descending total tonnage
- There is a preponderance of slower twitch muscles which lends itself to
these intensity range spreads.
- I expect that over time, we can change this slow twitch vs. FT fiber ratio
with training. That's if you're interested in doing so.

What I'm missing (but suspect) are your subjective obervations such as muscle hardness, hypertrophy/fullness and what type of toll this is taking on your CNS.

Based upon what I know/suspect, I feel strongly that you'd be well served with BP for Strength. In other words, after completing this German LP #1 you'd take a week off to regroup, reload and begin German LP #2. I'd bet good money you'd respond well to undulating periodization in that model, as well as the Russian LP/10% solution that follow.

Six months of this and you're going to be a lot bigger and stronger. Check out the BP 2.0 for strength spreadsheet for how it works and let me know if my thoughts are one the mark..
240 was my record for squat, and ill definitely try the CNS thing.
i have pretty good muscle hardness i think, but im not sure what you mean about fullness or the toll on my CNS

once i finished this run, i was planning on dieting again to get cut. i also need to use the dicana that thermolife gave me in their promo. how beneficial would the second LP be on a maintenance or calorie deficit while using dicana? i would also have to pick up more ebol or kreanabolyn.

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 1:14 pm
by MSR9889
i had a lot of trouble sleeping last night and couldnt clear my mind

before breakfast i had 1 tbsp peanut butter and ebol
breakfast was 8 eggs over hard
snack was 2 scoops xf whey and buffalo pretzels
before dinner i had tbsp peanut butter and ebol
dinner was 3 turkey burgers
after dinner i had a buffalo chicken wrap and a cookie

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:57 pm
by RobRegish
You'll want to first run a cruising phase per BP guidelines to solidify those gains.

2nd BP run sounds like a re-comp. No issues just won't feel "blown up" like you do on a bulk. Key for you will be caloric levels/diet and training strategy.

Along those lines, randomly varying 100%/70% of maintenance calories on training-non training days is highly recommended. For the training, EDT is your template of choice. We can refine that as it gets closer...

Understand on the sleep issues. Too bad they're still haunting you. This too, shall pass...

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 10:39 pm
by MSR9889
so just to clarify:
bench workout #5 tomorrow, then 3 separate workouts for squat max, bench max, and deadlift max
then 2 week maintenance phase where i perform 5x5 type workouts at 80-85% of my new max. during this phase, ebol would not be needed correct?
would i then begin the second loading phase? and if so, i assume i would get back on ebol. also during this phase, cycle calories for 100% maintenance on training days and 70% on non-training days while using dicana.

sound good?

also for the second loading phase, would i keep similar leg and chest/back workouts, or would i be able to split things up along the lines of maybe chest/shoulders, legs/abs, and back/bi. for example, maybe bench and shoulder press, squat and stiff leg deadlift, deadlift and lat pulldown?

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 11:03 pm
by MSR9889
another question- im running out of ebol and will be ordering more soon. kre-anabolyn would last 15 days, 4 caps/day being the recommended dose correct? ebol is on sale now so its about $7 cheaper and lasts 25 days/bottle.

what would your thoughts be considering ive done my first run so far without creatine? i have some creapure creatine on hand anyways, seems like it would just be easier to stick with ebol for the time being. thoughts on this? in the past ive seen weight jumps using creatine mono at 5g on workout days only. whenever ive gone off it, ive dropped about 5-7 lbs while keeping strength and obviously losing some size.

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 7:04 am
by RobRegish
Kre-Anabolyn dosing is only 2/day. Even if you're a big man, 3/day would be the upper limit. And it already contains Kre-Alkalyn, a very efficient form of creatine monohydrate that delivers all the benefits without the bloat. It also has L-dopa and the very important 4-hydroxyisoleucine, which maximally leverages Ecdy's glycogen storage effects. These are profoundly under-rated, IMO.

I'd dose 2/day on off days and 3/day on workout days. At that dosage, a bottle will last you 25 or so days depending upon workout frequency. Using KA this go-round will allow you to make an educated decision as to which works better for you, and that's what really matters.

The creatine monohydrate you have on hand will be useful for the maintenance phase, so I'd place that there.

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 7:12 am
by RobRegish
You'll want to perform bench workout #5 next, the de-load.

Then a max day for bench and squat. You may perform them on the same or separate days. Do take care though if performing both to place the bench first.

I would not attempt a deadlift 1RM. Peaking all 3 lifts during this time is very difficult and you weren't performing Dimel/stiff legged/Romanian deads with a specified loading pattern. They were in the rotation to boost the squat.

You will perform the 5x5 rotation as specified in the Blueprint during your cruise/solidification phase. This lasts about 3 weeks. Best to eliminate adaptogens during this time and just use creatine monohydrate you have on hand.

You'll then initiate another Famine Phase for 5 days. Then it's back into the Feast with the recommended 100%/70% guidelines and following the EDT workout template outlined in The Blueprint.

Let me know if you have questions. Best to focus on the upcoming de-load/max workouts and then put mental energy into next steps. It's been my experience that if you start looking too far forward, focus suffers a bit.

Still, I like your enthusiasm :)

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 1:06 pm
by MSR9889
before breakfast was tbsp peanut butter and ebol
breakfast was a veggie egg white omelet with 2 slices american cheese and 4 eggs over hard
lunch was chicken and broccoli with brown rice
snack was tbsp peanut butter with ebol and 2 scoops xf whey
intra is going to be the other half of the mix i made saturday with 3 more tsp raz lemonade mix
pwo was 1 scoop lipotropic protein in water and some chocolate covered popcorn
dinner was 2 honey dijon chicken breasts and ranch seasoned roasted potatoes
after dinner i had a buffalo chicken wrap and a cookie
before bed was 2 scoops casein, tbsp peanut butter, and ebol