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Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 9:44 am
by awisler
Thanks Draco.
RobRegish wrote:Totally natural part of the plan as Draco mentioned. Still, your work here is outstanding and I commend you for it.

"RHR 60-66. Which one should I be looking to go up by 8BPM"

You want to watch your avg waking heart rate during famine (at rest) and in MOST, it increases. Don't be alarmed if it doesn't. It's just one indicator.

Lastly, do take care to observe extreme caution during workout 3. If you at all feel sick, nauseous, "off" or just not right discontinue.

Health first, always.
Thanks. I think my HR is starting to go up some, because before when I took it I would get 60-66 like I said, but now I only get 66. I am guessing by Friday it will be 66-72.

I think today will be the worse day, at least on workout days I get a 4-5 hour window where I do not even think about food(I dont like eating within an hour of gym, then go to gym, take a break and go run).

Weighed in at 215.5 this morning. The last time I was ever this low was last year during two a days and that was more just because of dehydration. Yesterday I came in around 1600 cals again, looking to do the same today.

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 10:23 am
by Hank!
The payoff is close Awisler. Tomorrow's w/o will be BRUTAL but you get to take it easy all weekend and refeed is awesome

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 10:37 am
by awisler
Hank! wrote:The payoff is close Awisler. Tomorrow's w/o will be BRUTAL but you get to take it easy all weekend and refeed is awesome
Yeah tomorrow will be tough. You have no idea how excited I am to eat for those first 72 hours. I'm going to keep it as clean as I can but I know one of the meals will just be a big bucket of boneless wings from Buffalo Wild Wings. I dont think I have ever gone 5 days without eating any type of meat in my life before.

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:45 pm
by RobRegish
Take care during that workout as I always counsel: DISCONTINUE if you feel sick/off/not right.

Health first. Don't feel bad if you have to revert to BW squats etc but again, HEALTH FIRST!

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 11:09 pm
by awisler
RobRegish wrote:Take care during that workout as I always counsel: DISCONTINUE if you feel sick/off/not right.

Health first. Don't feel bad if you have to revert to BW squats etc but again, HEALTH FIRST!
Ill be careful.

Today was OK, thought about food all day but came in around 1700 cals. A great meal I recommend - Throw a bunch carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, pea pods, peas, water chestnuts, onions and peppers in the skillet. I put 1/2 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil in there and after it cooked for a bit I mixed in some stir fry sauce and szechuan sauce. A HUGE skillet of that is 900 calories, I ate maybe half of it an hour ago and I feel like I am not even on a famine now.

Bad news is my iPod broke today, just before the big workout tomorrow. Oh well have to suck it up. I have a question though, is it better to do as much weight as possible each set and lower it, or to have a consistent weight each set?

Basically say 255x5, 225x5, 205x5, 185x5 VS 205x5, 205x5, 205x5, 205x5. Not those exact numbers but you get the idea.

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:08 am
by RobRegish
Best to lower it over the course of the sets IMO.

When you go in there with X number in your head you quickly find that by set 3 or so it needs to be lowered. No big deal. I've done bodyweight squats before to deal with it.

Again, be CAREFUL and discontinue if you feel nauseated, sick etc.. HEALTH FIRST!

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 12:59 pm
by awisler
Almost done with this famine, can't wait. I wanted to get my workout done early today, but when I woke up my dad said he is bringing home stuff from his office to draw my blood, so now I can't eat or workout until that is done. And I will have to wait until a couple hours after, I think that if I go do famine workout #3 after getting blood drawn I will pass out :D

But I did ask him to get bloodwork done because I think it will be interesting to test it before and after the Blueprint run and see how things went. I can compare test levels, liver enzymes, cholesterol, blood sugar all that stuff to check the effects of the supplements etc. (Not that I am expecting them to be bad, moreso expecting things to be fine, and then I could be a testimonial for them being safe to use or something if you wish)

I am planning out my feast workouts right now, and my question is what do you recommend for the EDT blocks? I plan on having 2 EDTs after the first 5 workouts. Should I choose just two different muscle groups? Or do you recommend specific pairings for them(such as BB curls/Tricep extensions) and if so can you give me a list of those pairings?

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:57 pm
by RobRegish

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 5:14 pm
by awisler
Ah thanks I already read those but I missed the Antagonistic muscles part. Clears things up a lot, thanks again.

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 8:18 pm
by awisler
Well it is done. Didn't even really get 30 seconds of "rest" between sets due to changing weights haha. The weights felt so light but at the same time I could barely lift them. Weird.

Famine Day 5 Workout

Squat 205x12/DB Row 70x12

Squat 185x12/DB Row 60x12

Squat 165x12/DB Row 60x12

Squat 155x12/DB Row 60x12

Squat 135x12/DB Row 60x12

Rested 2 minutes

Seated Cable Rows 130x12/Lat Pulldown 130x12

Seated Cable Rows 100x12/Lat Pulldown 70x12

Seated Cable Rows 70x12/Lat Pulldown 70x12

Seated Cable Rows 70x12/Lat Pulldown 70x12

Seated Cable Rows 70x12/Lat Pulldown 70x12

Rested 2 minutes

Standing BB Curl 50x12

Preacher Curl 75x12

DB Hammer Curl 25x12

Now I am off to do my hour of cardio, then I have about 900 calories left to eat and bed time. Can't wait for feast tomorrow. I am going to try to keep it clean but saturday/sunday there will definitely be some dirty foods.

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 9:37 pm
by awisler
As soon as I hit the 4 mile mark I cramped up and started puking, so I stopped the cardio at 48 min. Close enough, at this point I don't even want to eat, I am going to force down a bunch of water and 200 calories or so and total out at about 1000 today. I will make up for the eating tomorrow.

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 10:09 pm
by dracotdrgn
Whoaa Dude! :shock: Nice

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 7:49 pm
by RobRegish
Nice work making it through!

Now, the BIG payoff!!

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 7:50 pm
by awisler
Feels awesome to eat. Had some pizza earlier which isnt the best choice of food but I am trying to cram in the "bad" stuff over this 72 hour rest and then eat clean afterwards. In the mean time, I am going to go down some burgers.