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Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 4:59 pm
by Big.jazayrli
RobRegish wrote:
A. In THEORY yes. I tested this though, and while absolute strength increases tremendously, hypertrophy doesn't keep pace (a flaw in HIT).

SUSPECTED REASON: Total tonnage plays a BIG part muscle hypertrophy. The likelihood of knocking off all of the Type I, IIA and B fibers etc in just 1 set (no matter how intense) isn't the same.

It was for that reason then, I elected to build a template that boosts absolute strength (HIT + loading patterns - various) along with EDT.
perhaps ill have to give a 3 HIT/ 2 EDT split a try.. hmmm I have a bottle of Ebol sitting here for when i finish my Xfactor, as well as a couple other products in the coming

I could see a possibly very great strength inducing run coming up directly before my January of february meet - We should make this happen Rob :D

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:33 am
by RobRegish
Yes, we should.

You have so many experiments going on, I picture bolts coming out of your neck!


Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 5:27 pm
by Big.jazayrli
RobRegish wrote:Yes, we should.

You have so many experiments going on, I picture bolts coming out of your neck!

I'm a machine Rob! A squatting Machine!

Once I drop a weight class pff I'm gonna dominate

as for today though - somewhat breaking my diet rules. Drinking a nice pumpkin ale as i BBQ some chicken before work :)

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:11 pm
by the_buffer
You guys are making me more confused than I was before...

I went back to the e-book, and based on that is sounds like workouts 1-5 should be as follows:

-Bench press

It even says that's the whole workout, so where EDT figures into this I have no idea.

It sounds like you guys are suggesting doing upper and lower body splits which would make workouts 1-5 actually 10 workouts, making it more like 4 weeks to get through them if doing the 1 on 2 off as the book suggests.

fitting in all the GLP workouts it a challenge to begin with, but if 4 weeks are eaten up by this it will be virtually impossible.

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:17 pm
by Big.jazayrli
no you've got the right idea there with what you just said buffer

i would do the squats/SLDL first though, personally.

Also - if you want to do an EDT block or two, feel free to add them in AFTER you finish squat/sldl and bench/pullovers

Regarding what Rob and I are talking about - I like to try new and weird things and constantly change my program :)

Have faith in BP though - it works wonders.

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:56 pm
by RobRegish

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:53 pm
by the_buffer
I've re-read those stickies and they're pretty clear, but they also raise some more questions:

it makes sense the way you've laid out the workout to include two EDT blocks in the first 5 workouts, does this outdate the pdf? ie. have you found it to be more effective in one way or another by including them?

In your version of EDT you suggest 2 minutes of rest time, yet in Staley's version it says to start with only 15-30 seconds, just wondered why you find 2 minutes to be more effective?


Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:59 pm
by scump
Rob states that the stickies are updated version and in blueprint 3.0 will be the norm.

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:38 am
by RobRegish
The 2 min rest periods allow for greater weights to be lifted (i.e. something closer to the 75th-80th percentile). This builds muscle tissue and plenty of it. I also favor the big compound movements for their ability engage more total muscle tissue and thus, stimulate more growth. They also take more out of you, requiring more rest.

Resting 15-30 sec in between sets means you're lifting light weights. Light weights = small muscles to me. I want big muscles for you.

That's about as simple as I could make it :)

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 9:14 am
by the_buffer
perfect thanks.

My first blueprint run I went strictly by v2, so it will be interesting to see how my next run goes with this format.

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 2:12 am
by scump
u gunna make a log?

maybe post up your workouts before you do them and we can critique then.

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 10:20 am
by beefcake66
Big.jazayrli wrote: just thinking in regards to my (tiny) knowledge of Mentzer style training, if coming off a high volume program - wouldn't a full BP run of just HIT be a great way to get results?

obviously not a 8-10 week run, but 4 weeks of single sets to failure?

I may have to put this to the test in future

A. In THEORY yes. I tested this though, and while absolute strength increases tremendously, hypertrophy doesn't keep pace (a flaw in HIT).

This intrigues me.....
If I wanted to just get SUPER strong, but not HUGE... I could just do HIT style training....?

If I were eating in a surplus, I would gain weight anyways though right?
...and not all muscle...?

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 8:16 pm
by RobRegish
Many ways to go about it, we'll get you there.

I wouldn't recommend HIT only. You want lots of arrows in your quiver. If that's your goal, I'll make a few suggestions...

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 8:58 pm
by Big.jazayrli
RobRegish wrote:Many ways to go about it, we'll get you there.

I wouldn't recommend HIT only. You want lots of arrows in your quiver. If that's your goal, I'll make a few suggestions...
I'm thinking Ill do a really high dose of ecdy through ebol/kreanabolyn on my next run and do 2 weeks HIT followed by GLP2 @ 2 workouts per week

I think that'd be phenomennalll