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Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 12:45 pm
by rzaragoza
Breakfast Buffet at the dining hall...LET THE FEAST BEGIN!!!

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 2:28 pm
by rzaragoza
So on workout 1-5 of the feast, do i perform the EDT block/PR sets every workout?

So workout 1 would be
Bench with pull overs for one set after warmups
then EDT block of incline w/tbars
then squats with stiff leg dl for one set after warmups
then EDT block of romanian dls w/sled

Is that right?

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 4:53 pm
by RobRegish

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 2:31 pm
by rzaragoza
Oh alright cool. Thanks Rob. Yesterday went great for the Feast. Started off with some greek yogurt and pb then hit up the dining hall and had a mountain of egg whites with toast and some potatos. Proceeded to have a protein shake with 100g of oats. Did an arm workout, Serge Nubrtet high volume superset style. then made a giant turkey sandwich before going to the football game against the Huskies which I'd rather not talk about. After the game had some chicken and a little bit of rice. Followed it up with some yogurtland :D before bed had some greek yogurt with a lil pb and protein powder.

Maybe if our defense did the Blueprint, they'd be able to make a tackle. I'll suggest it to Kiffen.

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 8:18 pm
by RobRegish
Wait a sec. Did you workout during the first day of Feast?

First 3 days are just eating and sleeping. No weights. If it was just arms don't sweat it. Let me know... I know the details can be easy to miss.

Here to help, not scold :)

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 10:02 pm
by rzaragoza
Yes I did workout, but JUST arms cuz I felt as if I neded a workout and I felt like they didmt get any work all week. Would it be alright to start the program tomorrow or more effective to wait until tuesday? Strong urge to get back in the gym and do some work!

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 8:04 am
by cappla011
rzaragoza wrote:Yes I did workout, but JUST arms cuz I felt as if I neded a workout and I felt like they didmt get any work all week. Would it be alright to start the program tomorrow or more effective to wait until tuesday? Strong urge to get back in the gym and do some work!
You should definately wait til Tuesday. You should have worked yourself to the point where you were absolutely drained from your 3rd Famine workout, where you would NEED those 3 days rest.

But even if you feel fine, take the extra day rest. You may not feel like you need it, but you're body probably does. Just focus on resting, and EATING! Stuff your face :)

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 8:29 am
by RobRegish
I'll second the wait an extra day recommendation.

Zeal to train is good. However, the comments about wanting to take a break is absolutely true. You're either a machine or alien. First time I've heard of it coming off Famine #3...

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 1:39 pm
by rzaragoza
GAHHH! You're killin me Rob hahahaha As much as I would like to resume training today, I'll take your advice and stay out of the gym. Body is all fueled up and ready to go but your track record always shows that what you say really does work and I can't argue with the positive results you've helped others to achieve so far. :)

But maybe I'll do some light cardio or something later... :twisted:

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 7:01 pm
by RobRegish
You worked out I just know it.

C'mon, fess' up :)

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 1:57 pm
by rzaragoza
You caught me...I ended up just doing a mile on the stair climber and then my buddy was in the gym and wanted me to lift with him so I could't say no.lmao Ended up doing a very light chest workout and some core stuff to get my body prepped for the first workout of the program. Had my first real workout yesterday and boy did it feel good to get my lazy butt back in the gym! People were Bert staring the crap outta me when I was doing my EDT blocks. Felt awesome!

After warmups did 1 set of 8 for bench w/185 lbs
Then immediately did set of 9 with 70 lbs DB pullovers

EDT Block 1
Forgot to count but just went back and forth as mant times as I could with about 10-15 sec rest in between on occassion.
Incline DB Press 70's for 6 all the way through
Tbar rows 200 for 6 all the way through

After warmups did 1 set of squats 8 reps 275 lbs

EDT Block 2
Same story as above
Stiff leg/Romanian DL (switched it up a bit) for 6 at 225
Leg press(same as sled?) 6 plates a side for 6 reps all the way down to the bumper!

Then went upstairs and did one set of some light cable chest flys and one set of wide grip chins then left to go study till 3 am! Better than the previous night where I didn't make it back to the room till about 5! How I loathe midterm season here at USC.

When am I supposed to perform the next workout? Friday if I'm not mistaken, yes?

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 3:26 pm
by rzaragoza
Haven't forgotten about my log! Been pretty busy the last week with midterms but I'm gonna be back on here and keeping this log updated and as detailed as i can.

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 5:57 pm
by RobRegish
Yes, I was wondering!