ebol + tbol trib stack and libidio

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Joined: Tue Jul 13, 2010 11:06 am

Post by seasoned »

RobRegish wrote:Seasoned, that was one of the finest posts I've seen on this board.

Thank you!

BTW, the propecia certain "side effect" they're talking about is micro-penis in males. You see, DHT is needed to grow that particular member while in the womb.

It's for this reason that they say "pregnant mothers shouldn't be exposed/handle the tablets"

I guess "micro-penis" might scare a few off though, huh? Bastards.

Actually, there are like three major stages to sexual dimorphism. In the first stage, males seem essentially female, but the gonads are testis. They are in the EXACT same place as they are in a female. Then dht apparently drives the second stage which is where everything forms below, and the testis are pulled down. The third is puberty. That is a GROSS oversimplification of course, but if the fetus is never exposed to DHT, that second stage doesn't happen AT ALL! They even had an episode of house with this. They never said WHY, so far as I can recall, but the woman that never had acne, periods, etc... turned out to have TESTICLES. And they talk about testosterone resistance.

My basic point however, is that DHT has a purpose, even if middle aged men like ME would have liked never seeing it in later life. Did I mention I'm balding? 8-(

I'm actually heartened to hear that others have the oily scalp symptom. I guess THAT doesn't play a big part in balding.

And askmass,.

My whole point is that too much can cause things that aren't great. It is odd, check out the reviews on bodybuildingsupplements.com sometimes. There are LOTS of herbs where as many as 80% say it INCREASES libido and maybe all the rest say it DECREASES libido. ODD, but so much is involved that you never truly know. Pink magic, btw, is one such thing.

Of course, I am saying nothing against YOUR products. Frankly, I LIKE the idea of using an herb to get the HPTA to release LH. That way, the normal ability is FAR less likely to shut down. If you use LH DIRECTLY(your products, so far as I can see use the HPTA to do it INDIRECTLY), your HPTA can shut down, or who knows what. Using testosterone can get the testis to shut down. Apparently, after 6 months anything you have lost can't be recovered.

Anyway, suffice it to say I am going to stay away from hormone and prohormone substances. It's just too risky.

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