Sovabrat's 2nd Run

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Post by RobRegish »

Wait until the new KA kicks in.

It's almost impossible to get sore on this stuff!!
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Post by sovabrat »

Day 10 Feast 6 172 lbs

Gained back my weight and then some over the weekend. I made sure that I was hitting 3000 calories everyday. Although I did have quite a bit of beer, I still had high protein and healthy fats.

This morning I did

Bench Press 180 x 7 with DB Extensions 45 x 9

PDR Zone #1 Dec DB Press 40 x 6 x 7 sets
T-Bar Row 35 x 6 x 7 sets

Squat 185 x 8 with 145 lbs stiff leg deadlift

PDR Zone #2 Leg Extension 130 lbs x 7 x 6 sets
Leg Sled 200 lbs x 7 x 6 sets.

Decent workout. Its a little harder without the caffeine of the thermogenic. I think I could have done more weight on both PDR zones but it was my first time trying them So i wasnt sure where to start. Either way, I was sweating my ass off. The squats and deadlifts nearly had me out of breath.

I failed to reach 8 reps with 180 lbs on the benchpress, I checked my log and it shows that I have done 8 during the GLP last cycle. This might be from the loss of muscle in the chest and shoulders from famine. I did complete 6 good reps, and the last one I had some fingers at my sticking point to get hte bar back up. No Cardio for the day.

Going to aim for 2500 calories today which is about 14.5x body weight.
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Post by Hank! »

RobRegish wrote:Wait until the new KA kicks in.

It's almost impossible to get sore on this stuff!!
Agreed here..stuff lets me over reach for sure. Key is to remember to give yourself adequate recovery time
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Post by sovabrat »

Thanks for the heads up. I experienced this to some extent with the E-bol.

It is a littler early to formulate any conclusions on KA vs E-bol. Even still, It wont be a fair comparison because I used tbol trib as well. I do notice that I lack the aggression that tbol trib gave me. I do not lack focus in the gym but I do miss the "animal instinct and alpha mentality".
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Post by RobRegish »

Yes, absolutely.

"Non hormonal anabolic" describes it perfectly. For that, we use Adaptogen N. If you want to get promiscuous, mix both companies products.. :)

Just kidding. Best to evaluate both in isolation where budget allows. Adaptogen N has an incredible amount of fans. I think DaCookie was recently converted..
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Post by sovabrat »

Day 11 Feast 7

Chest 41 flexed
Biceps 14.5 flexed
waist 32
Thigh 22 flexed

I am not sure what is going on but I have serious DOMS in my chest. I have been taking the KA as prescribed, one in morning with protein meal, one in evening with protein meal.

My chest is literally sore as hell. I am unsure if I could workout tomorrow. My legs feel fine, I know I could have used a lot more weight though for the EDT blocks but my Squat and Deadlifts were at the max for the rep range.

This might go back to with Rob posted in another thread, upperbody strength (and possibly endurance) seems to go first in times of need. Maybe the body realizes that it will always need leg strength but it can spare upper body? I don't know, just an observation.

Tomorrow I am going to EDT with Shrugs and Bicep Curls and Lat Pull Down with Lying Leg Curls.

I am also going to add in some forearm, calves, and abs to the end of every workout if I can.

Tonight I am going running with the Fiance along the lake. Should be about 3-4 miles at a nice slow pace.
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Post by sovabrat »

Day 12 Feast 8 170.5 lbs

Today was the 4-6 rep range.

I did 205 on the bench at 4 reps with no spot. Was right at the max for that range as I was still a little sore from monday. I think I figured out why my legs had no DOMS but my chest did. When I was using the DB for the EDT with dec db press, the way I was lifting the DB put strain on my outer pecs pretty badly.

Squatted 225 x 4, could have done about 10-20 lbs more but it felt good, and I have a weight belt now that really helps me keep my back straight.

for EDT I did:

Shrugs @155 with INC DB Curl @30's

Dimel Deadlifts @ 155 with Skull Crushers @40 loaded on the neutral grip bar.

I also added a super circuit of calf raises in the power rack using 225, 10 reps floor wipers on teh bench, and 10 reps of fore arm curls with the bar and 10 lbs on each side.
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Post by RobRegish »

Fantastic work!

Sounds like you could have gotten more...
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Post by sovabrat »

Day 13 Feast 9

I have doms in my traps, tris, and bis.

This is either due to:

A) I am working exponentially harder than I have in the past, or

B) My body is just not reacting well to the KA.

I had high expectations that I would not have DOMS using KA reading all the great things people had said about it.

I will continue to use as prescribed, maybe it will just take longer for me.

Traveling to St Louis with the Fiance today. I wont be working out until Tuesday. I should be well rested and ready to tackle the 2-3 rep range workout.
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Post by RobRegish »

It takes about 2 weeks so you'll likely be feeling it soon. Maybe Hank can chime in. I know he notices signifcant lessening of DOMS so perhaps he'll lend his perspective.
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Post by sovabrat »

Day 17 Feast 13 (170 lbs)

I did a lot of eating over the weekend, not much exercise. I expected to gain a bit of weight but It doesn't look like I did.

Had trouble getting 225 for two reps on bench press. This is kind of shocking because I had no problems with 205 for 4 reps. Prior to this workout, I had 1 EDT set that focused on chest. Maybe it is just lagging from famine.

DB extensions with 65 lbs went smooth and form was good. This was a new PR for me.

Did decline BB benchpress and t-bar row for first EDT. Starting to notice little fatigue during my workouts. I think the KA is beginning to kick in a little more.

Squatted 225 for 3 reps easily. The weight belt really makes a difference, it keeps my form spot on also. I think I will attempt 275 for my 1RM assuming everything goes well on 6-8 deload.

Did a circuit of calves, abs, and forearms.

We were limited on time this morning so we only did the one EDT block. I was sweating like a monster and I felt like I had a solid workout so I have no concerns.

I am going to try and increase my calories and protein for another 2 weeks before I cut back to 100%.
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Post by RobRegish »

Exactly what I was thinking on the cals.

Nice work man :)
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Post by sovabrat »

I have kind of lost track of how many days in I am. I know I am on 6-8 rep range of my progression.

Days aren't as important to me at this point. I am confident I will know when my body is done with Feast. The only timing I will use is famine and the reload.

6 reps on 175 because I was feeling sore still from the last workout we did decline barbell presses.

squat felt soooooo good today. I got 6 reps easy at 195. I have absolutely no idea what my max will turn out to be. I am guessing in the 250-275 range. This new nike weight belt helps stabilize soooo much. I highly recommend to anyone not using a belt to go get one.

EDT of Preacher Curl for 8 reps and Seated Shoulder Press for 7 reps

EDT of Bodyweight dips and Body weight pullups on the assisted machine. We used the lowest amount of assistance. If I was doing it raw, I dont think I would have made it past 3 reps on my last 3 sets.

I am 100% completely drained of all energy and emotion after that workout. WOW.

I am loving the EDT zones a lot.

Oh yeah, I weighed in at 173 today. Good sign that I am gaining traction and finally putting on weight. I was getting worried because my calorie count and protein was pretty high already. I could hardly eat anymore.
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Post by RobRegish »

Great signs :)
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