xxtotuxx's first try at the BLUEPRINT

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Post by RobRegish »

That's great!

Just remember.... one step back yields about 3 steps forward on BP!!
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Post by xxtotuxx »

First day of Famine phase. Wow, I'm hungry as hell, feeling somewhat weak and weird. Hopefully that's a sign that's it's working. I will be editing my daily diet of what I've eaten so that at the end I'll have the 1400 cals. Here what I've eaten so far:

11am: cup of oatmeal (300cals)
12pm: gym
1pm: 6oz. apple and two packs of cheerios (80 + 180 = 280)
3pm: pack of cherrios (80)
5pm: cup of oatmeal and 1/2 cup milk (300 + 55 = 355)

Now, to the gym routine. Well, I don't know where to start... Right now I am away from home, at a friend's house. I went to a new gym and payed for today. First time I was going to use a squat rack, as I always do my squats in the smith. Did some warmups with the bar alone.

Squat 165lbs. x6 followed by T-bar rows x6

I waited the 2 min. and put 20 lbs. more at the squat for, which is my normal max. Did 5 clean reps, and then all hell broke lose. Lost control of the bar, was falling backward, and I fell down on my knees with the bar still on my shoulders. My friend and the trainer there helped me up. I felt some sh1ty... Wanted to do the final set but decided not do incase I messed up my back. After the accident, I did the T-Bar row. Waited again the 2 min. and did another 6 reps of the row.

Then, I did another mess up. Instead of doing 1 set of barbell curl, I got carried away by the squat accident and did 3 instead. Realized this I did the other two exercises as I was supposed to. So I did this:

Barbell curl 3x4-6 (waited 2 min. between each set)

Incline curl 4-6 (waited 2 min.)

Preacher Curl 4-6

Rob, I messed up big time this workout. Couldn't do the last squat exercise and did two more barbell curls. While this may cause some ppl to lose motivation, it actually gives me more motivation now to go ahead and give it my best knowing I ****ed it up here. Let me know Rob if there's anything I should do. I'm really liking this program and how it's testing me to my limits, and I certainly want to continue it.
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Post by RobRegish »

No worries. The party's just starting.. :)

Rest up, re-group and get ready. Things are about to get very intense. Take care to ensure healt (always - you were SMART not to squat that last set).

You can't make gains when you're sick/injured... Well you can, but that's PushingTheLimit's story..
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Post by xxtotuxx »

RobRegish wrote:No worries. The party's just starting.. :)

Rest up, re-group and get ready. Things are about to get very intense. Take care to ensure healt (always - you were SMART not to squat that last set).

You can't make gains when you're sick/injured... Well you can, but that's PushingTheLimit's story..
Yeah I'm feeling good. A little knee and back pain, but not something to be concerned off. Tomorrow is off. Can't wait until Wednesday for my next workout. Diet is going great, will update later my meals today. Gotta go to the grocery store to get some fruits and veggies, since today I was eating pretty much the same stuff over and over.

Liking this so far. Thanks Rob
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Famine: Day 2

Today's Total:

1350 cals with 26~F/249C/37P

Notes: Felt alright today. Had some lapses during the day that I felt weak. Divided my meals to about 200-300 cals every 2-3 hours. It's challenging alright.. Went to the beach so it was a relaxing day. Also, accompanied the family to eat, which was hard as hell seeing them eating all that food and I was suffering inside lol. Can't wait for tomorrow's workout. Will report.
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Post by RobRegish »

OK man. What you're referencing is physiological vs. psychological hunger. There is true hunger and there is perceived hunger. You won't be hungry but while watching TV you see a commercial for McDonald's. Now you're hungry.

Something Famine puts you in touch with...
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Post by xxtotuxx »

RobRegish wrote:OK man. What you're referencing is physiological vs. psychological hunger. There is true hunger and there is perceived hunger. You won't be hungry but while watching TV you see a commercial for McDonald's. Now you're hungry.

Something Famine puts you in touch with...

Damn Rob, you're a smart man. Never thought of this. It's true alright. When I'm focused doing something else, I don't think about the food.
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Wow, just did my second workout on Famine phase. One of the toughest workouts I've ever done. Was very challenging, but got through it. Will post later my diet and workout.
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

xxtotuxx wrote:Wow, just did my second workout on Famine phase. One of the toughest workouts I've ever done. Was very challenging, but got through it. Will post later my diet and workout.
just wait for that third workout. its hellish
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Big.jazayrli wrote:
xxtotuxx wrote:Wow, just did my second workout on Famine phase. One of the toughest workouts I've ever done. Was very challenging, but got through it. Will post later my diet and workout.
just wait for that third workout. its hellish
Yeah, I was thinking that earlier today. Hell in the gym, but it's gonna be worth it.
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Famine: Day 3

Workout: Woke up at around 8am, ate some cereal and headed to the gym. Gotta say, strength is down. Very challenging workout. The lowered cals, plus the lack of a BCAA, imo is causing this strength lack. Still had a good workout since I did what I what supposed to do. Had to do one dropset on Shoulder Press since selected a weight that I couldn't manage because of my strength drop.

-DB Bench Press (45's) + DB Arnold Press (30s) 1x8-10 -> This one was easy. Decided to do the rest of the bench press on the barbell.
-BB Bench Press (115) + DB Arnold Press (30s) 1x8-10 -> Again, this wasn't that hard, except on the arnold press part, where I did the 8 reps and would have maxed at 10
-BB Bench Press (115) + DB Arnold Press (30s + 25) -> Here was the challenging part. Did the 8-9 reps on the bench press, was about to max, had maybe 2-3 more reps there. The shoulder exercise was the hard one. Maxed out at about 6 and picked up the 25s to finish the amount of reps. Definitely feeling weak strength wise. Started to press emergency and push myself.
-Incline BB Bench Press (95) + DB Shoulder Press (45s + 40s + 35s) -> This was the hardest set I've done in quite some time. Did the bench press alright, somewhat tiring there. But the shoulder press kicked my ass. My max weight on DB Shoulder press is about 60s for 5-6 reps, so I thought 45s would be a good weight. Only managed to get 3 reps out of that, and had to dropset until 35s to get the right rep amount.
-Rope Pressdown (70lbs, 80 lbs) and Skullcrushers (one sit down-30lbs EZ Bar, one laying down 35lbs EZ Bar) -> This was fairly easy to do and had no problem doing. Triceps feel sore right now.

Awesome workout in terms of how challenging it was. That was the part I enjoyed the most. Workout 3, I believe, will be on the hardest experiences gym-wise, but I'm preparing for it. The fact that strength is down worries me, but I'm sure this is part of the normal Blueprint protocol.

Diet: Consisted of mainly fruits and veggies, with some bread, cereal and peanuts mixed in. Today was the day I felt the most hunger of all the Famine days. Already planning my glorious meals on Saturday. Here are the macros for today:

1350 calories = 28.6 Fat/276.1 Carbs/37.3 Protein

Cause for the high amount of protein is a bread I bought which has more protein that usual. Will try to lower the protein for the remaining days.
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Famine Day 4

Diet: Diet, again, consisted of mostly fruits. Apples, pears and bananas. Had to lettuce at night since it was the only thing that would fit on the macros. Also had some whole wheat bread.

Total for the day: 1370 Cals = 28.3 Fat / 282.9 Carbs / 33.1 Protein

Notes for today: Felt alright. Hunger has been increasing day by day, and today was definetly the day I was the hungriest. Went to the gym and did some cardio, abs, and a few exercises for forearms and calves. Felt somewhat weird, like if I were to passout or something like that, but not that strong. Got home and ate an apple and feel great now. Tomorrow will be the last day of this "torture" lol. Can't wait for Saturday. Got some breakfast burritos planned :D
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Also, just ordered a bottle of E-Bol to run in the next phase.
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Post by RobRegish »

OK great detail and good work thus far. One thing that concerned me was this:

"Felt somewhat weird, like if I were to passout or something like that, but not that strong. Got home and ate an apple and feel great now. Tomorrow will be the last day of this "torture" lol"

If you ever feel like this, DISCONTINUE. Anytime you feel "off", sick or something isn't right I want you to STOP.

I value your health far more than any gains. Speaking of which, you can't make gains in Feast if you're sick/injured so keep that in mind.

If you do decide to perform workout #3, be aware you'll likely have to GREATLY reduce poundages given the pace. Don't be surprised if you end up performing bodyweight squats, etc.

And again, play it safe. Take that for what it's worth from the guy who created it :)
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