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Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 8:34 pm
by RobRegish
That's what I was afraid of.

No worries. We have many great minds here. I will come up with something that will make 3.0 very difficult to pirate...

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 1:18 am
by JlCh
Well, I'd like to apologize to everyone. I went to Rob a week or two ago, but I guess I could fall under this "pirate" business. I by no means meant to "steal" anything, and could even fall under his "giving back" ideals, but here's a bit of the story.

I saw Turbo's thread on BB forums and sent a friend of mine a text about it. He is a hard gaining type of guy and thought it might be something for him (and I) to look into. I was very intrigued and figured I'd give it a shot once I was done cutting weight.

Time came to purchase the BP but before I could get home to purchase the e-book, my relatives called and told me that I'd be on my own for college tuition. Being ready to start the BP in a week and very, very limited money I called the friend and asked if he was interest in buying it for me (as he had bought supps for me in the past to be a guinea pig) and I'd pay him back. He ended up buying it for me a couple nights later, but said don't worry about paying him back, as he was going to buy it anyway.

Now, I don't think HE, and I know "I", had no intentions of ripping Rob off but that has basically what it has came down to. I had the intentions of righting the situation once I was ready for my 2nd run, and unfortunately that time is in a week and all of this "piracy" business has come to. It's bad timing for sure, but the situation will be settled next Friday as I'll be purchasing the BP myself.

My friend has never posted or even read the forums here as far as I know. So everything posted by this account was "me" lol. I'm uncertain whether or not I'll switch names or not yet.

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:17 am
by RobRegish
"I had the intentions of righting the situation..."

And right it you did. JlCh approached me with the above and explained. I never hesitated once I understood his story. Both forgiveness and gratitude were expressed and things have been righted.

More importantly, now that you're an investor (vs. pirate) you're going to get all the NEW information, tips, tricks and other "Eagles" as I like to call them bestowed upon ALL of my BP Believers. Think 2.0 is the latest? Think again. There has been a LOT of new information gathered, "formulas" created and other tools added to the BP's quiver of arrows that make it THAT much better.

That's something BTW, you pirates will NEVER get from me. And if you think you'll get them in 3.0... you are sadly, sadly mistaken.

Thanks again JlCh. You did the RIGHT thing and in return, you just bought yourself a lifetime of new information to use. The pirates? They'll be left in your dust...