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Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:49 am
by RobRegish
Alrighty... day 3 is when it hits for me so be aware. Look for dropping 1lb/day or thereabout and heed my advice above about dis-continuing if it's too much. Health first as I always say.

Right here for you if you need me :)

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 11:51 am
by elephino
Thanks man.

So far, so good. I woke up with a different, more intense kind of hunger than normal, but for some reason my energy levels are still through the roof. I feel great, and I can't sit still.

That said, today will be challenging. I have workout #2, and I'm going to go skate on the Hurricanes ice at the RBC center tonight, then go out to dinner with friends afterward.

I guess the only way to fit it in is to save up my calories for preworkout and a late dinner, and just hope I don't collapse on the ice :)

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 2:12 pm
by elephino
Oh, here's my famine secret.


Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 4:02 pm
by elephino
Famine - Day #3
1350 calories.

Wow. I vastly underestimated:

* The impact of going straight from bench to OH press without a break.
* Only 1 minute between sets.
* The impact of a really low calorie diet on muscular endurance.

A normal chest workout would start with incline DB bench 3x8-10 using 75s.
A normal shoulder workout would start with DB OH press 3x8-10 using 55s.

Today's workout was humbling. With so little time to recover, I had to decide to either lower the weights or increase the rest time. I chose to do the former and stick to the prescribed times.

---Supersets, 60 seconds rest between sets---
* DB Press (inc/flat/inc/flat): 65x8, 65x8, 50x7, 50x6
---immediately followed by---
* DB OH Press: 50x7, 40x4, 35x7, 35x6

---Tris, 60 seconds rest between sets---
* CG Bench: 95x10
* Skulls: 60x8
* Rope Pushdowns 50x8

I didn't get gassed so much as my shoulders just quit working. In particular, my left shoulder. I had a left side injury several years ago that resulted in a dislocated elbow and a separated shoulder with some RC involvement. When my shoulders start getting tired, I feel some RC pain, and have to stop rather than push through it. So I just kept lowering the weights to the point where there wasn't pain.

I just had to check the ego and lift puny ass weights. I guess that's what famine is for. Consider my body shocked :shock:

Not looking forward to Friday...

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 4:56 pm
by DV8
Woohoo! Sounds like fun. Makes me look forward to my Famine Day 3 Workout this evening.

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 5:01 pm
by elephino
I'm curious to know how you fare. Whether I just have crap endurance, or whether this is normal. Good luck!

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:26 pm
by RobRegish
Yeah, humbling but natural given the rest periods involved. Nothing compared to workout #3 though. Speaking of which...

Be VERY cautious going into that. Discontinue if you feel you can't handle it. There's no shame in it. You can't make gains if you're sick/hurt. Soooo... if you're down 1lb/day or thereabouts and/or RHR is close to 8bpm elevated above baseline... you get a pass.

Consult me if necessary. Right here for you..

Great work!

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 11:54 am
by elephino
Thanks again!

Famine - Day 4

Hungry as all hell. I still feel great, energy levels are still high, and I don't feel sick or "off". Just really, really hungry! I was down three pounds as of mid-day on Day 3.

Well, off to drink some caffeine. If it was easy, everybody would do it ;)

Edit: It was a breeze. Sitting at 550 calories @6:00 PM, off to go eat a decent dinner. BRING IT ON, DAY 5!!

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:45 pm
by RobRegish
OK, keep tabs on it b/c things can change on a dime. Otherwise, great work and you're almost there...

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 7:22 pm
by DV8
elephino wrote:
Edit: It was a breeze. Sitting at 550 calories @6:00 PM, off to go eat a decent dinner. BRING IT ON, DAY 5!!
Fasting does get easy after the first day, especially during off days. Saving all my calories for then end of the day has worked out well.

We only have one day of famine left! Great job.

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 8:34 am
by elephino
Famine - Day 5

My heart rate went up considerably this morning, and I hit my 8 BPM above baseline :). I weigh myself on gym scales, so I haven't done so since Wednesday. Curious to see whether I lost the requisite 1 lb/day.

Rob, if all indications are there that my body is in Alarm state, I know you're telling people that they can take a pass on the last workout.

I'd rather do it. Is there any negative effect of doing it, other than possible injury or overwork? Would it adversely affect my hooge upcoming gainz?

I promise I'll take it light and stop if I feel like I'm about to die...

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:00 pm
by DV8
If you do go with doing the Day 5 workout, be careful. Let us know how it goes, lol.

I've elected to skip the day 5 workout. I'd rather play it safe since I've already reached my goal +8 bpm and -5lbs by the start of day 5. I don't want to risk over doing it or pulling a hamstring doing the workout.

Train for Gainsville departs tomorrow!! Be on it!!

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:05 pm
by elephino
I'm gonna leave for it in about an hour. I'm planning on doing ridiculously light weight for the squats. Like 135. I'm sure after five sets of 12 with no rest, it'll feel like death anyway.

BRB, not gonna be able to sit on a toilet until Monday
BRB, walking down stairs sideways.


Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 3:42 pm
by elephino
Just did my workout. After Wednesday, I decided to go LIGHT. Especially because I didn't get but about five hours of sleep last night.

My legs felt like they had more in them at the end, so I guess I held a little too much back. I was definitely breathing hard by the end, though. It was more like heavy cardio than lifting. My arms, however, gave up the ghost somewhere around the 3rd or 4th set.

squats 135x12,13,14,14,15
---immediately followed by---
bb row 85x13,14,15,15,15
30 second rest.
Finished the block in 12 minutes.

--1 minute break--

Standing BB curl: 60x12
--30 sec rest---
Preacher Curl: 55x12
--30 sec rest--
Standing DB Curl 25x8, 20x4 (lol, my arms were FRIED with no rest)
--30 sec rest--
Standing BB curl: 40x8, 30x4
--30 sec rest--
Preacher Curl: 35x5, and I was toast.

And that's it. I have about 500 calories left today, and then I'm going out for a huge breakfast tomorrow to celebrate. My MASS stack is sitting on my porch waiting for me right now. Perfect timing.