Justin's 2nd BP RUN

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Post by Justin »

decided to take a day off today my arms are still sore from this weekend ;)
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Post by RobRegish »

SMART move.

You're listening to your body. It will never steer you wrong :)
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Post by Justin »

Ya :) today I'm going to gym to hit some armsss!! gonna be sickk!!

p.s hav't gotten much sleep the last few days and have been real tired hoping to change that around after today :)
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Post by RobRegish »

Yeah man sleep = uber important. Make sure to rest up!
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Post by Justin »

Todays workout was good had an awsome pump by the end!

preacher curl + tricep pressdown x3

incline DB curl + overhead extension x 3

seating bb curl + skull crusher x 2

over head cable extention + cable curl x 2

My one body part I find it lacking is my shoulders... I have a hard time getting that full round look... I was wondering if I should train them twice a week for a given month and focus less on other parts?!? do you think that would help?!?
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Post by RobRegish »

Yes, try this (perhaps at he expense of SOME of the direct arm work)

Seated overhead DB presses
Up right row

Structure those within the confimed of an EDT block, then proceed as follows:

2 static holds (seated BB presses) JUSt below lockout with a MAXIMAL weight. Hold for 5-15 seconds then slowly lower, having a spotter assist you back up into the rack..

3 minutes in between sets gets. It done. Do that for 6 workouts and report back!

Hope that helps!
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Post by Justin »

Awesome I'm going to try that my next shoulder workout! granted I have a spotter for the statics! I was wondering if it is important d=to do side laterals for the "boulder look" :?:
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Post by RobRegish »

Yes..... when you get to be Arnold's size :)

In all candor, very few will respond (hypertropy wise) to this movement as you will to shoulder presses/heavy rows.

It's a relatively simple equation: more weights = more overload = more muscle..
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Post by Justin »

but i am arnold size :D haha jokes... good call! I'm going to work a lot more on my presses!!
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Post by RobRegish »

Glad I could assist :)
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Post by Justin »

todays a rest day! gotta study for my 3 main exams next week :s what a pain...
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Post by Justin »

Hey Rob I was just wondering how long should a nap be to get some benefit from it?!?

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Post by RobRegish »

As little as 15 minutes will do you good!

The body is amazing. Say your normal sleep pattern is 8 hours and you only slept for 7.5. You'll find your nap on those days averages about 30 minutes.

It auto-regulates to keep you "optimal". Just another reason why the Europeans/Mexicans are a LOT smarter than us when it comes to health. They regularly include nap time for their work force as part of their daily regimine....
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Post by Justin »

Interesting point! your a genius :) well today I had an awesome Chest/tri workout I'm trying to target a lot of my upper chest so I started with BB incline then some decline because i love the stretch and feel i get from it Then i moved right into incline presses and flies to finish it up! :) for tris i just did a superset fashion for 3 sets was pressed for time
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