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Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 4:28 pm
by Hank!
Feast Day 4
Tues Jan 25

6a Coffee w/ setvia and half and half
6:15 6 cbol creatine 2Ebol /500iu Vit D/ 1GM Fish oil
7:00 3Eggs / 2cups sauteed spinach spinach/ 4 gloves garlic
9a Coffee With Stevia and Half and Half
9:30 1C Greek Yogurt / 1 scoop Wheyology/1c Bluberries
11a 1 Cup qinoua
12:45 Pump-Bol
1:30 The Eagle
Work out
Rack Pull
585lbs 10 secs
675lbs 5 secs (think my vertabre is still on the gym floor)
Super set Squats/ Leg Curls
Weighted Crunch 110lbs x 10x2
Hyper Extension 45lbs x 10x2

3:20 12oz grilled chicken breast
3:20 2x Ebol
4p 6x cbol creatine
6:30 Metrx bar
7:30 8oz ground beef with 4oz cheese
9a 2X AN

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:34 pm
by DaCookie
Hank how do you like e-bol vrs kre anabolyn?

Sorry if I asked you this question before.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 7:25 am
by Hank!
Hard to say for sure, because my workout has changed to recomp from BP 3.0. I saw faster strength increases on my 1st two runs while using KA.

I am now seeing a hardening effect from the E-BOL but 6 to 9 per day is expensive.

KA gets the nod from a return on investment point of view, but it terms of performance its close

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:22 pm
by Street-dreams
I'm starting to think that a comparison of ebol to KA isnt necesarily fair..

ebol is all adaptogens whereas KA has a nutrient partioner, creatine, and some ldopa

I will be trying out ebol along with Glycobol(Nutrient partioner) and creatine mono.. still wont have the l-dopa but o well.. heres me thought...lets say that if you add all that in that ebol would be a better choice.. then youd have to add up the cost of the different products

ebol 47
mono 12
glyco 40(20 if u can get it on sale)

so then you are @92$ for 25 days worth..

KA is only like 45$ for 30 right?

sometime in the future ill try out KA and give a full comparison

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 3:51 pm
by scoooter
glyco is on wheycheap TODAY

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 4:13 pm
by Hank!
Feast Day 5
Wed Jan 26

The Formula/ Eagle works really well little to no soreness from the workouts Monday and Tuesday

On the down side my I tweeked my back , I rounded when i set the weight down on my 675lb rack pull, very sore today. Oddly i was able to complete my entire workout, wasnt till about 2 hrs later that I started having spasams.

I am taking the day off today and may just do some liss cardio Thursday while i rehab this back

6a Coffee with Stevia / Half and Half
6 x cbol creatine
2 X Ebol
8:30 4 Slice French Toast, 4 slice bacon
10 1c Greek Yogurt with Isology and blueberries
2 2x Ebol
2:30 6oz baors head turkey on Flour tortilla 2 oz cheese, mayo
3 Coffee with sugar and Half half
6p 8oz 1 Milk with Wheyoloy
7P 2 x EBOL, 6X cbol creatine
9:15 one cup Shrimp and Grits
11P 2 AN

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 12:23 pm
by scoooter
Its very wise to listen to what your body is telling you, if it needs a break it lets you know ! Personally that lift you performed would be like me trying to lift a car !!! nice work.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 5:36 pm
by Hank!
Thanks Scooter, I am afraid was over enthusiastic and let my form slip, now have a back strain.

No Workout :(

Feast Day 6
Thursday Jan 27

6a cbol creatine
2 x EBOL
615a Coffee, Stevia, 1/2&1/2
7a 2 Egg , Canadian Ham
830 Coffee Cream & Sugar
10 Greek Yogurt w/ Isology, Blueberries
12:30p 4 Pcs grilled chicken, sweet potato crisp, mac and cheese
4p coffe Black with stevia
6:30 2BOL 6 x cbol creatine
7p bowl of mini wheats

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 4:48 pm
by Hank!
Back is at about 75% I think by Sunday I should be able to lift

6a Coffee with C/S
630a 6 cbol creatine, 2 Ebol, 2gm Fishoil, 5000iu D
6:45 2 Eggs
9a 2c cottage cheese
11a 2 oz grilled chicken breast, 4oz boars head turkey with 2 slices boars head american on a deli flat
1:30 Isology / 1% milk
3p 6 inch roast beef sub, unsweet tea
345 2 ebol

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 5:30 pm
by jox51
I have some stevia also with my coffee but that thing tastes bitter, does yours do to?

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 5:44 pm
by Hank!
It has a funky metaalic taste but I am trying to wean off of sugar

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 1:42 pm
by Hank!
Feast Day 7

Saturday Jan 29

Weight 263

Coffee w Cream / Sugar
9a 2 eggs on toast
9:30 C-col x 6 / 2 x Ebo
2gm fish oill
5000 iu Vit d
10a Milk with 2 scoops Wheyology
12 Kit Kat
3:30p 2 x ebol
4p Chipolte Steak Bowl double meat
6p movie Popcorn and a Mr. Pibb
10p 1 Serving cottage cheese with banana and honey

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:03 am
by Hank!
Feast Day 8 Sunday Jan 30

8a2 x Coffee C/S
9a two eggs on toast
10a 2gms fish oil/ 5000 iu D3
10:30 2 x ebol/ 3x cbol creatine
11a 2scoops wheyology in Whole milk
12p Coffee w/ cream and Sugar
5p hand full M&M's
6:30 2x ebol / 3x cbol creatine
6:30 6oz skirt steak, 1c guacamole, 2 flour tortillas, 1 becks na beer
7 Peach cobler , Ice cream
9 2 x AN

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:48 am
by bigpelo
Hey Hank!. how does it feels on 2 adaptogen N / day? It's my first time at this dosage and I started feeling it at day 9 or so. Can't imagine what it would be on 3!