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Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 8:05 am
by RobRegish
This is quite true. Allow me to offer my $0.02...

15+ years of E/C in doses I won't post here has left 1.) Every other pre-workout I've tried weak by comparison and 2.) My adrenals trashed.

Smart move by yours truly? Of course not. My usual demeanor though is a shade above conscious, so E/C to me made me feel normal/alive.

When the new BIU was released, I too felt underwhelmed. However, I began to notice a few things:

1.) I didn't feel as fatigued as the day wore on
2.) My lifts were stronger
3.) I felt a LOT better
4.) I didn't make as many judgement/typing etc. mistakes due to "rushing"
5.) I found out right quick the difference it makes when I ran out

This is now a staple for me and yes, on workout days I add additional caffeine. It puts back more than it takes away, and I've almost fully recovered my adrenal function.

Please do give this your consideration. It fits Cruise like a glove and just one bottle at a 3 cap/day dose gets you through an ENTIRE Cruise.

The PeakATP builds ATP, increases circulation to the brain and in fact, all ingredients. There's more PeakATP in there than any other too. The Taurine is important insofar as it prevents muscle tissue breakdown (many studies to support this). The MACA is an incredible broad spectrum adaptogen. Recall the goal of Cruise is to establish a new state of homeostasis (i.e normal). The custom 10:1 extract is the perfect addition.

The Phosphatidylserine mitigates any cortisol rise and that'll be elevated coming off of your very intensive Feast phase peaking cycle. Goes a LONG way to keeping that catabolic hormone under control and a nice nootropic at that.

Let's not forget legit (aged) Korean Red Gingseng... the genuine article. It does so much it's out of the context of this post. It is one of the VERY few legit Ginsengs with active ginsenosides. That crap you see in convenience stores masquerading as "Ginseng"? Crap and gives the adaptogen a bad name.

The rest of the ingredients? Check them out... they all put back/replenish the adrenals and rest of the body vs. take away like all these other pre-workouts laced with ephedrine, 1,3, yohimine etc..

Just my opinion, but I've grown to LOVE this product and am running further diagnostics (today in fact) - bloodwork at noon to see where my adrenals are at. The last test had them ALMOST back to where they should be. This, after 2-3 months of BIU daily.

Great work AskMass!!

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 2:02 am
by askmass
As always, great insight with your analysis, Rob.

We need to do a better job in getting across the message that "two a day goes a long way" in our BIU literature, because it really is cumulative in building increasing benefits with long term daily use.

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 8:17 am
by RobRegish
You know John I was thinking...

One bottle is 60 caps. If one is looking toward that long term cumulative efffect, 2/day would get you through a month at less than $1/day. Pretty darn reasonable IMO for what it does.

For Blueprint purposes, I see it as ideal for the following applications:

1.) Pre-workout at 2/3 caps with or without some Java depending upon yoru stim tolerance. I've noticed a few things when using with/without. Here are the cliffs "with" BIU:

A. Improved focus. Much easier to get "in the zone"
B. Crisp, clean lifts/sharper CNS. I find it most apparent when doing Westside speed work, for example
C. No crash (one of its best features, IMO)

Now I don't recommend this but I'll also be completely honest... I occasionally go all out and down E/C + BIU. When I do that, I DON'T get the horrible E/C crash. I don't know what it is, but it really smooths it out. It also seems to intensify the effect, likely due to the PeakATP improving circulation of everything else (speculation).

2.) Cruise - fits it like a glove

You can run 3/caps a day every day and even during a long Cruise (20 days) you're covered. Recall the goal of Cruise is to solidify a new state of homeostasis. Also recall that you're coming off of a VERY intense peaking phase (Feast) where you've been working in the 90th percentile on many lifts, upping total tonnage quite a bit etc. In this environment, cortisol (likely elevated) is a factor as is adrenal burnout etc..

Now let's look at how BIU addresses those. First, the PeakATP will go a long way toward replenishing muscle AND brain ATP substrate. This, in the absence of creatine if you're forgoing that. The MACA is a fine broad spectrum adaptogen and will go a long way toward "normalizing" the system and establishing that new homeostasis we're striving for. Ditto for the real deal aged Korean Red Ginseng Extract.

The Phosphaditylserine is the other big hitter, which is important insofar as mitigating the aforementioned cortisol. Keeping that under control is big and it is here where it will have a most positive impact.

The rest of the formula puts back/replenishes vs. takes away, which is BIG coming off of Feast. Let's look at Taurine. #1 ingredient in the blend and there for a reason: In one recent study, Taurine was shown to exhibit significant reductions in muscle breakdown by decreasing the highly catabolic chemical 3-methylhistidine by 20%.

Effects of Taurine Administration on Exercise by Y Yatabe - 2009

The generous (understatement) dose of B1, B2, B6, Folic Acid, B12 (2830% per CAP!) and Vitamin C (50% RDA per cap) also goes a long way toward helping those adrenals.

I realize and understand it may not be for everyone. As always, I respect your likes and dis-likes and whatever you use, I'll be here to help you get the MOST out of it. Burn It Up though, is obviously a favorite of mine for the above stated reasons. Please do give it some consideration...

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 5:36 pm
by nolyman777
wow thanks for the very informative posts guys. Very appreciated. I may not be buying these for the stim junkies but im definitely considering buying one of these for myself now. :)

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 7:53 pm
by RobRegish
Is a sharp product.

The meth crowd won't be impressed but as you use it more you begin to appreciate what it brings to the table. You also REALLY find out how good it is once you STOP using it.

As always, use what works best for YOU.

Whatever you do though, use QUALITY. See DaCookie, I remember your words of advice.

I listen :)

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:51 pm
by elephino
I gave a couple caps to a friend of mine that's a stim junkie. He just ordered two bottles.

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 12:06 am
by askmass
My harsher stim junkie comments were tainted too much by the hemo rage thread, no doubt. You guys are sharp, and much appreciated.

Thanks for the promo, elephino. We are here because of lifters like you.

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 3:59 am
by Big.jazayrli
RobRegish wrote: 1.) Pre-workout at 2/3 caps with or without some Java depending upon yoru stim tolerance. I've noticed a few things when using with/without. Here are the cliffs "with" BIU:

A. Improved focus. Much easier to get "in the zone"
B. Crisp, clean lifts/sharper CNS. I find it most apparent when doing Westside speed work, for example
C. No crash (one of its best features, IMO)
100% agreed here on these points.

Like i said - I took it before my Lifting Meet and halfway through the day.

Hit the spot perfectly.

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 7:52 am
by RobRegish
Yep, AskMass has another category killer on his hands :)

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 4:32 pm
by elephino
The more I take this stuff, the more I like it.

A few weeks ago, I was totally blasted out on caffeine. I'd drink 6-8 cups throughout the day, and usually a monster or two to boot, plus a PWO with caffeine in it. It got to the point where I knew it was unhealthy, and I was still tired all the time.

I cut back to one 16oz cup of coffee in the morning, and I was dragging ass. I got the free sample of BIU from askmass with my BP stack.

I gotta say, I'm a big skeptic, especially when it comes to BB sups. The only reason I bought the BP stack was because Rob and Mass seemed like nice guys, and I figured there wasn't much to lose.

I was wrong to be skeptical. These things work. I'm still on one cup of coffee in the morning. When I start to crash from that, I have one BIU, and I feel great for the rest of the day. On workout days, I take a second one 30 minutes before the gym, and I've been having the workouts of my life. I don't even care about my PWO anymore.

And overall, I feel MUCH BETTER. Not jittery, not anxious. Not irritable. And with no crash at the end of the day, I don't see my usage constantly ramping up to unhealthy levels like I did with coffee and energy drinks. I don't feel like I'm just chasing a baseline anymore. It enhances my mood, but I'm not dependent on it. On the weekends, I don't take it, and I don't feel bad at all.

Not only that, but I used to get horrible leg DOMS that kept me from working legs. They lasted 3 days post workout. Ever since I've been on the KA, I haven't been sore once, even with these higher-volume workouts. And my lifts keep going up.

Needless to say, I'm a fan of askmass' products. This stuff is changing the way I look at the supplement industry. I think I may just become his next spokesperson. :D

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 4:52 pm
by bigpelo
elephino wrote:The more I take this stuff, the more I like it.

A few weeks ago, I was totally blasted out on caffeine. I'd drink 6-8 cups throughout the day, and usually a monster or two to boot, plus a PWO with caffeine in it. It got to the point where I knew it was unhealthy, and I was still tired all the time.

I cut back to one 16oz cup of coffee in the morning, and I was dragging ass. I got the free sample of BIU from askmass with my BP stack.

I gotta say, I'm a big skeptic, especially when it comes to BB sups. The only reason I bought the BP stack was because Rob and Mass seemed like nice guys, and I figured there wasn't much to lose.

I was wrong to be skeptical. These things work. I'm still on one cup of coffee in the morning. When I start to crash from that, I have one BIU, and I feel great for the rest of the day. On workout days, I take a second one 30 minutes before the gym, and I've been having the workouts of my life. I don't even care about my PWO anymore.

And overall, I feel MUCH BETTER. Not jittery, not anxious. Not irritable. And with no crash at the end of the day, I don't see my usage constantly ramping up to unhealthy levels like I did with coffee and energy drinks. I don't feel like I'm just chasing a baseline anymore. It enhances my mood, but I'm not dependent on it. On the weekends, I don't take it, and I don't feel bad at all.
I will second that! I was a big stims user some months ago. 3-4 cups of coffee in the morning, pre workout containing geranamine, etc. I was having very bad sleep so it kept me using more caffeine and geranamine and so on.

So before starting my blueprint run, I decided to take a brake of stims. During my first week of feast I used BIU! for 5 straight days, every morning because I was in a intense formation for my job. Right now I am in cruise phase and I take 3 caps before each workout.

My sensitivity to stims is back to my pre dependence condition. One cup of coffee in the morning gets me almost high. Training session are productive and my sleep are more restful, even if take BIU! at 5:30pm.

The only down side is I live in Canada... takes more then 2 weeks to get my package and shipping price are high. This is not MASS fault though. (order December 6, still not delivered...) At least there is no custom fees on reception! I wish my local supp store could sold MASS products... :roll:

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 9:28 pm
by RobRegish
This is great to hear and I'm happy you've benefitted from it.

Both John and I discussed the reformulation at length. I contributed a bit insofar as the PeakATP suggestion. John came through though, when we hit a roadblock and needed it most. He delivered an elegant solution when one of the proposed ingredients became problematic: Real Korean Red - Aged Ginseng Extract.

Where and how MASS got that I have no idea - but he's a hell of a source man/goto guy on these herbals.

Great to hear and I'm glad you're having success with the product. It is in fact, very much worth looking into.

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 11:11 am
by RobRegish
Agree 100%

More minds, more benefit for the community at large here. With the kind of quality members we have, there is NO better place anywhere to find a set of collective minds that think outside the box, troubshoot solutions etc.

Which gives me an idea. I think a rather good idea. How about a sub-forum devoted to such outside the box thinking, troubleshooting etc?

We've got a GREAT base to build upon. Look at Draco's find on the old MM2K program! That's but ONE example. The variation of Bill Starr's 5 x 5 auto calculator is another.

Weigh in guys. I personally LOVE this idea but of course... I'm a big fan of my own lol.

You tell me: That's the way it works here!

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 11:20 am
by RobRegish

"Part of this reformulation rests with an improved benefits revamp of a product we carried for many years called Unfair Advantage.

I remember talking with Rob early on in the process of building the new Burn It Up and I mentioned ATP would be a core ingredient, which was in UA. He shot back, "Peak ATP, that is the one making waves"... and here we are today".

I remember this now, it's coming back!

The original or then current version of BIU contained a small amount of "ATP". My observation was that ATP in that form is poorly utilized by the body and an opportunity existed to improve upon that with PeakATP. My only issue at the time was that when I tried it, most formula's only sprinkled in a token amount.

John/MASS took care of that and in a BIG way! PeakATP is listed as the second ingredient in the formula and while I'm not privy to the actual amount, it looks to me you get more per cap than any other product. Certainly so when taking 2-3.

So yes, contributions all around. I'm glad I gave something back because MASS now has another category killer and my Blueprint Believers are reaping the benefits!

WIN-WIN-WIN. That's how we roll... :)