Justin's 2nd BP RUN

Unfiltered Tips & Techniques centered around Blueprint Training
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Post by Justin »

HAHA that is very true! plus my new gym is opening near my house! finally a golds gym moving in the area ;)
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Post by Justin »

ok so during the famine i have lost 7 pounds and back down to 170 :o.... I'm not sure if this is normal or if not? Just I'm hoping i can gain it all back and more with lean muscle
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Post by RobRegish »

Totally normal to lose at least 1lb/day during Famine. If you haven't already, you get a waiver on workout #3 :)

And yes, you'll rebound to that baseline # and THEN SOME. Just watch what happens over the next 6 weeks :)

Any questions right here for you! You've been through the hardest part, now, the BIG rewards await...
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Post by Justin »

OH I'm ready I just finished Making my log papers for the gym on word if anyone wants to have logs for each week! I can happily send you them!!
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Post by Justin »

so i weighed myself again and lost another few pounds I'm down 11 pounds during the famine :O CRAZYYYYY!
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Post by RobRegish »

Holy smokes. If you haven't already, discontinue.

That's a LOT of weight to lose. Much more than the norm.. No worries, but I wouldn't feel comfortable taking it any deeper.
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Post by Justin »

Ya today I'm gonna feast baby :) the thing that confused me was I wasn't that Hungry like its almost as if my body got used to not eating a lot! Well know it is Time to gain ti all and more back!!
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Post by Justin »

1st day of Feast Can't wait for my 1st workout tomorrow! Its gonna be super sick!

I decided throughout my rest days I will be performing,abs,yoga,or stretching!!
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Post by RobRegish »

Start with a big fat porterhouse steak.

That's what I do :) Congrats on making it through!!
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Post by Justin »

alrighty so My first workout is arms! I can't wait! only thing is i woke up this morning and my wrist was hurting!
Okk so i just really confused myself?!? Am I performing both my bench max and deadlift max on the same workout every workout or do i alternate for example, 1 day is bench then the other is Deadlift and keep rotating because as of know i have 3 workouts a week in which i perform my bench and deadlift (BP style) in each. I was just reading another thread and it says to only perform 1 compound movement per workout?

i just looked up some BP's and i think you actually train both can anyone confirm?
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Post by Justin »

Ok so I just finished my first workout and was super happy about it! My bench was at 195 for 8 reps and my deadlift was 205 for 9 reps! but teh best was the pump i got from the arms I haven't gotten that in a long time! i performed to EDT blocks for them one i used the basic protocol the other I didn't rest in between exercised at all just continuous 5 sets! the burn was amazing!

:) and I gained 4 pounds during my first feast day! catching up to my orginal weight already
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Post by RobRegish »

So happy for you man, you don't even know.. :)
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Post by Justin »

HAHA thanks Rob! can't wait for my next workout tomorrow!

for supplements on this BP I don't have much money so I'm going to be sticking with the basics, protein,creatine mono, and leucine ! that is all but I hope to make some awsome results none the less!
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Post by Justin »

Hey guys I had my second workout today and It went well it was chest/back and i got crazy pumps! my Bench I hit 205 7 times (7th with a spotter) so i was happy about that and for my EDT block one for chest I was able to increase weight every set!
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