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Post by RobRegish »

First, I really appreciate the help.. Thank you so much for answering these questions while I was away!

Thank you very much. I'm glad I caught the sticky and did the EDT blocks today.

Should I do the same EDT blocks through all 5 workouts, or should I change it up each time?

A. No, stick with the same EDT blocks through at least the first 5 workouts.

So for example, my EDT#1 for workout 2 would be DB-delt-press/DB-bicep-curls..........6x6. Then EDT#2 could be leg-extensions/calve-raises 6x6. Thoughts?

A. You don't want to pigeonhole yourself into 6 reps. Whatever you get..you get. Your first workout is the most important as its your baseline. After that, you need to use the same weight and up the rep total..

2 days off is recommended? I need to take the next 2 days off since tmrw morning I have to install a few fence posts (holes/cement

A. Excellent schedule, IMO. Some can get away with 1on/1off but nothing wrong and likely much right with playing it conservative, especially if some manual labor is involved :)
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Post by jasewon »

Thanks Rob. 3 hours of intense hole digging :)

Just pondering at work here, I just ordered another 2 bottles of bioforge promax from a user for a super good deal. Would you recommend running another 2promax/2EBol stack for my next run (i know there's 4 weeks off)? Or would you recommend just getting Adaptogen N + Kre-Anabolyn that I always see talked about here. And yes I plan on continueing BP. Also adding phenibut to my arsenal in a few days.
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Post by RobRegish »

Either stack will serve you well. For me to tell you one way or another... wouldn't seem right.

I can tell you this about Phenibut: Be Careful.

That stuff can really mess you up if you take too much and it takes a while to hit you. It's also addicting. Like real addicting.

Proceed with caution.
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Post by jasewon »

Ok today was workout #2.. and this was by far the most effort i've put into a workout. I was soaking wet. 2 scoops white flood + 2 scoops intrabolic during workout really gets me into it

I was still a bit confused but i'm sure i'm okay. Discrepencies involving starting with 6 reps (using 10 rep max weight), then continuously dropping reps through the 6 sets (6,6,5,5,3,3) .But then you said to not limit myself and I want to raise my overall reps for the whole EDT block.

So my EDT block #1 looked like: (note: i switched to decline DB press because my lower chest is lacking most)
Decline DB press:
45lb x 6
45lb x 7
45lb x 8
45lb x 8
45lb x 9
45lb x 12 (this set was till failure)

T-bar rows:
240lb x 6
240lb x 6
240lb x 7
240lb x 7
240lb x 8
240lb x 9 (this set was till failure)

I'm guessing thats how i'm supposed to do it. Start off with an easy 6 reps, then slowly build my to a failure set, instead of finishing with a 3 rep set like you say in your EDTblock sticky.

Similar fashion with my romanian deadlifts and leg sled/press. I would start with an easy 6 reps, then slowly increase reps to 9.

I feel like for all of these EDT block workouts I should have chosen a slightly higher weight because I am getting a lot of reps in. Like I should have done 50lb decline DB press so that by my 6th set I can barely rep out 10 reps instead of 12. It's difficult to guage since I didn't really lift for a couple weeks (pre-famine and famine)

But i'll stick with these same weights during the entire 5 workouts.
And yes I did BB bench press and pullovers x 4-6 reps, and did squat and stiff legged deadlifts 4-6 reps.
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Post by RobRegish »

Great workout and interesting twist on EDT. Will be fine though. Baseline is baseline and EDT is still EDT. Your rep totals should start increasing provided adequate rest :)
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Post by jasewon »

Workout #3 was pretty brutal today. I cant believe it took me a full 1 1/2 hours and I still did 2 min rest on EDT blocks, and only ~5 min rest in between bench/pullover/EDT#1 and squat/dead/EDT#2. I do spend a solid 10 minutes stretching though.

VERY high intensity....

Bench: 205x3 ............ (1RM ~225?)
Pullover: 45lbx4 (DB touches ground)........... (1RM ~70?)

50lb DB press (+5 lb), 6,6,8,10,10
240lb T-bar rows (same weight), 6,6,8,8,8,10

Squat: 295x2............(1RM ~315?)
Stiff-deads: 225x4...........(1RM ~260?)

205lb roman-deads (+10lb), 6,6,6,8,8,10
275lb leg-sled (same weight), 6,6,6,8,9,12

(leg sled is kind where my legs are up at a 45 degree angle, my feet/legs push the weight 45 degrees upward, not sure what that's called?)

I'll definitely need a spotter for when I do my 1RM for workout 5 :)
But I dont like the fact that i'm not directly hitting my traps or biceps, and I guess T-bar rows hit my lats a little bit, but not as much as lat pulldowns or wide-arm pullups.

My most lagging muscles: traps, lower chest, lats
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Post by RobRegish »

Looks damn solid!

Sorry to hear about no spotter. Second report of that today. I HATE no spotter. Ruins programs. People should help others. Ask the people working there if you have to. Someone off the street. Anyone. Just NEVER do it alone.

Would hate to see anyone get hurt...
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Post by jasewon »

Hey Rob, figure I should post this here so im not revealing part of the blueprint publicly.... OR if you prefer I could ask all these questions on nolinksplease.com forum so people can get a glimpse of what is going on, since they still only see a tiny bit of the entire program.

So yesterday I established my 1RM's.

Now i'm doing German loading pattern #1, and says "designed to be used in concert w/ the big barbell life of your choice"
Does this mean that I can will do 6 sets of my typical bench/squat/deadlift lifts?

A. Ideally pick 2, like the SQ/DL. Something that will clarify things a LOT for you:

https://bodybuildingsupplements.com/phpB ... .php?t=730

Will I *also* include an EDT block #1 after my 6 sets of bench, then EDT block #2 after my 6 sets of squats. Then I will do 6 sets of deadlifts and be done? This seems far too intense..

A. https://bodybuildingsupplements.com/phpB ... .php?t=730[/b] :) See suggest feast workout training template. All kinds of solutions to your problems there

Then my EDT blocks 1 and 2 are customizable, preferrably with loaded stretch movements, correct?

A. Correct!

Should I continue the same scheme as before, where I do 6 supersets of different 2 lifts, each one using a weight that is my 10 rep max, starting out 6 reps, then continually going higher so that my final couple sets are till failure? (for example i'd do 6,6,8,8,9,12 reps usually... so I guess I didnt really use my 10 rep max, more like my 12 rep max, but keep in mind i went 110% for my last sets)

A. Whatever your baseline is, it is. The KEY to EDT is upping the reps from session to session. 6 reps is just an example. It may be 4 or it may be 8. What's important is getting more total reps from session to session. This can't be over-emphasized. See the sticky "How to contruct EDT blocks in that same stickie :)

Finally, you recommend only 2 workouts a week during this phase. I can see why especially if I have to do all of these lifts in one workout sessions. Doing 6 sets of bench/squat/deadlift AND 2 different superset EDT blocks will take probably 2 hours. Very long and intense workout. It is also known that what you want to increase/focus on most is what you do FIRST. So should I alternate bench/squat/deads, so that on workout #1 I start with squats first, then workout #2 start with bench, rotating each time? And speaking of alternating these 3, would I keep the same superset EDT block lifts through this entire 6 workouts... or should I change it up each workout?

A. Again, there's a suggested split in that stickie that will answer this. BP + SQ plus Romanian Deadlifts will cover it. I like to use the same EDT blocks for workouts 1-5. Then switch to new ones for remainder of Feast. Keeps things fresh!

Finally finally, how long should I wait till I start my first GLP workout? (yesterday I did my 1RM's)

A. Suggest 2-3 day break. That works well for most. Sincerely hope that helps..
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Post by jasewon »

Thanks that helps a lot I completely forgot about that sticky, couldnt find it since it was moved (and now you can see other topics now too!)

I can't wait because i <3 bench press and decline as well
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Post by RobRegish »

It's in my sig line now. I encourage ALL you guys to put it in yours, especially to help the new guys out!
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Post by jasewon »

ALSO IN MY (other forum) LOG:

GLP workout #1
I did BB bench press, various weights, 6 sets of 8 reps. Eventually got to 165lbx8. These 6 sets [were supersetted] with DB pullovers (40lb x 6 reps each time)

Then Decline DB press: 55lb x 10 [supersetted with] horizontal cable rows: 4 sets of 6-10 reps. Starting off easy, then pushing it to failure at the last set.

Then a static decline BB bench press hold (hold it 1-2 inches below lockout) of ~10 seconds of 215lb

I also threw in a few sets of crunches, havn't touched abs directly for long time. Those stiff-legged deads and romanian deads do core/back/abs ... but I like to hit abs directly. I will add this is each workout since I am having 2 day rests in between workouts.

Been sleeping really well, avereging 7.5 hours per night past few nights.

I just now see that abs is part of workout2....

OK I couldnt tell from the instructions from the stickies/PDF if I was supposed to do the DB pullover 'stretch movement' with my bench press today. How does the workout look?

also, do I superset anything with squats for my next workout?
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Post by RobRegish »

On the loaded stretches, it's really your pick: Superset them or separate them out. So long as they aren't hurting your strenght/energy on the BP, I say keep doing them!

I could have been clearer on this in BP and in the stickie. Something to work on.. Here are my comments on your workout:

I did BB bench press, various weights, 6 sets of 8 reps. Eventually got to 165lbx8. These 6 sets [were supersetted] with DB pullovers (40lb x 6 reps each time)

A. Solid.

Then Decline DB press: 55lb x 10 [supersetted with] horizontal cable rows: 4 sets of 6-10 reps. Starting off easy, then pushing it to failure at the last set.

A. Solid

Then a static decline BB bench press hold (hold it 1-2 inches below lockout) of ~10 seconds of 215lb

A. Excellent. Now up that weight next time. I mean really go for it. Curiously, I find 2 sets of these optimal. Not exactly sure why but I'm stronger on the 2nd set. Try that out and report back. Might find it of benefit.

I also threw in a few sets of crunches, havn't touched abs directly for long time. Those stiff-legged deads and romanian deads do core/back/abs ... but I like to hit abs directly. I will add this is each workout since I am having 2 day rests in between workouts.

A. I like them on leg day only, but understand and respect your position on this. Just make sure they're fully recovered for your squat/RDL sessions!

Been sleeping really well, avereging 7.5 hours per night past few nights

A. Atta' boy :) Sleep is uber important so get it at all costs!
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Post by jasewon »


Im looking down the list of workouts 1-6 on GLP.....
Today is my workout 2 of GLP, so would I do squat as "workout 2" where you finish the 6th set with 85%x6?

Just curious because they % keeps getting higher and higher, but I am alternating bench/squat.

Then for workout 3, I do what I did last time with bench but with "workout 3" where percentage reaches 90%x4 (which may be tough, and I realize you say you dont have to do every rep)
Then workout 4 is squat again, etc

Also would I do 4 or 6 sets for my EDT block superset in all of these GLP workouts? (i know workout1 was only 4)
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Post by RobRegish »

Your EDT blocks.... play those by ear. If you have the energy strength do more sets. If not, just pour your heart into 3-4 sets!

On the GLP, use this handy calculator. Makes things a LOT easier :)

https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key= ... 2xSg#gid=0
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