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Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 10:46 am
by Richard91
Day 1 of Famine
Weight this morning right when i woke up:189.0

Resting heart rate: 56

First time in a while I woke up hungry and didnt eat ASAP. Will let yall know how this goes later on in the day. Planning on checking out livestrong to help me keep track of food intake.

Also, thanks for clearing up my question. How would u take alkaplex during famine. Bottle says up to 2 caps with every meal?
Ima take 2 now for the meantime

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 3:47 pm
by RobRegish
Per label recommendations always worked for me. You may want to toy with taking them with meals that you know are acid forming for you (varies with individual)..

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 4:12 pm
by Richard91
ok thanks.

Just found out my gym is closed today. Would it be alright to do workout 1 tommorow and 2 the next day then hit 3 on friday?

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 6:39 pm
by RobRegish
5/30 Last reported stats:

Weight this morning right when i woke up:190.6
Resting heart rate: 57

5/31 DAY 1 of Famine

Weight this morning right when i woke up:189.0
Resting heart rate: 56

Based on this, not enough information to make a call yet. I for sure though, wouldn't do workout 2/3 back to back.. :!:

Suggest running with workout #1 tomorrow. Report back on weigh in/heart rate (this will be day 2 of Famine). Rest day 3 and post those same #'s here. I'll make the call on either the Famine extension (lucky you) or some sort of other modification

This is where you get the $.95 value in the $34.95 you invested in me/The Blueprint :lol:

Just joking... I pride my myself on the work AFTER the sale and you guys for sure deserve it. Man I still feel burned by those courses that didn't answer my snail mail letters!

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 1:09 am
by Richard91
yea thanks you are a huge help. I was hardheaded and didnt check back here soon enought. I used my bowflex and did leg extension supersetted with seated rows supersetted with lat pulldowns. Did standing biceps for my arm workout.

Didnt really wanna wait wanna get to the fun part!


Calories are a bit low. 8xBW is around 1520 but i didnt feel all that bad today. Lemme know if this is acceptable. Tried to keep protien low as possible PBnJ is very filling tho.

Thanks in advance you sir are a huge help!!!

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 5:56 am
by RobRegish
Super work Richard and glad I helped.

I'll be here for you for the rest of this run too :)

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 10:27 pm
by Richard91
Resting Heartrate: 63


Went to the gym today to do some cardio. Ran for 20 minutes and did 2 20 minute sessions of biking. Was very tough my stomach doesnt feel like it normally does when im hungry just a little constant buzz to eat more.

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 12:22 am
by Richard91
Resting Heartrate: 63


Went to the gym and did workout 2 of famine. Wow shoulder press were killer. Really dropped the weight from what i usually do and was still very tough. 2 more days!

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 6:09 am
by RobRegish
You're almost there.

Typically we see 1lb/day bodyweight loss and we're shooting for a RHR increase of 8bmp over baseline. You're down 4lbs already and at +7RHR.

Rest up and get ready for the final Famine workout. You'll likely need to REALLY lower weight for this one. No worries. Give it your best but do so knowing you're likely there walking into the gym.

Discontinue if you don't feel "right"/sick etc.. Likely you're one of the blessed few who may not require workout #3 to ensure homeostasis has been adequately disrupted.

Take care and remember.... only 2 more days!

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 1:10 am
by Richard91
Resting Heartrate: 71


Must of had a bad dream right before i woke up because heart rate was thru the roof. Should be down some more lbs tommorow i ate most of my food yesterday right before bed.

Couple of questions.. Dosing for the Kre-anabolyn and other begins on first day of feast(saturday)? or first work out day?

Also Adaptogen N M-F only correct?

Thanks in advance

p.s. Starving right now trying to make it thru the night to see my weight tommorow morning

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 6:16 am
by RobRegish
Kre Anabolyn dosing starts the FIRST day of Feast. And yes, AN M-F with weekends off is how I like to roll with the product.

Now on your RHR. WOW. Do me a favor, if it's anywhere near that high for the final day.... DON'T do the workout. I'm serious about this. You get a pass man as you're already there!

The goal is an 8 beats per minute increase over baseline. You started at 56 so anything 64 or over... no need to perform workout #3. Just diet for that last day and.... get ready for Feast!

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 12:30 pm
by Richard91
Aww dont get to work on my squat form today? :lol:

Resting Heart rate: 70

Idk do you think this is because i ate lower than my 8xBW?

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 4:51 pm
by RobRegish
Not sure. You're uber-stressed though and fact remains... you're there. I just play things conservative when I see RHR's that high. Remember, the objective is to get to +8bpm above baseline.

Pushing through it and such is great BUT, consider this:

The further you get into Famine the tougher/longer it takes to get traction into Feast.

I think it was Brain once who said "The Blueprint is all about learning how to push to the edges of your personal envelope. You don't want to exceed those by any great degree... just get close to them and your gains will come" - something like that.

Insightful words...

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 6:38 pm
by Richard91
Okay well your the expert not me. Cant wait for tommorow plan to stuff my face as of right now i see hitting 20xbw may be just as much of a challenge as the 8xbw.