Justin's 1st BP RUN

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Post by Justin »

my 1st workout was great. my arms are feeling great pump and instead of eating i feel that drinking a lot of water will fill u up a little.

so for my fist day I am pleased and hope the next 4 go smoothly in the gym as well.
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Post by RobRegish »

Nice work!
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Post by Justin »

so i bought all my supplements yesterday hopefully they arrive in before the feast if not i have extra protein at my house i can use... Is it bad if i start the feast a few days without KA.

p.s during the day after my workout i started feeling very hungry but i guess that is normal when your in famine phase. Can't wait to start feast and eat some nice Steaks again
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Post by RobRegish »

No problem on starting a few days late. Just get those steaks on the grill early :)
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Post by KatZilla »

Good luck Justin! Glad to see you had a good start to Famine, and I can't wait to see your reaction on day 4 (mwuahaha), and how the rest of the log goes.
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Post by Justin »

thanks a lot guys.. we'll i noticed something a little weird this morning normally i go to bed with a meal filled with protein and wake up starving today was almost the opposite i went to bed starving and woke up normal... just something to note
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Post by Justin »

I was going over my Feast and just looking at it I'm not sure I'll be able to handle the work capability. because my main goal is mass for my 1st BP run... i was wondering if a program like this would be better:

3 exersices per bodypart. 1st exersice is the power lift going as heavy as i can for a set amount of reps...to take this set to the max i will incorporate pulse reps ( when i can no longer do a full rep i go midpoint in position and do small reps of 4-8 inches). my second exercise is the main stretch exercises performed in a super set fashion and finally my last exercise will be a contraction movement using lighter weight where each rep will be completely controlled for slow 5-8 second movements making a set around 55 seconds, This will finish my workout bringing all nutrients to muscle helping boost my GH and maximizing the tension on my muscle.

what do you guys think of a routine like this?
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Post by dracotdrgn »

during the day after my workout i started feeling very hungry
i went to bed starving and woke up normal
I too noticed this and contrary to some I would eat my solid meal post work out as opposed to late night.
My opinion on "pulse" movements......I am old fashion when it comes to ROM, contrary to the static contraction theory, I prefer "forced reps" performed when a spotter pulls just enough to keep the bar moving forward. The spot is key to forced reps.
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Post by Justin »

hmm true well i'll figure that all out when the feast comes close, and I'm glad I'm not the only one who had those same reactions in the morning
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Post by RobRegish »

Hmmm, never really tried that technique for long.

Feel free to experiment. The new thing is rest pause but who know, different strokes for different folks.
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Post by Justin »

hmm what exactly is rest pause?
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Little excerp from a training guide for you:
With rest pause training you take very short 10-15 second breaks in between each rep of a given exercise. Yes, you read that right, breaks in between each rep, not each set.

Let's use the bench press to illustrate how a rest pause set would look. Instead of cranking out five reps straight on the bench press, you will rack the bar after each rep to give your muscles 10-15 seconds to recover before doing the next rep. Using this rep scheme will allow you to handle much heavier loads than you normally use during regular rep schemes.
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Post by RobRegish »

Nice summary Draco :)
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Famine Day 3

Post by Justin »

hmm sounds very interesting I've heard a lot of people using that scheme however with sets not reps. I might give it a try another BP run seems like it'll help with strength.

p.s on my 3rd day now so far I'm feeling normal and everything going smoothly I'll be posting hwo my wokout goes... The only thing is I'm getting these head rushes quite often when i get up from sitting. Is this something to be concerned about?
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