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Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 5:27 pm
by RobRegish
I can't even imagine that kind of training fueled by keto :roll:

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 7:07 pm
by SiLkPaDrE
Here we go. I hope I save it this time :)

Alright, so I finally got everything I need to get things going (2 bottles of KA came in... niiice!) Just finished a carb-up from running Keto for the past 2 weeks and I am starting my Famine tomorrow. Unfortunately, I won't be able to work out because I have work, but I will make sure to make myself suffer for it.

COMMENT: Note that Famine (despite the name) isn't meant to inflict punishment. Now I know what you mean, but keep this in mind: The goal of famine is to generate a "stressed" state via a unique combination of a mild calorie deficit, big reduction in dietary protein, some pretty substantial training demands and other twists. So don't punish yourself. Shoot for that state and it won't let you down..

I plan on running a Keto type Famine, just because I'm hoping to shed some fat (if possible), deal with hunger a little better and well after running Keto for the past couple of weeks, I know what to expect in terms of energy levels. I guess what'll suck the most is the lack of sufficient protein, but hey, I'm not crying here. I was actually thinking about tossing in some Warrior-Diet like intermittent fasting to really drag myself through the mud and well since I am planning on basically running Keto again (which I am somewhat used to already), this little variation should help the diet shock the crap out of me. I foresee myself sipping on V8 (don't have a juice, but am not against blending veggies and fruits haha--is that okay?), eating mixed nuts, fatty meats and tons and tons of lettuce. Any suggestions for foods I should look into/out for?

A. Given your goals the more I'm inclined to say keto isn't necessary. Sure you'll be hungry the best strategy here is VERY high fiber and lots of water. You'll still lose weight (about 1lb/day) and some fat along with it. V8 is fine.

The list in the BP of alkalizing fruits/vegetables is a FINE place to start for the base of this diet. Fruits, vegetables nuts and leafy greens should form the cornerstone here.

I plan on working out 4 days in a row (Mon. through Thurs.) for this famine, two of which consist of some football conditioning stuff. I hope to start my Feast by this upcoming Friday. During Feast I am looking at Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri. for my workout days.

A. Famine's workout template calls for 3 days of training. I would NOT train back to back in this fashion given the demands presented. Understand you have football conditioning stuff on top of this. Famine training/Famine in general really doesn't account for this. So to err on the side of caution, take it ONE workout at a time. Your bodyweight, resting heart rate and other subjective feedback will tell you/me how soon you get there. I'm betting anything you'll be there in 3 days. Certainly 4.

Rob, you mentioned some caloric rotation. I came across you mentioning to someone on the forums to consider rotating 120%, 100% and 70% of maintenance calories for harder workout days, moderate workout days and off days respectively. I was wondering if that was the kind of rotation you were referring to in our email convo. I also saw that you said that extra 20% should be in the form of a peri-workout drink? What would such a drink consist of, because I doubt amino acids alone could give me those extra calories. I am guessing I should be rotating my carb consumption as well (especially since I am trying to do a recomp of sorts).

A. This is for Feast and here's how I'd like you to do it. For the first two weeks rotate 120% of maintenance (3600k) on training day based on a 300k diet with 100% of maintenance on non-training days.

The 600K in your peri-workout drink comes from 100g of waxy maize starch (400k) and 50g of whey (200) + your BCAA's.

There's you're 600K or 20% needed, right where they'll do you the most good. We'll re-evaluate after 2 weeks.

Anyway, I will post a general idea of the kind of workouts I plan on running during the Feast as the time comes. I am admittedly still planning that out. I am essentially replacing whatever rep schemes listed on my football program for big barbell lifts with the GLP#1 (and eventually #2). I see no real harm in that, and the rep/set stuff is pretty similar. I guess what's convenient about the GLP is that it provides me with those nifty percentages on which to base my lifts on. I plan on benching/squatting or deadlifting twice week.

A. Suggest benching one workout, squats the next with Romanian Deadlifts AFTER your GLP sets. Carryover will be very close if you have to do a full DL AND it'll address those shoulder issues.

Deadlifting twice a week would really suck and be taxing on my body, but I am tempted to do it because I have internally rotated shoulders (from benching so much; and go figure I plan on benching TWICE a week--my athletic trainers probably wouldn't be big fans of this idea) and deadlifting is a good way to fix my shoulder alignment and scapular health. If anybody has any suggestions about something I could do in place of a second deadlift day (good upper back/scapula exercises), please feel free to chime in.

A. Romanian Deadlift, HEAVY one arm DB rows or high cleans are what you're looking for. Rack pulls from various heights are nice too.

I will be meeting with my athletic trainer on Monday, so I plan on asking him for some suggestions for that (although I probably won't tell him about my specific plans haha). I plan on doing some added glute/hip work on one of these days (like hip thrusts/high step ups or something), because I've noticed that ever since I started working out my butt (albeit indirectly through actually firing my glutes when performing certain exercises), I have gotten quite a bit stronger. Furthermore, working out my glutes should help with explosiveness.

Rob suggested, which I am totally for, to add some band work to my lighter sets of big movements in the GLP (so bench and deadlifts), which should help me with the explosiveness as well.

A. Bench and SQ OK on the FIRST set (50%) to start. The bands accentuate the eccentric and you will be SORE the first time after using them. They do take some getting used to.

Other stuff I was considering include box squats (I was thinking about doing box squats for my second squat day, but wasn't sure if it would mess up the GLP flow--any opinions on that?),

A. They will if you attempt to replace the full squat with them. If you add them as a supplemental lift, no problem. In the latter event, suggest rotating them with romanian DL's.

box jumps and variations, jumping rope, jumping in general haha. Push Presses and Cleans are already incorporated into my program, so maybe I am over thinking things? I suck at cleans though, and have a lot to work on in terms of perfecting my technique. I am looking to do those PR Zones as well, but admittedly probably only for arm work as anything else would probably be overkill on my body. For example, doing it with Incline DB Press + T-Bar Rows for 6 sets twice a week would probably do more harm than good for me since I have deadlifting (back, among other things) and the push pressing I mentioned (shoulders) that I hope to see strength gains in as well.

A. You are onto something. You need to strive to simplify, simplify simplify and then POUR yourself into your game plan. Less is more. Even though you're young there is great risk of over-training here given the conditioning work present. Sleep is HUGE for you so be preparared to put sack time in (minus the sorority girls). Just have them call me instead please. You can have them back when this is done.

Yeah guys, I know I've been talking the talk a lot. But let me tell you that setting this up was kind of difficult for me since I have so many little things to take into consideration. Soon enough I will be posting all the stats and what not and letting you know how I am feeling.

A. Good lifters follow a plan. GREAT lifters create their own. Never underestimate this. The trainee that stops learning or needs to be fed what to do, what to eat etc. leaves the table with.....nothing. Ask questions. Take notes. Steal ideas and observe others (even the flakes). Success and failure leaves clues. That goes for you personally and the others around you.

Do more watching/recording than talking. People will begin to be nervous. Be evasive. Reveal nothing. Cite "them" frequently in your answers.

Because soon enough, people are going to be asking you LOTS of questions about what you're doing... :)

Thanks for reading!

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 8:34 pm
by RobRegish
Cripes I had the most elaborate responses to this typed up you can ever imaging and now they're gone!

I will have them EARLY tomorrow AM. Very sorry man... Hope that's not too late!

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 8:37 pm
by SiLkPaDrE
RobRegish wrote:Cripes I had the most elaborate responses to this typed up you can ever imaging and now they're gone!

I will have them EARLY tomorrow AM. Very sorry man... Hope that's not too late!
Haha no worries brotha. You have already gone above and beyond what you needed to in terms of helping me out. I actually feel like I'm asking TOO many questions. Respond whenever you have the time to.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 6:29 pm
by SiLkPaDrE
Famine - Day 1

Doesn't feel so bad right now, especially since I don't get to work out until tomorrow. I'll probably be dying by then, especially since I'm actually still a little sore from my workout this past Friday. The lack of protein definitely won't help with recovery haha. I'll deal though. I'm having trouble getting a hold of the foods I need because 1. I'm legit broke right now and 2. All of the foods I have are too protein rich for me to be messing with. The only things I can really eat right now are my oats and natural peanut butter. I had a bag of veggies, but I destroyed it this morning haha. Here's what my day's looked like so far (pardon if it's too detailed, I just copied and pasted from a word document where I've been logging my meals):

8:30 A.M. – 1 OEP + Animal Flex
9:15 A.M. – 4 Cups (steamed) Broccoli & Cauliflower + hot sauce
- C: 16g
9:30 A.M. – 1x Life Force, 1x Vitamin C, Vitamin D, CoQ10, Green Tea & 2x NOW Super Omega 3-6-9 softgels
- F: 2g
10:15 A.M. – 128g natural peanut butter
- P: 28g/F: 64g/C: 24g
11:30 A.M. – Calorie-free sucralose sweetened drink
1:15 P.M. – 64g natural peanut butter + ½ Cup Oats + 1 packet of Truvia + 1x Life Force, 1x Vitamin C, Vitamin D, CoQ10, Green Tea & 4x NOW Super Omega 3-6-9 softgels
- P: 19g/F: 39g/C: 42g
4:00 P.M. – 1 OEP

OEP = Oxyelite Pro, a thermogenic, for those who aren't aware.

I am still short some calories, so I'm probably going to down some oats later. I really wish I had tons of fruits and veggies right now. I definitely gotta watch out for the PB, because of the protein, otherwise I feel like this setup should be okay. I am probably going to ditch the EFA supp since I came across Rob suggesting such to someone else for the Famine Phase.

I wrote up a pretty detailed "template" of sorts, listing my ideal dosing schedule for the supps I plan on running during my Feast Phase as well as when I plan on eating. I might post it, but I gotta admit that it'll be pretty damn tedious to look at. I figured I'd plan things out, since nutrient as well as supplement timing seems to be pretty important in the BP. Considering how hectic my days usually are, without some sort of outline, I don't see things going to well.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 8:06 pm
by RobRegish
He's a detail man for sure :)

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 9:20 am
by SiLkPaDrE
Famine - Day 2

I ended up watching the Celtics game last night and forgetting to eat more food. Hopefully I'll cop some fruits and veggies today or at least some V8. I have this greens supplement laying around, it's expired (literally just expired in the beginning of June) but I might take a couple of scoops anyway, haha. I feel like I'm doing this wrong if I'm not eating at least some vegetables and fruit. I've been chewing tons of gum by the way; it helps curb my appetite in general, although it gives me tons of gas.

My resting heat rate hasn't deviated from the average recording I get really; it's roughly 57-61 bpm. My measurements could certainly be accurate, but as long as I use the same method each time, I'm sure I will be able to account for the desired 8 bpm increase by the end of this phase.

Anyway, I am pretty sore; namely my calves are anyway. I destroyed them on Friday and I don't foresee them healing anytime soon with the week I have ahead of me.

I tried to stay up a little later than usual last night, but it was kind of difficult. I've been pretty lethargic lately as it is and this lack of calories isn't exactly going to help.

I've only eaten some PB and oats today, but I'll update with more on what I've eaten later. Today will be my first workout, so I'm pretty hype about that.

Here is the template I was talking about for what I plan on doing during my feast supplement/diet wise. Again, pardon the detail :lol

Training Days

Macros (for workout days):
Protein: 350g
Carbohydrates: 400g
Fat: 66g
Total Calories: ~3600

For (Monday), Tuesday, Thursday, (Friday) Schedule
**Monday and Friday are subject to be a little different since I don’t work or have class on these days and am not restricted to working out from 11:30 – 1:00

7:00 A.M. – Wake up; take 2 SuperCissus Rx, Animal Flex; stretch for an hour

7:30 A.M. – (Middle of stretch) 1 Bio Forge Pro Max, 1 Glycobol, 1 Lean Xtreme, 1 EFA Softgel/Coconut Oil

8:00 A.M. – Eat breakfast (meal#1); take 1x Life Force, 1x Curcumin 500, 1x Vitamin C, 1x Vitamin D3, 1x CoQ10, 1x Green Tea, 1 Scoop of some random Greens supplement that I have

10:00 A.M. – Take 1 Bio Forge Pro Max, 1 Glycobol, 1 EFA Softgel/Coconut Oil

10:30 A.M. – Eat pre-workout meal (meal#2)

10:45 A.M. – Take 1 Kre-Anabolyn, 1 EFA Softgel/Coconut Oil; 3 Alpha-GPC capsules, 1 Scoop Ultima + 2g ALCAR + 2g CM

11:15 A.M. – Mix and start sipping on: 2 Scoops Intrabolic, 5g Leucine, 5g BCAA, 2 Scoops MASS Pro MVP, 100g Waxy Maize Corn Starch, 2g Citrulline Malate (CM)

11:30 A.M. – Take 1 Lean Xtreme; begin workout

12:15 P.M. – Take 1 Kre-Anabolyn, 1 EFA Softgel/Coconut Oil

1:00 P.M. – Take 1 Bio Forge Pro Max, 1 Glycobol, 1 Kre-Anabolyn with the rest of peri-workout drink

1:30 P.M. – Eat (meal#3), take 1x Life Force, 1x Curcumin 500, 1x Vitamin C, 1x Vitamin D3, 1x CoQ10, 1x Green Tea, 1 Scoop Controlled Labs Oximega Greens

4:15 P.M. – Eat (meal#4)

6:45 P.M. – Take 1 Glycobol (or take at 3:45 before meal#4)

7:15 P.M. – Eat (meal #5)

9:30 P.M. – Take 1 Bio Forge Pro Max, 2 EFA Softgels

9:45 P.M. – Take 2 SuperCissus Rx, 1x Curcumin 500

10:00 P.M. – Eat pre-bed meal (meal#6); stretch for an hour

10:45 P.M. – Take Animal PM, 2g CM

11:15 P.M. - Bed

Off Days

Macros (for non-workout days):
Protein: 300g
Carbohydrates: 300g
Fat: 66g
Total Calories: ~3000

For Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday
**I don’t plan on working out on these days, at least not any weight training. I hope to still wake up early and get stuff done.

7:00 A.M. – Wake up; take 2 SuperCissus Rx, Animal Flex, 2g CM, 2g BA; stretch for an hour

7:30 A.M. – (Middle of stretch) 1 Bio Forge Pro Max, 1 Glycobol, 1 Kre-Anabolyn, 1 Lean Xtreme, 2 EFA Softgels/Coconut Oil

8:00 A.M. – Eat breakfast (meal#1); take 1x Life Force, 1x Curcumin 500, 1x Vitamin C, 1x Vitamin D3, 1x CoQ10, 1x Green Tea, 1 Scoop of some random Greens supplement that I have

10:00 A.M. – Take 1 Glycobol

10:30 A.M. – Eat (meal#2)

11:30 A.M. – Take 1 Lean Xtreme

12:00 P.M. – Take 1 Bio Forge Pro Max, 1 Glycobol, 1 Kre-Anabolyn , 1 EFA Softgel/Coconut Oil

12:30 P.M. – Eat (meal#3)

3:30 P.M. – Take 1 Bio Forge Pro Max, 1 Kre-Anabolyn, 1 EFA Softgel/Coconut Oil, 2g BA

4:00 P.M. – Eat (meal #4); take 1x Life Force, 1x Curcumin 500, 1x Vitamin C, 1x Vitamin D3, 1x CoQ10, 1x Green Tea, 1 Scoop Controlled Labs Oximega Greens

7:30 P.M. – Take 1 Glycobol (or take at 3:30 before meal#4)

8:00 P.M. – Eat (meal #5)

9:30 P.M. – Take 1 Bio Forge Pro Max, 2 EFA Softgels/Coconut Oil

9:45 P.M. – Take 2 SuperCissus Rx, 1x Curcumin 500

10:00 P.M. – Eat pre-bed meal (meal#6); stretch for an hour

10:45 P.M. – Take Animal PM, 2g CM

11:15 P.M. – Bed

Obviously this is idealized. Some things I am not accounting for is partying/drinking (I honestly don't plan on drinking at all, just because I know I can handle that--I'm a social beast either way 8) -- although I might have a few drinks on my birthday on the 29th of June, which I probably should plan in advance for). I might have to switch up my supp timing if I do in fact do the dirty. Anyway, some of the supps, like Glycobol for example, aren't 100% going to be taken at the times I've listed here per se, considering it's use is dependent on the carbohydrate content of the meal it precedes. The same goes for KA. I'm still working on trying to find some Coconut Oil. I hear amazing things about it, but I am not sure where to look. I should try and find a health food store around here I'm guessing.I'm hoping that EFA/Fish Oil softgels will suffice as the small amount of fat that I should consume with KA and Bio Forge.

FYI, I won't be stretching for 2 hours EVERYDAY, this is just a general outline. Some days I might just do an hour and a half or just an hour; my goal, however, is to get a solid 10-12 hours in, roughly a 2:1 ratio on time spent stretching with respect to the time I spent weight training in a given week. The same goes for bed time. I'm shooting for getting to bed early, but who the hell knows what's going to become of that fantasy haha.

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 5:48 pm
by RobRegish
Everything looks good here with the exception of 1 item: Carb intake.

I suspect you'll need more (relative to protein) given your unique physical demands, conditioning etc.. I've seen it once or twice before, traction gets delay due to insufficient carbs being present to spare the protein.

It's right on the line, so Id like you to bump it up another 100g or so even if at the expense of protein. I think you'll find a nice benefit.

Otherwise, great detail - great log.

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 8:36 pm
by SiLkPaDrE
I was actually considering adding more carbs. I'm not sure if I have enough here to counteract the calories I'm going to be burning, enough for me to put on weight. I might err on the lower side first though, so perhaps +50 carbs, just because I do tend to put on weight quickly. Then again, I've never tried to bulk while having tons of conditioning to worry about either. I guess trial and error is the best way for me to see what works.

Also, Rob, I saw you mention on a separate thread that Citrulline Malate is effective at 9 grams or above? Would using 6 grams a day be kind of pointless? I've come across various suggestions and the general consensus was between 6-10 grams. I admittedly chose 6 just because it would make the CM last longer haha. I just want to make sure that I'm not underdosing.

I will post what I ate today and my workout in a bit. All I'm gonna say for now is that conditioning sucked BALLS today. I got through it, but by the end of it I was dying haha.


Okay so here's what I ate today; pretty much the same as yesterday. I actually have a question regarding my diet thus far... is it okay haha? I don't have any veggies or fruit right now, but just MIGHT be able to get a hold of some tomorrow. Would not consuming either be detrimental?

8:00 A.M. – 1 OEP
8:30 A.M. – 96g natural peanut butter + ¼ Cup Oats + 1 packet of Truvia + 1x Life Force, 1x Vitamin C, Vitamin D, CoQ10, Green Tea
- P: 23.5g/F: 49.5g/C: 34.5g
12:30 P.M. – 1 Scoop Greens supplement, 32g natural peanut butter + ¼ Cup Oats + sugar-free drink (sucralose)
- P: 9.5g/F: 17.5g/C: 19.5g
2:15 P.M. – 1 OEP
2:30 P.M. – 3:30 P.M. (Worked out)
5:30 P.M. – 96g natural peanut butter + ½ Cup Oats + 1 packet of Truvia + sugar-free drink (sucralose) + 1x Life Force, 1x Vitamin C, Vitamin D, CoQ10, Green Tea
- P: 26g/F: 51g/C: 48g
6:30 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. – Speed training/football conditioning

Yeah, so I feel like I am pretty much starving myself right now. Vegetables would definitely give me some peace of mind in terms of feeling like I'm consuming enough food to survive for the week. Anyway, the workout went okay today. I took it kind of easy since I started Famine yesterday and was entering the routine rather depleted already. I'm not a big fan of posting numbers and what not, but if you guys absolutely need to see them, I won't shy away from doing so I guess. Overall I felt okay, although I felt weak. I've actually been working out rather weak as it is, considering I did 2 weeks of Keto with no refeed until the second weekend. I wonder where my maxes are right now haha. I'm actually kind of scared to find out.

Conditioning today though.. God! I was cramping like a motha. I fought through it though and to everyone else it probably just seemed like I was out of shape, but honestly the energy just wasn't there. i know I could do better and move a lot quicker when my nutrition's in check. Not to mention my legs were pretty sore. I felt okay in the beginning since I consumed my last meal like an hour before, but by the middle to end of it, I was out of gas. But all in all, this Famine business isn't TOO bad yet. I guess knowing the benefits of this small sacrifice (5 days vs 42 and then Cruise, I mean c'mon!) make it easier for me to persevere. It is only day 2 though, so I could just be talking out of my ass right now.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 5:44 am
by RobRegish
OK good going. Do take care to stay WELL hydrated..

On the CM, I do prefer the higher dosing as I think the lower end stuff is ineffective. Not like we're talking any toxicity here so assuming no GI distress go for it.

GREAT work so far. Play it by ear and know that right around the corner lies great things.. :)

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 5:33 pm
by SiLkPaDrE
Famine - Day 3

Not too bad today. Heart rate is still the same, but I feel pretty depleted, lethargic and just plain out of it. I don't think I genuinely listed to one thing my professor said today in my econ class; I actually spent most of the class outlining what and when I would eat on Friday (day 1 of Famine) haha, because I will be at work for a big chunk of the day and wanted to plan accordingly. Thankfully no workout today, but I can already tell that tomorrow is going to be rough. I have my second Famine workout as well as conditioning stuff later that day. In terms of food, yeah man, same crap: oats and peanut butter. I still haven't received a response on whether or not it's okay if I go the entirety of the Famine without eating vegetables/fruits--greens supplements obviously don't count.

Anyway, I will spare anyone actually following the log the burden of having to reread the same diet again. Just note, oats and natty pb.

On another topic, I was wondering if anyone had any input regarding KA and the whole "take it with your highest carb meals of the day" thing. What exactly counts as "high" and is there an upper limit of sorts that I should avoid if I want to best utilize the glucose disposal that KA can provide. Furthermore, I am obviously taking Glycobol (half servings, 4x a day, 3 of which are taken with KA) and was wondering if the inclusion of it alongside KA would allow me to consume more carbs and still get the benefit (assuming that this upper limit exists). I ask mainly because a rep from the company that produces Glycobol suggested that I take the half doses, but that smaller carb consumption (so 50g or less, as opposed to the 100g I was anticipating on consuming after taking Glycobol) worked better with the half dose. I apologize if all of this is confusing. I could be overthinking things.. nothing new right haha.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 6:33 pm
by RobRegish
OK sorry I missed that. Here we go..

Famine - Day 3

Not too bad today. Heart rate is still the same, but I feel pretty depleted, lethargic and just plain out of it. I don't think I genuinely listed to one thing my professor said today in my econ class; I actually spent most of the class outlining what and when I would eat on Friday (day 1 of Famine) haha, because I will be at work for a big chunk of the day and wanted to plan accordingly. Thankfully no workout today, but I can already tell that tomorrow is going to be rough. I have my second Famine workout as well as conditioning stuff later that day. In terms of food, yeah man, same crap: oats and peanut butter. I still haven't received a response on whether or not it's okay if I go the entirety of the Famine without eating vegetables/fruits--greens supplements obviously don't count.

A. It's OK, but they're highly recommended. They make a BIG difference in how easy it makes it to get through via the fiber, nutrients etc.

Anyway, I will spare anyone actually following the log the burden of having to reread the same diet again. Just note, oats and natty pb.

On another topic, I was wondering if anyone had any input regarding KA and the whole "take it with your highest carb meals of the day" thing. What exactly counts as "high" and is there an upper limit of sorts that I should avoid if I want to best utilize the glucose disposal that KA can provide.

A. Up to 100g carbs at a meal is what you want. No less than 50g

Furthermore, I am obviously taking Glycobol (half servings, 4x a day, 3 of which are taken with KA) and was wondering if the inclusion of it alongside KA would allow me to consume more carbs and still get the benefit (assuming that this upper limit exists). I ask mainly because a rep from the company that produces Glycobol suggested that I take the half doses, but that smaller carb consumption (so 50g or less, as opposed to the 100g I was anticipating on consuming after taking Glycobol) worked better with the half dose. I apologize if all of this is confusing. I could be overthinking things.. nothing new right haha

A. There's a ceiling with these products and with your body. The products extend your upper range, which for most is 75g. KA will allow you to manage about 100g (based on glucometer tests I've run) under non-workout conditions. Double that during a workout. The glycobol I'm unsure of..

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 1:34 pm
by SiLkPaDrE
Famine - Day 4

Heart rate was pretty the same when I woke up today. Besides feeling hungry, I don't feel all that bad. I'm working out at around 4:30-5, and then have conditioning stuff from 6:30 to about 8. As messed up as it sounds, I'm hoping to get obliterated from that combination of weight training and cardio. I think maybe I've been consuming too much protein these past few days (haven't exceeded 50g on any given day, but I still think the peanut butter might be a bit wholesome and could be preventing me from reaching that desirable catabolic state), or maybe I've been too sedentary during the times when I'm not training because I feel as if I should be feeling a whole lot worse than I am. Let's see how I feel after my workouts, they might just be able to do the trick.

Depending on how things go and how I feel, I might extend my famine. It would certainly inconvenience me, because I was hoping to refeed Fri.-Sun. and then start training on Mon., but if I'm going to do this, I want to do it right. Don't get me wrong, I feel somewhat depleted, but it's reminiscent of when I was running Keto. That being the case, it might take longer for me to reach a "stressed" state.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 1:42 pm
by Justin
nice detail man! i'm looking forward to see your progress