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Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:03 am
by RobRegish
OK important to point out you should be feeling weak during Famine... you're disrupting homeostasis and depleting muscle substrate - so its working. Sounds odd but it'll reverse itself BIG TIME during Feast.

That intra workout drink is to be consumed ONLY during Feast/Cruise and sipped 15 min prior, during rest periods between sets and immediately after your workout, finishing up then.

Suggest the following:

75g Pure Karbolyn
25g MassPro Vanilla
20-25g BCAA
pinch of sodium

This delivers a 3:1 carb to protein ratio, includes the all important BCAA's that go directly into circulation and the Karbolyn moves lightening quick through the stomach, duodenum, small intestine and into the bloodstream dragging the di-tri peptides and protein with it!

BONUS: You'll observe none of the bloating, crash associated with Dextrose. Pricey? Yes, but if used only on workout days it's do-able and WELL worth it!

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 11:45 am
by dta1984
Day 4 Famine

Heart rate 62 bpm (+ 3)

Feel great this morning, a little sore, but not real bad. I can't believe its already day 4!!

Rob, on the drink, I was wanting to make use of what I have already, which is flavored BCAA (Xtend). Since my intra workout drink has chocolate flavored protein in it, I don't see the watermelon flavored BCAA mixing to well. Just wondering where to place the drink during the day.

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 10:38 am
by dta1984
Day 5 Famine

Weight 158 lb (-3 lb)
Heart rate 63 (+4 bpm)

Ahhhh day 5!! Kind of suprised my weight leveled off and quit dropping. The last few days my calories have been less than 1200. To be exact,
1128 calories, 23 fat, 199 carb, 35 protien.

Anyway, I am anxious to get this done with! I will do workout 3 tonight.

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 7:56 pm
by dta1984
Quick question on supplement dosing;

Ebol off days;
2 am
2 lunch
2 pm

On Wokrout days Ebol;
2 am
1 pre
1 post
2 pm

Bioforge; It says to take 1 twice a day. Where do I fit this in? Am and PM? Pre / post workout?

A. On training days you want one about an hour before and one prior to bed. I don't think there's an IMMEDIATE rise in testosterone BUT, nightime is when test/GH and so forth work their magic. Perhaps check in with TheHuge over on

I'd do it for you on Skype by my computer has a virus :(

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 11:24 pm
by dta1984
Wow did I forget how brutal workout #3 is!! The higher reps and less rest really get to you. I got through most of it with the exception of the arm protions, i was wore out.

Squat - 100 x 12 x 5
DB Row - 40 x 12 x 5

BB Curls - 65 x 7 x 2
Preacher Curls - 70 x 6 x 2

Rob, in addition to the above question, what is a good carb amount to shoot for during feast? 2x weight? Looking back it seems easy to get 400g in and that is 2.5 x. Protein I try to keep at 1.5 x weight.

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 10:31 am
by RobRegish
Yeah, depending upon your goals I like to see no less than 2x the amount of protein you're eating.

If you're an ectomorph, this may go up to 3/4x the amount of protein! At LEAST 25% of your carbs should be consumed during and within 2 hours of your workout.

REASON: Glycogen synthase (enzyme) is dancing at this time and most if not all of those carbs will be stored in the muscles.

Eat them at night prior to bed and they shut down GH release and will likely be stored as triglyceride :(

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 1:04 pm
by dta1984
Feast Day 1

Weight 157

O it felt so good to eat again! 6 egg whites, toast, fruit, OJ it was mmmm good. I am dosing bioforge 1 in am and 1 in pm. Ebol, 2am, 2mid, 2pm.

Calorie goals will be slightly higher than 20 x weight. My 20 x is 3140. Last BP run my cals were around 3100 for the first week or so. I will shoot for 3200 for 10 days, and ten spiral down some.

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 10:25 pm
by RobRegish
Doesn't it now! :)

I usually have steak for breakfast first day of Feast. Yes, steak for breakfast. I crave it that much...

Glad to hear you're enjoying eating again. Hope this run turns out great for you!

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 3:36 pm
by dta1984
Day 2 Feast

Got most of my goal macros in yesterday, except for the carbs. I will make a bowl of rice today to help with the carbs.

Yesterday numbers;
Cals 3196
Fat 99.5
Carb 376
Protein 237

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 8:54 pm
by RobRegish
Nice job man. Way to stay on top of it.

And yes, make sure you get those carbs in!

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 11:57 am
by dta1984
Feast Day 3

Weight 160.5 (+3.5 lbs)

Weight rebounding nicely to almost pre famine levels. Yesterday's totals; 3845 calories, 139 fat, 466 carb, 234 protein. Alot higher in calories and fat than I wanted.

Yesterday I started BCAA dosing. I forgot all about it Saturday. I am doing 3 on , 3 off as in the book.

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 12:10 pm
by dta1984
Feast Day 5

Weight 162.5 (+5.5 lb)

Everything is going good. I am hitting all of my goal macros, with the exception of carbs, which I am usually only 40-50 carbs short.

Due to my work schedule I put wokrout #1 off until today. I will update this with more detail on the workout later on.

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 8:06 pm
by xlb57
Nice to see the weight rebound, now punish those weights! Hope it went/goes well!

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 11:36 pm
by dta1984
Thanks man. It felt good to get back to the weights. The workout went well. I will update tomorrow on specifics, I left my workout book.