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Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 1:56 pm
by DaCookie
Havent tried em yet, not gonna take anything for famine.The profile looks pretty baller though compared to alkaplex considering that in alkaplex the first ingredient is wheat grass I think.Also much bigger serving size in greens.Ill tell you once I try em in 5 days.
DaCookie wrote:So I received my order but no adaptogen N.I have 5 doses of it left and about 20 of tbol trib.How do you guys reckon I should dose this in feast?Also assuming I will receive the new adaptogen N 15-20 days into feast.
Please answer Rob :D

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 7:08 pm
by RobRegish
I'd run the tbol trib before the workout.. a dose about an hour before and one immediately after. The Adaptogen N I'd use sparingly on the nights you feel you need it until the new stuff arrives.

I know people think it's marketing when companies say certain stuff is in short supply. Well, 25:1 custom extracts of Suma (just an example) aren't common. And that strain of trib definately ain't common. There are shortages so get them while the gettin's good!

Hope that helps Cookie. Sorry for the late response as I've been dragging and sleeping in late.

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 8:13 pm
by DaCookie
Alright thanks.

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 2:41 pm
by DaCookie
Cheated with some snickers bars and doritos today.Gonna hit the cardio/weights hard today and keep my calories down really low the next few days to make up for it.Probably drinkin tonight then goin out to a club(dancin, so more cardio), worked out grand on my first run when I did that and its okay during famine according to rob.

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 3:53 pm
by DaCookie
Just so we know where Im at, according to the nutritional info I consumed 15g of protein.I then did Mondays workout today.Considering the chrisps are made of potato or corn and the protein in the snickers is probably pretty poor quality then I didnt cheat as bad as it seems.A lot less than that full indian dinner I had the other time.

Think ill be grand according to Rob considering he said I should keep at it last time too.

Workout was really hard today, had a really good pump even though it was low reps.

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 4:38 pm
by RobRegish
Good update Cookie,

Yeah, if you're going to party a little nows the time..

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 1:16 am
by DaCookie
RobRegish wrote:Good update Cookie,

Yeah, if you're going to party a lot nows the time..
Bleeding wreaked.Dancin for 5 hours then whopper 2hour walk home=good cardio(Maybe not very effective per min compared to HITT :P ).Feet are killed

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 3:15 am
by Big.jazayrli
DaCookie wrote:Just so we know where Im at, according to the nutritional info I consumed 15g of protein.I then did Mondays workout today.Considering the chrisps are made of potato or corn and the protein in the snickers is probably pretty poor quality then I didnt cheat as bad as it seems.A lot less than that full indian dinner I had the other time.

Think ill be grand according to Rob considering he said I should keep at it last time too.

Workout was really hard today, had a really good pump even though it was low reps.
perfect man.

its all about low calories and low protein!

in the grand spectrum (health considerations aside) i doubt it matters greatly where the calories come from

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 3:48 pm
by DaCookie
Big.jazayrli wrote:
DaCookie wrote:Just so we know where Im at, according to the nutritional info I consumed 15g of protein.I then did Mondays workout today.Considering the chrisps are made of potato or corn and the protein in the snickers is probably pretty poor quality then I didnt cheat as bad as it seems.A lot less than that full indian dinner I had the other time.

Think ill be grand according to Rob considering he said I should keep at it last time too.

Workout was really hard today, had a really good pump even though it was low reps.
perfect man.

its all about low calories and low protein!

in the grand spectrum (health considerations aside) i doubt it matters greatly where the calories come from
Yeh man thanks for the motivation.Weighed in today at 150.5lbs or 150lbs so im already at a loss of 3-4lbs.Im really sore and have only done 1 workout so I think its going well.Cheated again today :evil: few snickers and doritos but there finished now so it wont be possible to cheat with them again.Another 15g of protein or so.Ill add on a day or two extra if I think its necessary but I think it wont be, see how it goes.

The reason I dont think it will be necessary is because the undereating I was doing before, then I famined, then I went off it when I was on the third day, and now im on it again so its really taken its toll I think.Il just make sure not to cheat, purely fruit and veg for the rest of this and plenty of cardio even on workout days and I think ill be grand.

My goal is 168lbs, but to me that is the minimum, so I would like a little more than that.

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:39 pm
by DaCookie
Ok I finished famine and added an extra day also, got pretty dizzy during that last workout.Gonna check bf % soon to see how much fat i lost.Time to eat for 3 days.

Main goal is size/hypertrophy, ive decided strength will always be secondary, therefor I think its better if I usually lift in the 5rep+ range and for most excercises even 10+

I will get 168lbs at the very least.After this run I wanna go for a "six pack quest" or something similiar :D so I thought it would be good to bulk my abs up now, what are the best excercises for this that I can do at home?I have weight plates, dbs, barbell, the pull up bar/hanging leg raise thing, bench, ez bar, thats it.Need a good one for obliques also.

Also I wanna give Rob something back by giving him something to toot the blueprint horn.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 5:35 am
by RobRegish
"I will get 168lbs at the very least.After this run I wanna go for a "six pack quest" or something similiar so I thought it would be good to bulk my abs up now, what are the best excercises for this that I can do at home?I have weight plates, dbs, barbell, the pull up bar/hanging leg raise thing, bench, ez bar, thats it.Need a good one for obliques also."

A. Your best bet here are weighted, low rep ab exercises as follows in the 6-8 rep range:

- Crunches with weight plates held to chest
- Hanging leg raises with weights held between feet/otherwise attached to ankles
- Barbell - one empty end in corner of room. Attach weights to other end. Stand holding barbell (loaded end) and holding at arms length with slight bend in elbows... rotate from side to side. Manhandle the thing for 6-10 reps. Hits the entire ab region including the obliques!

Also I wanna give Rob something back by giving him something to toot the blueprint horn.

A. Much appreciated!! :)

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 9:16 pm
by DaCookie
Aight thanks.Gonna plot them in feast.

So today was alright I guess, had about 5000-6000 calories and at the end of the day my stomach wasnt to happy about trying to add another 2000 more.Probably the lactose from the coconut milk/cream/greek yougurt and if not that then overeating in general.Probably shouldnt have chugged it.Thats what I did cause I only had 2 glasses of it left and half a pizza.Well after that you know what happened but i wasnt shaking or anything and all that came up was just what I had just had 5min ago, so i retook the supps I had just taken and a protein shake and now im just waiting 1 30min-2h before i take gammah gh then bed.

350mls cream, 250ml coconut milk, 6 big raw eggs, 2 big bananas, 150mls virgin olive oil, wheat germ, 2 mass pro protein scoops, honey, half container of greek yogurt=the shake I consumed and drank throughout the day.Couldnt finish that stuff in one sitting cause of the lactose, belly too small after famine :(

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 9:24 pm
by RobRegish
WOW! Strong eating day indeed!!

Definately don't try to down that shake in one sitting. Sip it slowly throughout the day/with major meals....

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 9:36 pm
by DaCookie
Yeap but then for some reason on my last two glasses at the end of the day I just decided to down it :S

For reference at the end of famine this morning I was 148.5lbs and 9.75-10.75 bf% More like 9.9% or so.So lost like 1%.