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Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 5:09 pm
by Dean
You are like 10 times bigger than i do man~~...
i literally said .." wow..." when i saw these pics...
so jealous.............. :x

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 9:24 pm
by RobRegish
Dean wrote:You are like 10 times bigger than i do man~~...
i literally said .." wow..." when i saw these pics...
so jealous.............. :x
It is ludicrous, isn't it??

This guy is taking advice from me/us!!! :) :) :)

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 12:56 am
by Dean
damn!! hope i can look at least half like him one day...

better plan for another BP run!

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 2:28 am
by bigpelo
Dean wrote:damn!! hope i can look at least half like him one day...

better plan for another BP run!
Thanks for your words guys! I do feel tight in a xl t-shirt... Need to cut some body fat though, particulary in the belly area. I will take care of that next round ;)

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 12:45 pm
by KE
Hey BIGpelo. I can see why your numbers are where they are. Keep it up. My gym recommends pics every season to monitor progress as well. Gaining muscle mass with minimal fat is always a challenge, but it always keeps the ladies happy. I'm gettin ready to start the 10% solution in 2-weeks. Thanks for your progress posts :!:

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 4:35 pm
by RobRegish
KE wrote:Hey BIGpelo. I can see why your numbers are where they are. Keep it up. My gym recommends pics every season to monitor progress as well. Gaining muscle mass with minimal fat is always a challenge, but it always keeps the ladies happy. I'm gettin ready to start the 10% solution in 2-weeks. Thanks for your progress posts :!:
He keeps this up... and his pics will be up on the wall all right. Here's what the verbage will read:

"Don't fkc w/this guy...!!!"

Great work bigpelo, The Canadian BP BionicBeliever(tm) :)

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 10:17 am
by bigpelo
I haven't track my diet this weekend. I ate random things when I was hungry, trying to listen to my "instinct". I didn't get enough fruits and veges but it feels good to sometimes be loose on eating.

Also, I haven't trained as planned on Friday because I when to see a car for sale at an hour drive from home. I think I found my mechanical soul mate :D

Cruise day 17 - April 2 2011

Squat: 325 lbs x 5 set x 5 reps --> get them all the down then up.

Seated cable row: 260 x 5 sets x 5 reps --> get them all also.

Incline dumbbells curl: 54 lbs x 5 --> easy
Preacher curl EZ-bar: 100 lbs x 6 --> medium
Cross body hammer curl: 62 lbs x 5 --> limit
Low pulley curl, palms facing roof: 150 x 5 --> limit
Low pulley curl, palms facing floor: 195 x 4.5 --> hard

Total workout time including warm up: 53 minutes
Body weight after workout: 245.5 lbs

Body weight seems to be stabilized now. Only 2 cruise workouts to go. Next round is in the planning process.

Cruise day 18 - April 3 2011

No training, ate a ton of sushi for dinner. Didn't sleep a lot.

Cruise day 19 - April 4 2011

Still no training today because schedule is to full. I will restart diet tracking though.

last cruise upper body workout April 5 and last cruise lower body April 6.

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 8:47 pm
by RobRegish
Canadian Crusher, keeps right on rollin!!! :)

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:28 am
by bigpelo
Cruise day 20 - April 5 2011

2989 calories
83g fat (26%)
191g protein (27%)
367g carbs (47%)

Barbell bench press: 285 lbs x 5 sets x 5 reps --> should have use more weight

Seated dumbbell shoulder press: 84 lbs x 5 sets x 5 reps --> got them all even without a spotter to help me up the weight.

Decline close grip barbell press: 265 lbs x 2 sets x 5 reps --> 2nd set, 5th rep was hard
high pulley press down palms facing roof: 195 lbs x 5 --> limit
high pulley press down with cable: 195 lbs x 5 --> also limit
high pulley press down palms facing floor: 210 x 6 --> medium

total workout time: 60 minutes (talk to much)
Body weight after workout: 245.5 lbs

Body weight is now well stabilize between 245 and 246 for more then a week.

Cruise day 21 - April 6 2011

Slept awesome. last day of cruise and of 2nd run today. Tomorrow, I will post today workout and some recapitulation then I will be off this board for a week and I will get back to you with another thread: "BigP's 3rd run: blueprint 3.0+warrior diet cut!"

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 3:28 pm
by RobRegish
Good Lord, this is become more and more perverse, vile and diabolical each successive run!!

See here as to why!!,


Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:08 am
by bigpelo
Cruise day 21 - April 6 2011

2815 calories
69g fat (23%)
204g protein (30%)
350g carbs (47%)

Squat: 335 lbs x 5 sets x 5 reps --> last rep of last set was really hard

Seated cable row: 265 lbs x 5 sets x 5 reps --> also really hard on the last one

Incline dumbbells curl: 58 lbs x 5
Preacher EZ bar curl: 100lbs x 5
Cross body hammer curl: 64 lbs x 4 --> hard!
Low pulley curl palms facing floor: 150 lbs x 5 --> hard
Low pulley curl palms facing roof: 180 lbs x 6 --> limit, maybe able to do 7

So that's it!!

I will take a full 10 days to prepare for next run. I will cardio at low to medium intensity here and there. I will get my bike ready this weekend. Next famine is schedule for April 17 2011.


Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 10:42 pm
by RobRegish
Finally found a hard workout, huh?

Just kidding...

GREAT work BIGpelo... :)

2nd run review

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 10:22 am
by bigpelo
2nd run review

The workouts:

I really appreciated the EDT blocks and there continuously increasing intensity throughout feast. Makes me sweated like crazy and pumped! Statics holds were also new to me. I did like doing them but I also hurt myself on rack pull, a bit of inexperience and wrist straps failure combined. The positive side is that I found osteopathic threatment, more on that later. The 10% solution was not a favourite loading pattern to me: it took to long to really have an overloading. Also, 61 days of feast was a bit to long. I started felling plateau around days 50 or 52 --> learning!

The diet:

First I do believe I over evaluate my maintenance calories at first: I did my calculation on a 3000 calories for my 100% maintenance, again --> learning! I now re-evaluate this to somewhere between 2700 and 2800. So, on the first 4 weeks, I continuously gain weight, both muscle and fat. When I started the 100% maintenance (being a little too much as noted) on training days and 80% on non-training days, weight was fluctuating and regressing but bodyfat stop accumulating. I ended being a little bit leaner at the end of this run. The fun part of 100%-80% is that the formula gives me the exact 20% difference for workout days so I could eat almost the same thing days after days which is easier to follow.

The supplements:

I took a lot of supplements during this run so it's difficult to make clear statements. So I will only talk of those I believed I know there effects or lack of.
I tried two different BCAA product with the formula: MassPro Amino and Modern BCAA (USP labs). I prefer MassPro Amino because it's tasteless and recovery effects was slightly more pronounced. But modern BCAA is a bit cheaper so overall effectiveness vs price is a tie.
MassPro whey is definitely a superior whey product than every other I had. I haven't been sick during to whole program and I think this protein is the cause of this healthiness. My girlfriend, family and co-worker all got cold or flu during winter but not me! Maybe there is a synergy effect with multilife and alkaplex?
I don't think thermolife Ecdysten was worth it. I took 3 caps per day every morning with breakfast and kre-anabolyn before and after workout or with lunch and dinner. I believe I should have taken 3 kre-anabolyn per day instead.
Adaptogen N is a really good recovery product. Looking back at my log, My recovery speed for weight training started decreasing shortly after I ended my adaptogen N and switch to test freak. But test freak beginning coincided with bodyfat lowering. So each of these test booster have there benefits.
I started Gaba late, during cruise before bed time. I noticed that it makes me dream, which I hasn't noticed in a while. Real, intense, weird dreams in facts! Sometimes pleasant, sometimes not but worth the experience in my book. Beats drug and alcohol highs anytime.

The results:

Overall a 3lbs increase on the scale with a little bit of fat decrease. Overall I would say a ~5 lbs of lean muscle mass increase. I have been weight training for 11+ years and I usually put 5 lbs / year, muscle and fat combined. So very please with the results!!! Also, mirror is telling me that I am at my biggest ever, girlfriend confirmed that. Never felt so tight in an XL t-shrit and I ripped apart 2 pairs of jeans because my thighs have grown really big. I now have a really hard time finding jeans and boxers that fit my thighs and butt (not really a bad thing 8) )

Osteopathic treatment:

WOW! simply WOW! The guy realign my head and spine in two treatments then on the 3rd, he did something to my skull saying: "you will fall asleep easier and feel more restful in the morning" and he was right! No more pain in my back or trapeze and no more waking in the middle of the night with a itching arm and fingers. Very good investment in overall health and future fitness. It's not pleasant to have a nerve getting un-stocked from the rib cage by a guy with pogo like fingers but after that you feel so much better.

What's next?

3rd run starting today: April 11 2011 --> see my other thread for more details. I now want to show off all those muscle hidden beneath my fat.

I will be please to answer all your questions regarding this run, here or on PM.

