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Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 5:12 am
by RobRegish
OK I appreciate the dedication to the workouts here, but I call your attention to this:

"did only 2 super sets on biceps with DBs and barbell as I started feeling sick."

If you start feeling this way... discontinue. I can't say it enough. HEALTH FIRST! It's not a macho thing.... I just don't want anyone taking famine too deep. If you do, you're going to have a hard time with the rebound.

Remember, the idea is induce a mild stress for the body to adapt to, not bury it. Sooooo.. I'm not sure what day you're on but before you even attempt workout #3 observe the following:

1.) Have you lost roughly 1lb/day?
2.) Has your resting heart rate increased by anything close to 6-8beats/min?
3.) Questioning whether workout #3 can even be completed?
4.) Cursing my name frequently?

You're likely already there. Simply continue the diet through day 5 and skip workout #3. If in doubt on any of this.... PM me or play it safe. Remember, I'm the guy that created this. You won't be shortchanging yourself... you'll be doing yourself a favor.

I've seen this before so please trust... in the interest of helping you get the most out of your investment :)

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 7:16 am
by scump
i guess going from such a big caloric change induces a different level of stress all togeather hey.

UB bro you prolly would have benefitted from the week break prior to starting BP, its hard with work though i know.

i ended up starting BP the week i got back from holidays so i had a nice fresh start, but it hurt getting back into tune lol.

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:05 am
by HITsoldier
I am listening to my body, everything is ok

I ate 2000cals today. I may stick to that all the way through.

I actually picked up well after my workout. I had more energy, I'm only now feeling tired, its 10pm and ive been up since 6am.

I'm not sure on weightloss but ill check that tomorrow morning
My HR is up from mid 60's to now 70, but i am typing away on the pc
workout 3 won't be a problem, im not going to kill myself
lol ill curse your name if i dont gain anything ill say that much!!!

ill just monitor myself and adjust accordingly, keeping in mind to induce that mild stress.

thanks for the concern guys!

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 8:43 pm
by HITsoldier
Ok I did weigh myself this morning, and i've lost 1.3lbs.. the last time I weighed myself was on friday morning. I began dropping calories on saturday slowly (best I could) sunday was alittle more drastic, and yesterday was a very sudden drop.

So I haven't lost 1lb a day... its been 1.3lbs over 3days.

Best I can do is just keep cals at 2000 and monitor myself.

If I weigh myself tomorrow morning, and I've lost another pound what should I do?

As of waking this morning I feel ok. I'm just a little tired and light headed, but nothing extreme. No headache.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 6:34 am
by RobRegish
Most indicative here is the rise in resting heart rate, subjective feelings of mild to moderate stress etc... It's exactly what we're after - disrupting homeostatsis a BIT (just enough) to set you up for the big rebound.

The typical 1lb/day drop is usually seen with guys coming off of a mixed/carb based diet so I'm not concerned, nor should you be. In fact, since re-introducing carbs you SHOULD have regained some weight due to the water that comes along with it. Remember, the suffix is "hydrate". For every gram of carb stored as glycogen you store nearly 3g of water with it. Yet you're still dropping weight, which is GOOD... because muscle substrate is being depleted by the combination of diet/training which of course, is by design.

So no worries, you're right on track. Just continue with the plan (cautiously). You're circumstances dictate a SLIGHTLY different approach. Fortunately, The Blueprint is flexible enough to accomodate. In fact, if you re-read famine in The Blueprint one of the options I mention for the diet is the low carb approach (due to the ketones making the hunger portion a bit easier).

There is always a way, and you have already found it :)

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 8:28 pm
by HITsoldier
Well today is the 3rd day of my famine. I stuck to my guns and stayed under 1500cals all day (on day 2), went to go to bed and couldn't sleep as the hunger pains were bad, so i had alittle oats which numbed it and i fell asleep.

Woke up really early and couldn't fall back(3rd day), so i got up, and I don't mean to be graphic but I had the biggest crap of my life!!! I knew this would ruin my weigh in... but infact, I'm the same weight as yesterday ffuuu

I haven't eaten anything yet, as Im annoyed because I'm feeling really good and not even hungry? wth???

going to thrash myself for todays workout. no mercy.

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 7:31 pm
by HITsoldier
Ive lost another 1.1lbs
Resting HR is definitely up from 60bpm to 80bpm yesterday and has backed down to around 70 odd
Sleeping is difficult and I'm not getting much of it.
I have no appetite, yet have hunger

I feel definitely over the edge now, and probably not going to do workout #3... I think i'm at where I need to be now :)

Going to take it ez and just chill and get through these last 2 days. I have learned 2 things I must apply for next famine if all goes well:

1. Eat a little more
2. the volume training was a severe shock to me that I should have anticipated. Building up + 1 more set is enough of a volume increase for me.

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 7:02 am
by scump
hey man you will learn to love volume training, dont you worry!

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 7:14 am
by HITsoldier
scump wrote:hey man you will learn to love volume training, dont you worry!
lol na, I used to do it for over 3 years.. it didn't get me very far!!

I checked my food logs over the weekend, and saturdays was quite low (just over 2000) and with the way I'm feeling, tomorrow begins the feast, along with 500mg of turk every day split twice.

My resting HR is around 70 - 80 now, and its kinda annoying. I'm irritable and can't sleep, so I hope it goes away once I start indulging and sleeping all day. I may do 3 days instead of 2 (feasting) and train this sunday to give my body a proper rest... I just want to check with Rob if thats ok

Rob is that ok? lol

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 8:09 pm
by RobRegish
Great call on skipping workout#3! Your RHR tells me all I need to know. You're there. Congrats on making it through.

And 3 days IS the suggested rest time before starting Feast workout #1 :) So yes, you have my blessing. Hope I didn't mis-understand something...

Nice work!! The diagnostics for this program do not lie. RHR isn't some subjective measure. Proof positive you disrupted homeostasis as per the plan.

And now... the BIG payoff :)

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 6:12 am
by HITsoldier
Today is the 4th feast day, and I trained legs. Workout is;

Pre-exhaust Leg ext supersetted with Hacksquats

Ham curls

Calve raises

Leg extensions always hurt and burn, but today It felt like I could continue repping past what I did last workout. I did 1extra rep, to keep more juice in the tank for hacks. I never want to go crazy on leg-ext as its just for pre-exhaustion, nothing more. 1 extra rep is fine, but if I continued it may have affected my strength on hacks.

I then do ham curls and calve raises after, and felt recovery between muscle groups was a lot quicker.

I can't wait for next workout which is chest/back.. my chest strength has always been lagging. This will be a good test.

Now its time to eat and sleep! :D

edit: I thought I might add that I went to start my 40% turk extract I bought from UK ebay. On my first dose, I felt really sick and spun out and had to lie down for an hour or so, it was quite a crap feeling. I'm not sure if this was the turk, but I did not want to mess this run of BP up... I have a bottle of ebol with 1 week left, so I started that and bought 2 more bottles (I felt perfectly fine dosing that). After this BP run however, if all goes well, I will try the turk again, thing is, this year I really want to meet my goals and trust the ebol works from all the logs and own personal experience. I now am somewhat suss about the source of the turk on ebay... how would u really know where it comes from.

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 8:52 pm
by RobRegish
It's bogus. I'll speak more to this later...

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 9:02 am
by HITsoldier
Im up 1.5kilos

waist is up 1/8inch... I backed calories down since yesterday, so it should stop there.

Only issue ive had is the quad/ham/calve workout I did on sunday, gave me insane doms on monday and tuesday like i have never experienced before!!! its only easing off now, so i can't train until its completely gone, which wont be till saturday im guessing.... more time to grow anyway :D

Very pleased nontheless, can't wait to see more progress!!


Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 8:29 pm
by RobRegish
So happy for you man that's great!

I do have some new information on that ebayUK Turk. It turns out it MAY be legit. I came across some info recently from a third party showing that the Institute in Uzbekistan sold a small batch of 10 (not 40) % material to them.

So again, it MAY be legit (Tonova) turk. But there is NO 40% material around anywhere to my knowledge. This of course, assumes Turk is superior to full spectrum RCE... which may or may not be the case.

Looking forward to your feedback on it!