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Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 1:39 am
by DaCookie
seasoned wrote:
DaCookie wrote: Check studies which show its benefits in healthy weight training individduals.You cant find any, all the studies are done on people with serious diseases, burn victims or elderly etc.Any knowledgeable person on bb . com says glutamine is a placebo.

Show me studies that it works.People saying it works for x this reason etc doesnt mean anything.Just broscience.A lot of people debate this, about the same amount of people who debate arginnine.As a test I didnt include it in my peri workout drink today so I wanna see how I feel tomorrow.

Il send you a recent topic link
MAYBE they are assuming they know what it is about. Frankly, the 3 biggest supplements, outside of herbs, etc... for building muscle, seem to be:


Many others seem to be scams, etc...

How can that be? Glutamine has been around a LONG time, etc... Did I say it necessarily built muscle? NOPE! Read various documents, and you find that it is good for replenishing the pool that helps with things like immunity, as well as building tissue. Although BCAAS are apparently the most important. In fact, they now say leucine is THE most important, being called a key limiting amino acid. Apparently the lack of glutamine is the reason why so many get ill and, being ill, get so many injuries, while exercising. Frankly, protein isolates do as well, and raw protein(like MEAT) if you have enough magnesium, etc... does as well ALSO. You can't really take in protein, and magnesium is apparently needed to help get the glutamine out of the protein so you CAN use it. Companies add glutamine claiming that it will help with energy and help curtail catabolism. Frankly, some companies just count the glutamine that is already there.

But realize that ANY good protein has glutamine or glatamic acid anyway.

BTW the link you sent doesn't work right now.

You contradicted yourself.

It only helps the immune system and in situations I mentioned in the other post.Being around for ages doesnt mean anything.CEE is around a long time and its junk.

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 5:00 am
by RobRegish
Just a friendly reminder... let's all keep things to facts vs. facts. You are both outstanding members who contribute much.

I'd hate to see BP on BP violence.. :)