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Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 5:09 pm
by Hank!
beefcakes is not a gents.

She Woman

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 5:22 pm
by Swedishfish
Hank! wrote:beefcakes is not a gents.

She Woman
Lol thanks - fixed.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 11:09 pm
by Dean
bigpelo wrote:
beefcake66 wrote:Wow that's a pretty phenomenal final write up you did there!! Thanks for all the info and the great reviews!

...can I have your recipe for those protein pancakes?? lol

Thumbs up!
x 3 good job MAN!!! Great review~!

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 11:24 pm
by Swedishfish
Cruise Week 1

Weight = 208

Workout A
Bench Press 135x2, 155x2, 165x2, 175x1, 185x1, 185x5, 185x5, 185x5, 185x5, 185x5
DB Shoulder Press 45x2, 55x2, 65x1, 75x1, 75x5, 75x5, 75x5, 75x5, 75x5
Close-grip bench 135x1, 155x1, 155x10, 155x10, 155x10 (couldn't find a spotter to overload on these)

Being the first workout in 4 days I went a little crazy, I couldn't leave it at this so I added...

BB Shrugs 225x8, 225x8, 225x8
Chinups 8, 8
V-bar pulldown 140x8, 140x8, 140x8
Calf Press 155x15, 155x15, 155x15 (different machine from earlier in the log)
Dips 10, 10, 10
DB Bicep curl 35x10, 35x10, 35x10

Workout B
Squats 135x5, 185x2, 225x2, 245x2, 255x1, 255x5, 255x5, 255x5, 255x5, 265x5
BB Row 135x2, 185x2, 185x5, 185x5, 185x5, 195x5, 205x5
V-Bar Pulldown 155x5, 155x5, 155x5
DB Bicep curl 45x5, 45x5, 45x5, 45x5, 45x5
Static Ab Crunch 2x6-10s hold

My Diet has changed quite a bit since feast. I've cut calories down to around 2100 a day, focusing on protein and keeping carbs low except for around my workout. Trying to start a long, slow cut to keep as much strength as possible.

I'm not trying to gain any strength for cruise, mostly just hoping to retain my current levels - I'd consider that a success.

As far as supps goes I've reduced my supplementation severely, just protocol/BCAA, Green Mag and Lean Extreme while I cut out stims for March.

Will update again next week with cruise week 2. I'll probably stick with cruise for the full 21 days and then switch over into Layne Norton's PHAT routine for the summer when I start EC.

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:34 am
by Swedishfish
Cruise Week 2

Weight = 207

Workout A
Decline Bench Press 135x2, 155x2, 165x2, 175x1, 185x1, 195x1, 195x5, 195x5, 195x5, 205x5, 215x5 (Caclulated 1RM for this was 247.5 +17lbs from day 1)
DB Shoulder Press 45x2, 55x2, 65x1, 75x1, 75x5, 75x5, 75x5, 75x5, 75x5
Close-grip bench 135x1, 155x1, 155x10, 155x10, 155x10
Pulley flyes 60x8, 60x8, 65x8
V-bar pulldown 140x8, 140x8, 140x8
BB Shrugs 225x8, 225x8, 225x8
Dips 10, 10, 10

Workout B
Squats 135x5, 185x2, 225x2, 245x2, 255x1, 255x5, 255x5, 255x5, 265x5, 265x5 (calculated 1RM for this is 305 + 5lbs from day 1)
BB Row 135x2, 185x2, 185x5, 195x5, 195x5, 195x5, 205x5
DB Bicep curl 45x5, 45x5, 45x5, 45x5, 45x5
Chin-ups 5, 5, 5
Static Ab Crunch 140x18, 140x18, 140x18
Leg lifts 12, 12, 12

Now about 2 weeks off of stims entirely - still a little lethargic especially in the afternoons, but that will happen. Going for a full three week rest probably, so my adrenal system has time to fully recover. Starting around the 21st of March I will pick up with LX, EC, SizeON MP, and my spring cut, as well as Layne Nortons PHAT routine and cutting diet.

I will most likely wait until Mid-April or Early May before I run another Test Booster (looking at AX/TZ) and will most likely log that when the time comes.

For right now I'm considering myself done with cruise and my first run of BP. It was a great ride, definitely some things I would do differently next time but all in all I think I got my money's worth.

Thanks all who followed and contributed.

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 5:17 pm
by RobRegish
Awesome work here!!

Thanks for doing it justice man. Anything you need for round 2 riding the gain train, PM me.

Done :)