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Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 1:30 pm
by bigpelo
Should I wear my BP shirt on the pics? :wink:

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 4:47 pm
by RobRegish
bigpelo wrote:Should I wear my BP shirt on the pics? :wink:
At least one of them, yes.. :)

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 9:41 pm
by bigpelo
Didn't went to gym yesterday because I ended job at 6pm. I was too hungry. Today was the high school student competition. I woke up at 5:45am, did one hour drive to montreal, and now i need to go to sleep.... I will update tomorrow after the 3rd cuise workout.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:49 am
by bigpelo
Cruise day 9- March 25 2011

No workout. That wasn't the initial plan but job is sometime first...

2393 calories
95g fat (36%)
189g protein (32%)
192g carbs (32%)

Carbs composition:
161g complex (84%)
19g sugar (10%)
12g fibre (6%)

Cruise day 10 - March 26 2011

Still no training but I passed the day standing on my feet. The competition for high school student was named: brake on a dime. Kids had to build a machine that can stop the closest possible to 6 dimes, about 6 inches apart in a straight line. The target was define by a die throw. They had 60 seconds to adjust the machine and pull the pin to start the descent on a 30° slope. The competition was organized by the Quebec professional engineers order. I judge the competition and also represent the mechanical engineer corpse.

Kids where unbelievably good! But the most surprising was the % of girls participating: 70%! Also, they blow away the boys. Girls win 2nd and 3rd place for the 1st cycle (11-13 year old) and all three 1st, 2nd and 3rd for 2nd cycle(14-16 year old) !

The future of engineering is bright up here! Hope I will put my hands on some pictures has I don't have the chance to wear a tie often...

2279 calories
73g fat (31%)
177g protein (34%)
186 g carbs (35%)

Carbs composition:
129g complex (69%)
35g sugar (19%)
22g fibre (12%)

Not bad for a diet 50 miles away form home and for a day without time for a snack...

Cruise day 11 - March 27 2011

3rd cruise workout, chest, shoulder, triceps

2558 calories
54g fat (20%)
167g protein (27%)
350g carbs (53%)

Carbs composition:
297g complex (85%)
23g sugar (7%)
30g fibre (9%)

I think it's the first time my fibre intake is superior to my sugar intake... And it only means I didn't get all my fruits...

Bench press: 275 lbs 5 sets of 5 reps --> barely hard. Should I increase the weight?

Seated dumbbells shoulder press: 84 lbs
5,5,5,5,4 --> missed the last rep on the last set :(

Decline close grip bench press: 245 lbs
5,5 --> easy
High pulley press down, hand suppinated with bar: 180 lbs x 5 --> medium high
High pulley press down, hand hammer with cord: 195 lbs x 5 --> hard
High pulley press down, hand pronated with bar: 210 lbs x 6 --> easy

Total workout time: 53 minutes
Body weight after workout: 245 lbs

Felt small and weak at the beginning of the workout but ended up the day with a huge spaghetti with spicy tomatoes and meat sauce. Helped a lot!

Cruise day 12 - March 28 2011

4th cruise workout. It should get me back to my planned schedule after lots of delay. Didn't slept well even if I took 2g of Gaba before bed but I feel good enough to train.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 7:01 pm
by RobRegish
Do increase the weight but do so cautiously...

Remember - don't tread anywhere near the 90th percentile during 5 x 5 Cruise. As long as you observe that rule... you'll be fine :)

Great work bigpelo!!!

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:03 am
by bigpelo
Cruise day 12 - March 28 2011

4th cruise workout, legs, back, biceps

2690 calories
75g fat (26%)
189g protein (30%)
315g carbs (44%)

Carbs composition:
230g complex (73%)
52g sugar (17%)
33g fibre (10%)

Squat: 315 x 5 sets x 5 reps --> last set was hard but I believe I can add weight to the bar

Seated cable row: 255 lbs x 5,5,5,5,7 --> Need to increase here again

Incline dumbbell curl: 48 x 5 --> easy
Preacher curl with EZ bar: 90 lbs x 5 --> medium
Cross body hammer curl: 58 lbs x 6 --> medium
Reverse curl on low pulley: 150 x 5 --> hard
Curl on low pulley : 165 x 6 --> easy

Total workout time including warm up: 56 minutes
Body weight after workout: 244 lbs

Upped the dosage to 3 grams of GABA before going to bed. Felt weird before falling asleep, like the beta-alanine effect but over the whole body. I was wondering if it was normal? Is that the flushing effect?

Cruise day 13 - March 29 2011

Woke up after only 5.5 hours of sleep but felt refreshed. Super weird dream though. And I am not a routinely dreamer so it makes it weirder.

No training today, super tight schedule with a visit to the osteopath after work to finalized the bad spine. I don't have anymore pain in the right trapeze except when I do seated shoulder press. Hope this appointment gets my back to 100% and ready for next round!

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 1:20 pm
by beefcake66
bigpelo wrote:Upped the dosage to 3 grams of GABA before going to bed. Felt weird before falling asleep, like the beta-alanine effect but over the whole body. I was wondering if it was normal? Is that the flushing effect?
I've heard of this happening to a few people, never had it happen to myself, but I think it's normal.

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 1:52 pm
by RobRegish
"Upped the dosage to 3 grams of GABA before going to bed. Felt weird before falling asleep, like the beta-alanine effect but over the whole body. I was wondering if it was normal? Is that the flushing effect?..."

Completely normal and the reason both MASS and I counsel to start slow with this stuff...

It is harmless but scares people who aren't familiar with it/expecting it and panic makes it worse. Thus, start with just a gram or two and build up to no more than 5g.

In fact, as little as 3g prior to weight training has been shown to boost GH an additional 480%. Not only that, it's the biologically active form of GH to boot!!

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:00 am
by bigpelo
RobRegish wrote: Completely normal and the reason both MASS and I counsel to start slow with this stuff...

It is harmless but scares people who aren't familiar with it/expecting it and panic makes it worse. Thus, start with just a gram or two and build up to no more than 5g.

In fact, as little as 3g prior to weight training has been shown to boost GH an additional 480%. Not only that, it's the biologically active form of GH to boot!!
I did start with 1g for the first 2-3 days, then 1.5g another 2 days, then 2g during 2-3 days but the first time I took 3 was when I really felt the effect. Took 3g again yesterday, same strong tingling (is that the word?) effect. Same strong, weird, felt so real dreams... I still remember a part of my first "GABA dream"!

Do you mix your Gaba in water or take it straight? I mixed it in water but it leaves a strange after taste, no so pleasant.

Cruise day 13 - March 29 2011

No training.

2744 calories
94g fat (33%)
181g protein (28%)
280g carbs (39%)

carbs composition:
201g complex (72%)
46g sugar (16%)
33g fibre (12%)

Went at my second appointment with the osteopath. He worked to realign my head with my spine this time. He also worked on my right wrist because I have problem doing straight bar biceps curl. The think that really amazed me is when he told me that I must have numbness in my right forearm. I told him that I often wake up with the whole right arm completely tingling from the little finger to the shoulder. So he worked on both my arm trying to get the nerve system back to the optimum level. So I took a 3rd appointment.

Cruise day 14 - March 30 2011

Today I feel great! There is a meeting tonight 4 to 6 pm with the president but I think I will go exercise. 5th cruise workout: chest, shoulders and triceps!

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:27 am
by RobRegish
bigpelo wrote:
RobRegish wrote: Completely normal and the reason both MASS and I counsel to start slow with this stuff...

It is harmless but scares people who aren't familiar with it/expecting it and panic makes it worse. Thus, start with just a gram or two and build up to no more than 5g.

In fact, as little as 3g prior to weight training has been shown to boost GH an additional 480%. Not only that, it's the biologically active form of GH to boot!!
I did start with 1g for the first 2-3 days, then 1.5g another 2 days, then 2g during 2-3 days but the first time I took 3 was when I really felt the effect. Took 3g again yesterday, same strong tingling (is that the word?) effect. Same strong, weird, felt so real dreams... I still remember a part of my first "GABA dream"!

Do you mix your Gaba in water or take it straight? I mixed it in water but it leaves a strange after taste, no so pleasant.

A. I mix my GammaGH inwater and take it like a "shot". 3g prior to the workout, 5g 30 min. prior to bedtime and another 5g if I wake up in the middle of the night to join Urination Nation(tm). A shot of GH that is...!!!

How much GH is released, you ask? How about 480% more biologically active GH prior to exercise and 550% prior to the first 90 minutes of deep, REM sleep?!!!

And you want to take about vivid dreams? Couple that with 3 caps of Adaptogen N and you'll see sh!t you won't believe!!! :)

Cruise day 13 - March 29 2011

No training.

2744 calories
94g fat (33%)
181g protein (28%)
280g carbs (39%)

carbs composition:
201g complex (72%)
46g sugar (16%)
33g fibre (12%)

Went at my second appointment with the osteopath. He worked to realign my head with my spine this time. He also worked on my right wrist because I have problem doing straight bar biceps curl. The think that really amazed me is when he told me that I must have numbness in my right forearm. I told him that I often wake up with the whole right arm completely tingling from the little finger to the shoulder. So he worked on both my arm trying to get the nerve system back to the optimum level. So I took a 3rd appointment.

A. I assume by "osteopath" this = chiropractor in the states? If so, this is fantastic!! You find the right one... you've struck gold!!! Sooo happy for you... :)

Cruise day 14 - March 30 2011

Today I feel great! There is a meeting tonight 4 to 6 pm with the president but I think I will go exercise. 5th cruise workout: chest, shoulders and triceps!
A. Screw the president, whoever it is!!! Take care of business and keep up the great work!!!

Bigpelo.... The Montreal, Canadian Wrecking Ball; Stay out of his way!!! Good to know Canada has a Big.Jaz tearing through gyms and destroying PR's up north.

Speaking of which, I hope you're doing so in a "Stunning Electric Blue", Blueprint Tshirt?
BLUEPRINT KEYS T-SHIRT Stunning Electric Blue BP'ers T. *Note S, M, L, XL or XXL $14.95

Adds 10% to all lifts and makes you a chic magnet... or so I've heard :)

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:39 am
by bigpelo
Chic magnet makes me think of Borat: "Where is the pussy magnet?" while shooping for a car :lol:

Chiro is centring on spine

Osteo main concern is the skull

The practitioner I found is osteo, chiro and ortho therapist but he define himself as an osteopath.

progress photo from today, mid-cruise. Sorry for the ultra low quality, both of my cameras are with my girl in Cuba. Some people works, some don't... but that's another story.

Weight when pictures taken: 246 lbs.






Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 9:04 am
by bigpelo
I would have thought my progress picture to have more comments. Perhaps nobody notices them...

Cruise day 14 - March 30 2011

2680 calories
73g fat (25%)
214g protein (32%)
291g carbs (43%)

Bench press: 285 lbs x 5 set x 5 reps --> got them all up!

Seated dumbbells shoulders press: 84 lbs x 5 sets x 5 reps --> all up too with the help of a spotter to help my raise them at start

Decline bench press close grip: 245 lbs x 2 sets x 5 reps
high pulley press down with bar palms facing roof: 195 lbs x 5 --> hard
high pulley press down with cable: 195 x 5 --> limit
high pulley press down with bar palms facing floor: 210 x 6 --> medium

Total workout time: 52 minutes
body weight after workout: 246 lbs

Cruise day 15 - March 31 2011

No training. I was in a workshop on manufacturing best practices with people from London all day. We had a not so bad tasting cold buffet but macro wise it wasn't so good. Didn't ate a lot. There was only 7up or pepsi for drink.

2319 calories
72g fat (28%)
181g protein (31%)
237g carbs (41%)

Carbs composition:
151g complex (64%)
61g sugar (26%) (damn 7up!)
25g fibre (11%)

Cruise day 16 - April 1 2011

Tonight will be 6th cruise workout: legs, back and biceps.

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 7:52 pm
by beefcake66
You, sir, are JACKED!

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 8:46 pm
by RobRegish
Good God I/we just saw these...

You are phucking enormous man!!! If The Blueprint played even a small part of this, I'll consider it both a privilege and honor to be a part of it...

Unreal man, unreal!!!!