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Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 6:57 pm
by matter2003
Density training today, massive increase in weight lifted from 2 weeks ago. Weighed in today at 194 lbs, making it 12 lbs lost in 14 days!
All out cheat day today, and I got familiar with the expression "Yo quiero Taco Bell!" and ordered a CRAPLOAD of junk from there. Been eating ice cream, pop tarts, cheeze-its, candy and anything else that could possibly be thought of as bad for me. Resetting those leptin levels in no time flat! The fun ends tomorrow as I have to do lactic acid training in the morning and SS cardio at night during a 36 hour fast.


WORKOUT SET A:5 Mins/5 Mins(increase weight 5-10%)
-this time I was smart as I got a pad for the BB while doing the front squats and got a separate bar for the Bent Rows so I could add more weight and not have to keep raising and lowering the bar which wastes a lot of time and energy.

Front Squat: 145 lbs 5R x 6(30 reps/4,350 lbs)
Bent Row: 155 lbs 5R x 6(30 reps/4,650 lbs)
Rest 5 Mins

Front Squat: 155 lbs 5R x 6(30 reps/4,650 lbs)
Bent Row: 170 lbs 5R x 6(30 reps/5,100 lbs)
Rest 5 Mins

Total Weight: 18,750 lbs
Total Reps: 120 reps

WORKOUT SET B: 6 min/6 min(increase weight 3-5%)
Reverse Lunge: 35 DBs 5R x 4(20 reps/1,400 lbs)
Upright Row: 70 BB 5R x 4(20 reps/1,400 lbs)
Bench Press: 135 lbs 5R x 4(20 reps/2,700 lbs)
Rest 5 Mins

Reverse Lunge: 35 DBs 5R x 4(20 reps/1,400 lbs)
Upright Row: 80 BB 5R x 4(20 reps/1,600 lbs)
Bench Press: 145 lbs 5R x 4(20 reps/2,900 lbs)
Rest 5 Mins

Total Weight: 11,400 lbs
Total Reps: 120 reps

WORKOUT SET C: 4 mins/5 mins(use same weight)
Bicep Curl: 35 DBs 5R x 4(20 reps/1,400 lbs)
Lateral Raise: 20 DBs 5R x 4(20 reps/800 lbs)
Rest 2 Mins

Bicep Curl: 35 DBs 5R x 5(25 reps/1,750 lbs)
Lateral Raise: 20 DBs 5R x 5(25 reps/1,000 lbs)

Total Weight: 4,950 lbs
Total Reps: 85 reps

Total Time: 53 minutes
Total Workout Weight: 35,100 lbs!!(9,700 lbs more than last time!)
Total Workout Reps: 325 reps!!
Weight/Rep: 108 lbs/rep!!
Weight/Min: 662.26 lbs/min!!

I cannot believe I ripped off that much more weight than 2 weeks ago when I did the same workout, especially since I am now 12 lbs lighter...pretty worn out after this one, but not much time to rest as I got lactic acid training tomorrow morning!

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 2:21 pm
by thicketman
That's incredible progress. I'm extremely impressed.

Are you consuming below maintenance calories on your Warrior Diet days? I assume that you aren't counting calories at all on the all out cheat days.

My goal is to trim that fat for summer also. Again, I am extremely impressed.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 2:29 pm
by matter2003
thicketman wrote:That's incredible progress. I'm extremely impressed.

Are you consuming below maintenance calories on your Warrior Diet days? I assume that you aren't counting calories at all on the all out cheat days.

My goal is to trim that fat for summer also. Again, I am extremely impressed.
Thanks bro,

I am consuming about 2450 calories per day which is about 250 less than maintenance...

The workouts are extremely tough especially how they are setup on the IF and full fast days. I never thought this to be possible to be honest to lose this much fat in this little time.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:16 pm
by matter2003
thicketman wrote:That's incredible progress. I'm extremely impressed.

Are you consuming below maintenance calories on your Warrior Diet days? I assume that you aren't counting calories at all on the all out cheat days.

My goal is to trim that fat for summer also. Again, I am extremely impressed.
Thanks bro!

For all days other than cheat days(and fast days obviously) I am consuming roughly 250 cals below maintenance. Cheat days the only rule is no alcohol, eat whatever you want and as much as you want. There are a few important aspects that I think is really contributing to the progress:

1) I am following a high protein(1.5 g per pound of LBM), low carb(.5 g per pound of LBM) and high fat(remainder of calories) diet.

2) Bulk of fat calories are coming from olive oil, which I literally am drinking(taking 4 TBSP per meal). Olive oil helps in 2 ways. First it increases testosterone by increasing the rate at which enzymes convert cholesterol to testosterone, and secondly it increases the amount of adrenalin and noradrenalin in the body, which burns fat.

3) 2 meals are protein+fat and 1 meal is protein+carbs. NO meals are carbs+fat. I am eating 3 times a day to ensure insulin does not spike often, which prevents fat loss.

4) Long fast done directly after cheat day which ensures optimal fat burning is occurring(resets leptin levels)

5) Workouts are brutal. Quick paced, heart rate is kept up but you are also working with a lot of weight at times because of the amount of compound exercises you are doing. Twice a week you are lifting in the morning and doing cardio at night.

6) Cycling thru various intermittent fasting patterns in a strategic way. 1 day is a full fast day, 2 days are warrior days, 3 days are 16/8 IF days and 1 day is a full cheat day(no alcohol is the only rule because is nullifies leptin production).

Excited to see what I weigh in at tomorrow as I usually drop a pound or two after the fast day...

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:31 pm
by matter2003
No weigh in today because of the cheat day, will weigh in tomorrow following the full fast day, as it usually evens out or tips a little towards losing a pound or so. Had a split session today, lifting in the morning and doing 20 mins of SS cardio at night.

Lifting was pretty tough this morning, especially as it was less than 16 hours after yesterday's lifting session. My job today was to build up lactic acid by lifting slowly(4 count), which sends growth hormone skyrocketing, which burns through fat, especially since there is no eating today.

GH Surge I

Squat: 285 lbs x 20
Rest 2-3 mins

WORKOUT SET B Rest 90 secs between sets
Bench Press: 145 x 12 x 6,3,2,1 x 6,2,2,1,1
Bent Barbell Row: 155 x 10/165 x 10 x 10
Plank: BW x 60 secs x 60 secs x 60 secs
Rest 2 Mins after last set

WORKOUT SET C Rest 90 secs between sets
Lateral Raise: 12.5 DB x 12 x 12 x 12 x 12
DB Deadlift: 55 DB x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8
Rest 2 Mins after last set

Bodyweight Squat: BW x 25

Squats were pretty tough this early in the morning, but I managed to get them all with minimal rest. Bench press is really tough trying to lift that slowly, and I kept having to do pause reps on the last 2 sets.

Cardio was 20 minutes of moderate getting in pretty good condition as I was going at a pretty good pace and still breathing through my nose.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:40 pm
by matter2003
Weighed in at 195 lbs today.

I am incredibly wiped out after today's workout, which featured only the second time I have ever dry heaved while working out. Thanks to Rob for the first time...

Today was Dynamic Workout I(the first time I did this in the morning I had to stop after the second set of exercises because I thought was going to pass out), which is fast circuit type training...


WORKOUT SET A: Rest 15-30 secs between exercises/rest 90 secs between sets

Alt Reverse Lunge: 40 DB x 8ea x 8ea
Pushups: BW x 10 x 10
Explosive Switch Row: 55 DB x 12ea x 12ea
Standing Calf Raises: 505 lbs x 15 x 15
Stability Ball Plank: BW x 30 secs x 30 secs

WORKOUT SET B: Rest 15-45 secs between exercises/rest 90 secs between sets

Bulgarian Split Squat: 40 DB x 8ea x 8ea x 8ea x 8ea
DB Push Press: 30DB x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10
Lat PullDown: 140 x 12 x 8 x 8 x 8
DB Romanian DL: 80 DB x 12 x 12/70 DB x 12 x 12

-Extremely challenging, ended up having to rest about 2 minutes between a few sets, and ended up dry heaving after the 3rd set. Only actually started 20 secs late on the 4th set and completed it without any further issues...I HATE Split Squats!!!

WORKOUT SET C: Rest 10 secs between exercises/Rest 90 secs between sets

DB Squeeze Press: 30 DB x 12 x 12 x 12
Zottman Curl: 25 DB x 10/20 DB x 10 x 10
Garhammer Raise: BW x 15 x 15 x 15

-Squeeze Press was on incline bench, Zottman Curls were pretty tough especially on the way down where you have to turn the DB and curl it "backwards" for lack of a better term...had to lower the weight...

All in all, I am freaking really tired after this workout, an off day tomorrow which is much needed...tomorrow is a 16/8 IF day.

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 10:16 pm
by matter2003
Still hovering between 196-197 lbs. Body seems to have attempted to put a halt on weight loss. I could care less as long as I keep losing fat.

Today was a split workout, DB Complexes in the morning and then moderate SS cardio at night.


WORKOUT SET A: No putting DBs down and no rest between exercises

High Pull
Front Squat
Overhead Press
Bent Over Row
Reverse Lunge

All exercises were with a pair of 35 lb DB's. 3 sets of 8 reps for each exercise.

No putting DBs down and no rest between exercises

Floor Press:35 DB x 15 x 15
Romanian DL's: 35 DB x 15 x 15
Bicep Curl: 35 DB x 15 x 15
Lying Tricep Extension: 35 DB x 12,3 x 7,2,6

-triceps were shot at the end of this set, likely from the floor presses...was pretty proud to knock out the bicep curls easily with 35 lb DBs in the middle of all this, especially since it was the morning.


Hammer Strength Ab Machine:

50,60,70,80,90,100,110 x 10 each
110,100,90,80,70,60,50 x 10 each

Following the Warrior Diet today, so had an apple and protein shake to go along with another 10g BCAA after the workout. Was feeling pretty wrecked most of the day...

20 minutes of SS cardio tonight, getting ready to eat the majority of my calories in about 30 minutes, which is an hour after I finished cardio.

HIIT tomorrow morning and following the 16/8 IF pattern, followed by my heaviest day on Sunday and a full cheat day!!

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:07 pm
by Jacos5
Are you running that LHM diet you posted a while back? If so, would you recommend something like this for someone who is already light and looking to decrease his bf as much as possible? I'm about 143lbs at the moment and though I can't seem to get a proper bf reading I'd say around the upper 16% bf. Been wanting to get my bf low so I can start working on gaining more proper weight.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:22 pm
by matter2003
Jacos5 wrote:Are you running that LHM diet you posted a while back? If so, would you recommend something like this for someone who is already light and looking to decrease his bf as much as possible? I'm about 143lbs at the moment and though I can't seem to get a proper bf reading I'd say around the upper 16% bf. Been wanting to get my bf low so I can start working on gaining more proper weight.
I am running a program by John Romaniello right now, which the diet is fairly similar...low carbs, high protein/fat and IF most days. Sunday is a cheat day. Similar diets in a lot of ways, but this is geared more towards fat loss.

Honestly, I would not try to run a cut at that weight. A cut should be done once you have muscle mass to reveal the muscle. Cutting at that weight would lead to revealing bone, which would not look good(think marathon runner). You should be able to gain muscle and lose fat following BP 3.0 and following a lower carb, higher protein/higher fat diet.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:40 pm
by Jacos5
Alright thanks, havn't gotten a chance to do a 3.0 run just yet so I'll probably consider it soon.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 9:29 pm
by matter2003
Woke up this morning and did some HIIT cardio. My improved conditioning is getting very noticeable now. I was able to complete 8 intervals consisting of a 30 second all out sprint followed by a 30 second rest period with my heart rate never getting out of the 130's until the very last one, when it hit 141. However, in under 90 seconds, my heart rate was back down to 109. I couldn't freaking believe it.

Tomorrow brings big time weight with modified EDT Blocks and a cheat day. Looking to lift over 70,000 pounds in under an hour....

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 5:39 pm
by matter2003
Woke up today at 193 lbs, a loss of 1 pound on the week. Looking much leaner though, so I am not overly concerned. Body seems to be trying to figure out what the hell I am doing to it right now...

Density training today and a cheat it in early with 4 slices of pizza I had saved from last week in the freezer for breakfast, along with some pancake, sausage, ice cream and a poptart....

Obliterated my previous record of 55,100 lbs today by over 21,000 lbs!!!


WORKOUT SET A: 5 Mins/5 Mins increase weight 5-10% on 2nd set

Romanian DL: 185 lbs 5R x 9(8,325 lbs/45 reps)
Push Press: 70 lbs 5R x 9(3,150 lbs/45 reps)
Rest 5 Mins

Romanian DL: 195 lbs 5R x 6(5,850/30 reps)
Push Press: 80 lbs 5R x 6(2,400/30 reps)
Rest 5 Mins

-was on pace to smash last weeks record, but ended up barely edging it out by a few hundred pounds due to getting 2 fewer sets in on the second set...I was gassed...

Total lbs: 19,725 lbs
Total Reps: 150 reps
lbs/rep: 131.50 lbs/rep

WORKOUT SET B: 6 mins/6mins increase weight 3-5% on 2nd set

Pull Down: 145 lbs 5R x 6(4,350 lbs/30 reps)
Goblet Squat: 70 DB 5R x 5(1,750 lbs/25 reps)
Push Up: BW 5R x 5(BW/25 reps)
Rest 5 Mins

Pull Down: 165 lbs 5R x 5(4,125 lbs/30 reps)
Goblet Squat: 90 DB 5R x 4(1,800 lbs/30 reps)
Push Up: BW 5R x 4(BW/20 reps)
Rest 5 Mins

Total Weight: 12,025 lbs
Total Reps: 160 reps
Lbs/Rep: 75.16 lbs/rep

WORKOUT SET C: 4 Mins/5 Mins use same weight for both sets

Calf Raise: 685 lbs 5R x 5(17,125 lbs/25 reps)
DB Fly Away: 30 DB 5R x 5(1,500 lbs/25 reps)
Rest 2 Mins

Calf Raise: 685 lbs 5R x 6(20,550 lbs/30 reps)
DB Fly Away: 30 DB 5R x 6(1,800 lbs/30 reps)

Total Weight: 40,975 lbs
Total Reps: 110 reps
Lbs/Rep: 372.50 lbs/rep

Total Workout Time: 53 mins
Total Workout Weight: 72,725 lbs + 45 reps of BW pushups!!!
Total Workout Reps: 420 reps!!
Weight/Min: 1372.17 lbs/min!!!
Reps/Min: 7.92 reps/min!!
Lbs/Rep: 173.15 lbs/min!!

I don't even know what to say on this...I absolutely destroyed my previous PR by over 21,000 lbs!! Big thanks to the 685 lb calf raises no doubt(kinda crazy because I EASILY could have done more, but there is no where left to load weight on the machine--will have to figure it out for my next time in 2 weeks), but I am noticing my conditioning is getting really really good...for instance yesterday after doing 8 consecutive HIIT intervals consisting of a 30 sec sprint and a 30 sec rest period in which I could not get my HR out of the 130s, I finally pushed it to 141 after the last set, but within 90 secs of it ending, my HR had dropped back to 109...couldn't freaking believe it...

Anyways, expecting to be hurting after this one...but no time for that right 4 more hours left in my cheat day I need to take advantage of and lactic acid training tomorrow on a 36 hour fast day...yuk

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:12 pm
by matter2003
Woke up this morning pretty sore, but no time to think about that as I had a lactic acid inducing workout to get to today...


Barbell DL's: 205 lbs x 20
Rest 2-3 Mins
-Ugghh...20 DL's to start off the morning...after doing EDT blocks with them yesterday...

WORKOUT SET B: 4 seconds up/ rest 10-30 seconds between exercises
Lat Pulldown: 100 lbs x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10
Overhead Press: 60 lbs x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10
Feet Elevated Plank: 45 secs/45 secs/45 secs/45 secs
Rest 2 Mins
-Planks how I hate you, let me count the ways...

WORKOUT SET C:3 seconds up/rest 10 seconds between exercises
Push Up: BW x 12 x 12 x 12 x 12
Bicep Curl: 25 DB x 15/20 DB x 15 x 15 x 15
-had to reduce the weight on the bicep curls as I was failing after about 10 reps at 25 lbs...


Barbell DL's: 85 lbs x 25
-easy set of high rep, low weight DL's to finish the workout...

Felt pretty wore out after this until about 1 or 2pm or so, and actually felt like I was gonna puke for a few hours after the workout...didn't eat anything since about 8:30pm Sunday night, so not sure what I would have puked up other than some water or BCAA's...

Felt really energized towards the end of the day and got in a really good cardio session of about 20 mins after work. Feeling good right now, no soreness or anything...

Have a morning SS cardio session tomorrow and get to eat at 12:30 pm!!
Will check weight tomorrow also, did not weigh in today...

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:25 pm
by matter2003
Weighed in today at 193 lbs, so looking good to be dropping a few pounds by the end of the week...

Today is a 16/8 IF day. Broke fast at 12pm with a protein/fat meal, workout was at 4:30 pm, took in 10g BCAA and 20g protein 1 hour prior to workout...


WORKOUT SET A: rest 15-30 secs between exercises/Rest 1 Min between sets
Left Leg DL/Lunge Combo: 40 DB x 10/50 DB x 10/55 DB x 10
Arnold Press: 25 DB x 8/30 DB x 8/35 DB x 8
Right Leg DL/Lunge Combo: 40 DB x 10/50 DB x 10/50 DB x 10
DB Upright Row: 35 DB x 12 x 12 x 12
Pot Stirrer Plank: BW x 8ea x 8ea x 8ea
Rest 3 Minutes

WORKOUT SET B: 15-45 secs between exercises/Rest 90 secs between sets
Goblet Squat: 90 DB x 12 x 12 x 12
1 Arm DB Row: 50 DB x 8ea/55 DB x 8ea x 8ea
DB Fly Away: 35 DB x 8 x 8 x 8
Mountain Climbers: BW x 15ea x 15ea x 15ea
Rest 2 Mins

WORKOUT SET C: 10 secs between exercises/Rest 90 secs between sets
Alternating Lateral Lunge: 30 DB x 12ea x 12ea
BB Bicep Curl(EZ Bar): 55 lbs x 10/65 lbs x 10
Push Up Plank: BW x 45 secs/BW x 50 secs

Probably could have increased weight on several of the exercises as my conditioning is getting really good and I wasn't breathing heavy at all even though I was switching exercises as fast as possible and sometimes even in less time than the suggested time...

Took in 10g BCAA and 40g protein 1 hour after workout, as I continue to read studies supporting not taking protein directly after a workout(and no carbs), and am getting ready to eat my main carb/protein meal of the day an hour after that.

Tomorrow is a complete off day and a 16/8 IF day.

Friday brings morning complexes and nighttime cardio and is a Warrior Day...