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Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:41 am
by RobRegish
Thanks so much for the kind words/referrals Matt! Sorely needed, in today's economy...

With respect to your gains, FANTASTIC. Worth pointing out that it may have been my information, but your HARD WORK brought it alive! I am no marketing guru. In fact, I'm awful at it. You're right, word of mouth is by far the most powerful form of advertising. The bottom line is, The BP works!

You know what my biggest challenge, in selling it is?

"This is too good to be true..."

People literally don't believe the gains, you are all making. I can't figure it out. I'm sitting here with a system that piles muscle/strength on people like nobody's business. With 3.0, I've added the additional bonus of being able to do that, while LOSING large amounts of fat. Yet, everyone's still interested in the "supplement of the month..."


Whatever you all can do to spread the good word, would be most appreciated. I ask this not just for myself, but for you. You see, every great mind that comes on board benefits us here. Look at you Matter, how many recipe's, relevant supp studies, HEM therapy etc. posts have you made?

ALL of this, strengthens our community here. More weapons, more arrows in your quiver. Do give this some thought, next time you step in the gym...

Thanks to you all!!!

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:16 am
by matter2003
Weighed in at 212 lbs this morning, looking forward to fast ending around 6pm today with a nice $5 foot long from Subway(oven roasted chicken with a bunch of veggies and SW Chipotle sauce on 9 grain honey oat...yummy yummy yummy...)

Hoping to not have to do too much work outside...already 81 degrees as of 7:45am...

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 7:37 am
by RobRegish
Still waiting, for the body building dot com final review... :)

Now we know the haters will be out in full force. No worries, results speak louder than hate, and the truth shall set us free.

It certainly set you free... :):):)

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 8:18 am
by matter2003
Weighed in this morning at 210.5 lbs, getting ready for my first Cruise workout. Down 3.5 lbs from when I started famine at 214 lbs.

Took some measurements this morning:

Chest 49 7/8"---dammit so close to 50!!!
Arms 16"
Waist 37"<----Serious Progress!!!!
Quads 27"
Calves 17.5"<---gotta get back on my calf raises :P

BF this morning came in at 17.2%. I know that my BF readings starting out were on the low side due to an issue with abdominal caliper reading. I re-read the guide and found I was not pinching and lifting enough to get an accurate reading. Likely I was around 20% starting out, so I have dropped about 3% BF or so...

Some points to note:

1) Definition in my arms is up drastically---starting to really bulge, especially triceps and front delts above tri's

2) Ribcage is very noticeable now where it wasn't before

3) Starting to see abdominal rectangle more clearly and big groove along the sides heading towards the obliques where fat has disappeared...

4) My shirts are getting very tight in the arms, which has never happened before(have had most of these shirts fro 5+ years)

5) My shirts are getting very short, as in almost showing my stomach because of increased size in my upper body(back/shoulders/traps), which is raising it up..kinda sucks because I will be forced to buy new clothes pretty soon...unexpected expense of the BP, but one I will not complain about

6) Work pants are getting tight, especially in my hip area when I bend down due to whatever muscle that is(hip flexor/adductor?) being at least twice the size it used to be...literally feels like it is going to bust at the seems when I bend or squat down...I guess another unexpected expense....

Looking forward to a short cruise workout, 5x5 Bench Presses, 5x5 Shoulder Presses and some close grip statics....

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 8:21 am
by matter2003
RobRegish wrote:Still waiting, for the body building dot com final review... :)

Now we know the haters will be out in full force. No worries, results speak louder than hate, and the truth shall set us free.

It certainly set you free... :):):)
That's coming later today...I am going to take a less gushing approach so they don't think I am trying to sell them something, even though I am gushing in my mind....hahaha

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:46 am
by matter2003
Forgot to mention I had my first GABA only experience last night(without AN) and it was kinda crazy...

Got super tingly all over, felt very warm and started sweating pretty good on the normal 5g dose...

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 5:42 pm
by matter2003
First Cruise workout complete, and I have to admit it was not as easy as I thought it would be. Perhaps I overestimated my abilities on exercises I haven't really done in months, but I was a little surprised how badly I struggled on the later sets...especially set 4 and 5 of bench...

Pre workout popped 1 cap BIU/4 caps Quercetin(1600 mg)/1 cap African Mango along with normal supps(Opti-men, Fish Oil, Vit C, Vit E, etc).
The Formula rode shotgun with me again as usual.

Front Delts felt completely shot after about the first 3 sets, very surprised considering the amount of weight being put up in the static holds and the definite size increase(explosion of my front delts as I like to say :P) Perhaps the strength increase does not translate into a stamina increase over a large number of sets....I dunno, but I wasn't completely happy with the way things went today...

BP Warmup: 115 lbs x 10/135 x 5/155 x 4/185 x 3/205 x 2

BP: 205 x 5(easy no issues)/205 x 5(pretty easy, noticing front delts starting to pinch)/205 x 5(medium, front delts getting very sore)/205 x 5(hard, last rep was very tough)/205 x 5(very tough, last 3 reps were very hard--front delts feeling destroyed)

Shoulder Press: Smith+90lbs x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5
No real issues here, could have likely added another 10 lbs on both sides...

Close Grip Bench Static: Smith +270 lbs x 18 secs
-had no frame of reference for this as I have never done it before...obviously I chose a weight that was too light...

I notated Smith in there because I a honestly unsure of the weight of the bar...I have seen 15 lbs, 30 lbs, etc from various sites but nothing conclusive. I have emailed Hammer Strength with this question, so once I get a definitive answer I will go back and change the weights...

Overall, an OK workout I guess..a little disappointed with only doing 205 on the bench 5x5...hopefully next workout will be better...

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:41 pm
by lineux
matter2003 wrote:First Cruise workout complete, and I have to admit it was not as easy as I thought it would be. Perhaps I overestimated my abilities on exercises I haven't really done in months, but I was a little surprised how badly I struggled on the later sets...especially set 4 and 5 of bench...

Pre workout popped 1 cap BIU/4 caps Quercetin(1600 mg)/1 cap African Mango along with normal supps(Opti-men, Fish Oil, Vit C, Vit E, etc).
The Formula rode shotgun with me again as usual.

Front Delts felt completely shot after about the first 3 sets, very surprised considering the amount of weight being put up in the static holds and the definite size increase(explosion of my front delts as I like to say :P) Perhaps the strength increase does not translate into a stamina increase over a large number of sets....I dunno, but I wasn't completely happy with the way things went today...

BP Warmup: 115 lbs x 10/135 x 5/155 x 4/185 x 3/205 x 2

BP: 205 x 5(easy no issues)/205 x 5(pretty easy, noticing front delts starting to pinch)/205 x 5(medium, front delts getting very sore)/205 x 5(hard, last rep was very tough)/205 x 5(very tough, last 3 reps were very hard--front delts feeling destroyed)

Shoulder Press: Smith+90lbs x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5
No real issues here, could have likely added another 10 lbs on both sides...

Close Grip Bench Static: Smith +270 lbs x 18 secs
-had no frame of reference for this as I have never done it before...obviously I chose a weight that was too light...

I notated Smith in there because I a honestly unsure of the weight of the bar...I have seen 15 lbs, 30 lbs, etc from various sites but nothing conclusive. I have emailed Hammer Strength with this question, so once I get a definitive answer I will go back and change the weights...

Overall, an OK workout I guess..a little disappointed with only doing 205 on the bench 5x5...hopefully next workout will be better...
Looks like a solid workout to me. Keep up the good work mate =)

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:42 pm
by matter2003
Front delts are pretty sore today, pecs also getting some DOMS as the day went on as well as shoulders....
Really starting to notice some good size on my upper arm above triceps(front and rear delts)...

did some HIIT cardio tonight, 5 mins warmup, 30 secs High followed by 1 minute Low x 6, 5 minute cooldown...really love how quick these go, hate doing them, but I like the results!

Really am interested in starting meditation as a way to help lower cortisol levels and also stimulate muscle growth...have read about several bodybuilders who are firm believers in this including Frank Zane and Victor Martinez...have noticed I begin feeling very warm and start sweating during meditation even though this doesn't happen before or afterwards...very interesting...feels like you are in a dream-like state where 30 minutes passes like it is 2 minutes...will keep everyone updated on this...meditation has been shown to reduce cortisol levels by 50%, which in effect is boosting your anabolic ratio(ratio of Testosterone to Cortisol) by 50%....

Heading to bed after taking some GABA for some sweet dreams....

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 6:09 am
by RobRegish
Great work, experimenting Matter!!! Thanks for sharing.

Still waiting for that body building dot com review... :) I know you're working on it..

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:14 pm
by matter2003
RobRegish wrote:Great work, experimenting Matter!!! Thanks for sharing.

Still waiting for that body building dot com review... :) I know you're working on it..
Rob, I was still waiting for you to tell me where to post it, you never got back to me on that...

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:22 pm
by matter2003
24 Hour Fast today, followed by a HIIT cardio workout before breaking the fast with a meal around 9:45pm...

Really felt pretty energized during the workout, and actually completed it running 6 straight 30 secs on/1 min off intervals in record time...15 mins total and gone...shirt was still soaked with sweat...

Was helping my buddy at work measuring himself and he wanted to see where I was so he took a few measurements of me...Chest 50", arms actually taped out at 16.5" on the nose....I was pretty basically I have put a full inch on my arms since mid-April...pretty amazed

Also, I ended up doing this today, not on purpose, but I was attempting to fix something and I snapped a channel lock...


People at work just kinda looked at me like "WTF?"

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 7:53 am
by RobRegish
matter2003 wrote:
RobRegish wrote:Great work, experimenting Matter!!! Thanks for sharing.

Still waiting for that body building dot com review... :) I know you're working on it..
Rob, I was still waiting for you to tell me where to post it, you never got back to me on that...
Product Reviews would be great!

Congrats of breaking the wrench, and a full inch on your arms!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 9:09 pm
by matter2003
Cruise Workout #2

Had a better idea of what weight my workout should be so today was a little easier than the first cruise workout...

Squats Warmup: 145 x 10/195 x 5/235 x 4/305 x 3/375 x 2

Squats(V-Squat): 375 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5
-really focused on ass on the ground slow deep squats rather than more weight...likely could have gone 405 as I really didn't struggle on any of these sets other than a very minor pause on rep 5 on the last 2 sets, but even so could have likely done another 3 or 4 reps easy...

Leg Press Static Hold: 1520 lbs x 20+ seconds

Seated Cable Row: 200 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5
-had to wait a few minutes and had to laugh to myself while the guy on the machine did 220 lbs 3 or 4 times by rocking hard back and forth and basically using every muscle in his body other than his back..wanted to ask him if that was a total body workout or what...hahaha

Machine Curl Static Hold: 210 lbs x 12 seconds--gonna use a straight bar in power rack next time because maxed out machine but was too easy...

Standing Calf Raise Static Hold: 685 x 25 seconds
-could have probably held this indefinitely...I can easily do 15 reps at this weight, but cannot fit anymore plates on machine...unsure of how effective this was, gonna try loading plates on back of machine next time

Ab Machine(Hammer Strength) Crunch Static Hold: 130 x 15 secs
-could have likely went heavier, but tweaked lower left ab a few weeks ago and could feel it starting to flare up a little..didn't want to chance it.

All in all a pretty good workout...could really feel quads starting to get a little soreness in them by end of workout...wanted to really get super deep and slow on squats to give them some good work and did that, prob gonna go 405 next week for last cruise workout...