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Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 7:12 pm
by RobRegish
One on one off to start. Insert extra rest days from there.

You'll likely need them, so please do take them!

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 6:55 am
by mind_architect
Feast Day 6 - Workout 2 - July 15 2010

Weight 177

BP 190x5
DB Pullover: 65x5
Squat: 245x5
SL DL: 225x5

Workout comments:
Felt slightly stronger on BP and Squat. This is reassuring. This 4 set regime is tough to follow. I really want to throw in some curls and attack my bis, tris, shoulders and do some heavy standard deadlifts.

Diet comments:
Not getting enough calories. Will focus on higher protein levels in the coming days. On a positive note I consumed 20g mass pro aminos throughout the day along with 20 liver tabs and 150 grams peanuts.

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 7:13 pm
by RobRegish
Good man. And definately push the food. Now is prime time!

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 11:09 pm
by mind_architect
Feast Day 9 - Workout 3 - July 18 2010

Weight 177

BP 195x4 (90% confident I could get 5, but no spotter)
DB Pullover: 75x5
Squat: 275x4
SL DL: 275x3

Workout comments:
Felt stronger on BP, although squats I felt about the same strength-wise. The previosu day I had spent all day biking and hiking, hence I waited 2 days after my previos workout. Still looking forward to the higher volume workouts that await.

Diet comments:
Calories are doing better. Downing high quantities of milk and yogurt between larger meals.

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 6:28 am
by RobRegish
Great work!

Do get a spotter on bench. Man I worry about stuff like that...

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 8:04 am
by mind_architect
Feast Day 11 - Workout 4 - July 20 2010

Weight 178

BP 185x7 (1 rep improvement in 7 days, not bad)
DB Pullover: 65x8
Squat: 225x8
SL DL: 225x6

Workout comments:
I noticed my BP went up and squat numbers went down. A bit odd, but I think this could be due to my form on squat being more strict this time around. I also went slightly below parallel this time, whereas in Feast Workout 1 the level was only parallel. Next workout is 1 rep max, looking forward to testing myself and then starting the more conventional workouts.

Diet comments:
Still pounding down 4 liver tabs 5 or so times a day, along with a kre-anabolyn during meals and 90 minutes before a workout.
3 adaptogen n before bed
4 eggs, an orange or banana + milk for breakfast
peanuts throughout the day
lamb shank
whole milk

I noticed that the liver tabs aren't so bad to chew, so I like to do that to gross out my girlfriend.

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 6:18 pm
by RobRegish
Great work!

And yes, a 1" difference in SQ depth is a WORLD of difference in most people. In fact, it's the difference (for some) of hitting the lift and bombing out!

Congrats... either way you are a LOT stronger today than you were before..

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 5:27 am
by mind_architect
Feast Day 14 - Workout 5 - July 23 2010

Weight 173 (I didn't lose weight, but realized my calculation was in error. My weight is in kilos and I used 2.3 as the conversion factor to lbs instead of 2.2).

BP 200x3 (again don't have a spotter so don't want to push my luck)
DB Pullover: 80x3
Squat: 275x4
SL DL: 275x5 (bit of an improvement, these are damn tough on my back though)

Looking forward to the upcoming GLP workouts.

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 5:46 am
by mind_architect
Feast Day 16 - Workout 6 - July 25 2010

Weight 176 (3 lb increase from previous 2 days)

I chose to use the flat rep scheme for simplicity sake.
BP 175x8x6
Pullovers: 65x8x6
Squat: 225x8x6 (this was killer, I was begging for the last set to end and felt drained enough I didn't want to continue with the rest of the exercises; nausea set in but I continued.)
At this point I was running short on time as the gym was closing.
Pullups: Bodyweight x 10, rest 3 minutes, then x 12 for a total of 2 sets
One-handed barbell curls (45x8x3)

At this point the gym was closing and I had to leave unfortunately. Mentally I was disappointed but relieved as well. Tough workout but I was feeling strong and a bit surprised I could move that kind of weight for 6 sets. As I progress I take notes so that my next cycle of blueprint can be better.

Improvements can be made:

Get a spotter.
Get some liver tabs before feast begins.
Improve cardio vascular before famine begins, that last workout about killed me.
Get higher quality organic veggies/fruits before famine begins.
Be more stringent on caloric intake (right now I judge based on how hungry I feel. If I feel hungry in the slightest, I have a glass of milk or yogurt, but no idea how many calories I'm getting, although its definitely more than I usually take in).

Some questions:
When is the next revision of blueprint scheduled?
This is my first experience with amino acids. I was impressed with my strength after famine and was wondering how much of it can be attributed to the aminos? How much benefit would I receive if I added 8 grams a day to my whey, vs. only cold-processed whey?

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 6:38 am
by RobRegish
Some nice work here for sure!

Some questions:

When is the next revision of blueprint scheduled?

A. Around the first of the year. I have a TON of new information written, but the "flow" is too choppy. I'm going to strive to write the workout/diet/supp plan out for you guys day by day in 3.0 but it's incredibly time consuming. Still, it should make it easier to execute.

This is my first experience with amino acids. I was impressed with my strength after famine and was wondering how much of it can be attributed to the aminos?

A. Likely much of it is due to the Feast rebound, some due to the AA. They are gold in the peri-workout drink if using them there. Radically increase recovery allowing you to train more frequently/more intensely.

How much benefit would I receive if I added 8 grams a day to my whey, vs. only cold-processed whey?

A. Not as much as you would think. The AA threshold isn't measured in single digit grams. It's more like 20+ grams at a whack if using during the workout. Outside the workout, BCAA loading protocol #1 does a FINE job tricking the brain/body into laying down more muscle.

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 8:30 am
by mind_architect
Its been 4 days since my first GLP workout. I feel like an old man. Still limping around from those squats. Standing from a seated position is an ordeal. Chest and legs are visibly larger and looking forward to the next workout. I'm going to wait a bit longer than the standard half-week for workout #2.

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:16 pm
by RobRegish
Smart move...

Recovery is very important at this point and you should be (and are) listening to your body. The soreness will disappate as the loading pattern progresses but your comments about looking larger is a good sign!

Keep up the good work, sleeping and eating :)

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:50 am
by mind_architect
Feast Day 20 - Workout 7 (GLP #2) - July 29

Weight: 176

BP: 135x10, 150x8, 165x6, 180x6, 195x5 (missed that last rep, but I'm sure I could get it with the added confidence of having a spotter)
Squats: skipped squats, my lower back is very sore
Smith Shoulder Press: 95x10, 115x8x4, 125x7 (subtracted 45lb smith bar)
T-bar row: 185x10, 225x8, 245x8, 275x8x2, 285x7
Cable tricep extensions: 80x8, 90x8, 100x8, 110x8x3 (my usual is 90lbs, added 20lbs since last time I did this exercise. Wasn't struggling either, amazing!)
Barbell curls: 95x10 (this was previously my working set weight, but this felt like a warmup!), 115x8x4.

I added Superpump 250 to this workout. My arms were huge, pump is gone now and I didn't have time to measure. :(

Anyways, very happy with this workout, but wish I could've attacked the squats.

Diet comments:
Nothing interesting to report. Still taking Adaptogen N, Kre-anabolyn, liver tabs regularly and a glass of milk or yogurt between major meals. I had a surplus of aminos so decided to take 30 grams peri-workout instead of my regular 50 grams of whey.

I'm totally comfortable with the GLP setup now so looking forward to #3 where I can attack with full focus. Just hope my back can recoop in time.

Can you recommend anything to speed the lower back recovery?

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 5:58 pm
by RobRegish
Great work and glad to hear it on the strength increases!

On the back, you were SMART to listen to your body. Accelerating recovery there is largely a matter of.... time. Chiro is my best recommendation but honestly, the lumbars take time. Hot/cold showers do help as do various rubs etc. If you have access to a reverse hyper (most don't) it is a terrific rehab tool.

I built my own. They are HIGHLY effective.. In their absence, massage and chiro are your best bets!