Draco's Second Run

Unfiltered Tips & Techniques centered around Blueprint Training
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Post by RobRegish »

Wow. These numbers are staggering. Really are..


weight stayed aroound 232 even when calories were backed off

A. Fantastic. You've achieved a new (higher) level of homeostasis.

one leg static hold on sled went from 720-900

A. Speaks for itself!

10min PR zone pull ups went from 28 sets of 3 to 35 sets of three

A. Stunning jump in work capacity there.

Rack pull went from 675 to 755

A. Huge

best squat Run 1: 410 X 4 Run 2: 340 X 25 Run 3: 465 X 1

A. If we compare like rep ranges, the 410 for 4 speaks to around 440x1. The 465lb increase then, is substantial (maybe not by Draco standards but still substantial! :) )

Bench...Best calc Run one 340 X 4 best push 370 no max run 2 Run three best max 355. I only maxed once, I was trying to get my 5x5's with 315 for bench and 405 with squat. Never did get all for bench but easily did for squat.

A. Tough to say given the wide range of max's/no max's. Whatever the case, it was an incredible jump in work capacity on the big barbell lifts for 5x5's..... and likely THE reason 232 was so easy to hold in spite of not overfeeding, etc..

I don't know of anyone that's had bigger runs than Draco. Certainly not in sequence like this. Anyone that doubts you can't continue to make great gains over and over with The Blueprint...... look no further than Draco.

Draco, one request if you're up for it. Do you have any pictures? The few I've seen speak to an incredibly lean, dense physique. Usually these kind of numbers are seen in someone such as myself. Dense muscle but not bodybuilder lean like Draco. This is a level of development that I personally wish I had but Draco goes the extra mile insofar as working minor parts of his body/detail finishing etc..

Trust me, once you see these pics you'll be shocked. If I were to pick one person to advertise BP with on a TV/magazine spot Draco my man.... you'd be it!
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Wow, thank you so much! I'm afraid to post now, to live up to such complements will be difficult. But yes I am due for some new photos, one year, three runs, and 17lbs after those last pictures were taken. Especially before I drop any weight, I'll see what I can do..........
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Post by RobRegish »

My pleasure. You delivered the goods.... you reap the rewards :)
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Just wanted to share my new wo. It's a work in progress and switching programs is never easy. Type I fiber recruitment after a IIb press, IIa will help as they will.
Warm up & stretch practice with explosively pressing 135 out of hand carefully then catch.(do not attempt) :D 225 5 pushes non explosive.
Set up station next to bench with 7" raised boxes set up a bit wider than benching grip width. Plyometric push ups inside the boxes exploding push to get you up onto the platform then a big push up landing back down in between the boxes....
315 x 1 immediate to plyo push up X 15 3min rest then again for 5 total sets

EDT skull crushers on angled bench x 3 to seated DB curls x 3 for ten minutes

Cable crossovers 4 sets of 10

Finished with some dips and light work

Today a similar wo with squats to platform jumps with quad ext & curls, and calves.

I have never had a wo quite like this. I had a serious pump and sweat going after that 10min zone. Not sure if i did that right. I have been on a "bench only" routine for chest for so long aside some incline / decline I haven't done cable crossovers forever. This is a short week of three wo and a test run for these workouts. Maybe a every other week protocol......
input from anyone????
I am trying to mobolize my muscle, tighten up and expect to drop a bit of weight. I took some pics yesterday and didn't like my waistline. Although my obliques have tightend there is still a layer of fat there on top. My upper abs are bulging while my lower abs are hiding. Typical for most guys but at 233 wouldn't it be cool to have abs :D Only downfall on todays wo is watching my knee that gives me trouble upon jumping. At my age, height, weight, and gimp achillies I can still grab rim with a two step approach. Can I improve that???without injury??? We'll see.
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Post by RobRegish »

Looks interesting.

Souds like they're working on explosive strength/CNS activation. I can see it as a periodic type thing. Let us know how it works out for you Draco!

Great tinkering.
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Periodic yes. Leg day: warm up & stretch 135 X 10 225 X 10 315 X 5 to 10 platform jumps
405 X 5 > 8 platform jumps
425 X 2 > 10 pj x 4sets 3 min rest between
This felt unique from my sled to jump squat workout really got my hr up

tri edt set up between machines jumping from toe raises X 10 > ham curls X 5 > quad ext X 6 for 10 min

Started e/c this week and dropped 4 lbs in two days. I am very sore. I tried taking some pics and may have actually become sore from hoding poses. Posted a couple over on BB, but want some more. Doesn't really seem to show the weight difference after I see them side by side. Oh and don't be frieghtened by my face I'm much better looking in person. :D That's my constipated/angry face. :shock: Whoa look away, look away.
Only got two wo's in this week. Migraine yesterday but the good news is no knee pain.
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Post by RobRegish »

ha ha!

You look scary indeed! You make me look friendly!!

Yes, some representative side by sides would be great but really, not necessary. Even the 2010 photos with your net weight gained (and in particular the starting/ending 1RM-total tonnage stats) would tell the tale.

Some people just don't understand/appreciate the difference even a few lbs can make on someone already so thick-dense and powerful. I mean when you're that lean, every 5lbs looks like 15. And to make those kind of strength gains when you START at 227lbs and that level.... difficult for your avg. nolinksplease.com member to relate.

But it will be good for them to see just how well the BP did you. A lot of criticism I notice surrounding "these are just newbs making newb gains".

Ha ha. Not after they see you!
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Whoa. Took the resistance band in yesterday...I am feeling it this morning..
WU and stretch Bench 135 x whatever- ballistic, explosive, slow 225 X 5
315 X 5 (no prob no spot) Hooked one total band on end of barbell under bench frame then on to other end of barbell. This is the blue high tension band and it was tight.
225 X 10 ~ X 8 ~ X 8 ~ X 7 remove band X 10 all 3min between sets
Back to seated curl/skullcrusher edt set for 10 min.
4-5 sets of cable crossovers and cable curls followed by same movement with band.
Finished up with some dips. Felt great, good burnout, good pump, good day! Forgot to weigh in...
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Post by RobRegish »

Yeah, the bands really accentuate the eccentric = LOTS of muscle damage..
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Had so much fun yesterday I just had to return to the gym with bands today for squats. Warmed up as usual pyrimiding up 135 x 10 225 x 10 315 x 5 405 x 5. Not having used bands for squats before, I was a little cautious ~in the cage I lowered my safety bars all the way down in order to loop a band on each end of the bar. Started out with 225 to get the balance and depth in check so 10 was pretty easy. Alternated SLDL 383 X 3
275 X 10
383 X 3
275 X 10
383 X 5
275 X 10 not so easy remeber my safety pins are all the way down no where to go but up
383 X 5
Removed bands 225 X 10
255 x 10 SLDL
Followed by some higher rep ham curls, quad ext, and seated toe raises.
Still weighed in at 230
No wo tomorrow, taking my PT test for two hours. Failure is not an option....
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Post by RobRegish »

Yeah man, good going. You'll pass that test. Besides, you've already passed the most important test of all.....
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Post by dracotdrgn »

After all that I had to teach a core class last night. It was good, but I'm beat today.
120 questions in an hour and a half~ I passed my exam!! I have a practical tomorrow then I'm official.
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Post by RobRegish »

I knew it!!

CONGRATULATIONS DRACO!!!! Cripes I'd hand you the certificate just looking at you..
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Yesterday was one of the most unplanned trips to the gym in a long time. B/c of the band work early in the week chest still wasn't ready for more so I did a static hold. Iron cardio (sucks), shoulder press, 10 min pull ups (tied or beat pr by 2 sets of 3), leg static, calf raises, decending db curls, cable crunches, and a new pr rack pull at 765.Twice! I think thats it......a little buddy in the gym filmed the rack pull, may have that later. Not like there is too much movement or glory in a rack pull but they sure are fun and my traps are sore today. I think my little bout movin weight around up and down with a squat put my knee in a bad position. Pain! I will do a different iron cardio regeim next time or simply run. Trying to mix things up, try new things......
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