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Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 9:44 am
by Redgum


Suppose put on LBM is main goal for now, would make more sense to do that than cut then bulk right? Or what do you suggest.

Edit: Pics are from the day before famine I think. I am 20 years old if I havent stated.

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 8:31 pm
by RobRegish
Strong, strong base there. Good work!

And yes, your instincts are correct. Do me a favor. Sketch out what 100% of maintenance, 70% of maintenance and 120% of maintenance calories might be for you and let me know about any pre-existing injuries, etc..

Because I have a plan...

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 1:25 am
by Redgum

Yeah OK, So this is more of an educated guess than an exact number as I've never watched calories as close as it would take to find it out exactly. I say this as my weight loss had stalled prior to the programme eating 2k-2.5k cals and having an eca stack, no cardio work, also took into account I lost 2-3lbs eating 5k cals over famine and now I have finished 3 days of refeed, eating just over 10k cals, Ive put that weight back on.

However here it is:

- 70% of Maintenance=1750cal
- Maintenance=2500cal
- 120% of Maintenance = 3000cal

As for injuries, I had a ACL reconstruction (Right knee) a few years ago, hasnt really bothered me since, but am aware its there so am always.. shy to go to what might be called a potential weight on squats. If I can nail the technique 100% I'll feel much better about going heavier, which i'm working on!

I am having trouble with the same knee atm though, not sure what it is, havent ran for 6 weeks, trying to get back into it shortly, been seeing a physio about it.

Left shoulder I have dislocation problems, it pops out and pops back in by itself, last time it happened was about 5-6 months ago, whilst benching, yes was painful dropping the weight on me.. that damaged my bench weight ever since, but am slowly getting it back up, hence why my bench is only 90kg1RM atm. I have since changed my benching technique as that is what I think made it pop out again, I use more of an arch and pinching shoulder blades together, more of a powerlift, saw it on a Dave Tate technique vid a while ago. Feels a lot more stable! Havent tried 'traditional' benching since then, willing to give it a shot.

Thats all I can think of. Thanks, Yeah I am falling to bits haha.

Just an update, today is day 4 of feast now, feeling good, I feel much.. fuller, my muscles and my core are more steady than in the nasty famine where I felt like a twig. Will be doing my workout when I get back from work in roughly 12 hours from now.


Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 5:44 am
by RobRegish

Do me a favor. For the first 3 weeks rotate calories 120% of maintenance on training days and 100% on non-training days. The final 3 weeks consider running that at 100%/70% for a nice lean out while still peaking your strength..

The other thing I'd like you to do is this: identify those movements that bring you the LEAST pain/stress on that shoulder/ACL. You're probably already doing this to some extent, but it'll allow us to get the MOST out of your Blueprint run..

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 1:38 pm
by Redgum
Thanks a bunch, I'll do exactly that!!

So.. I just finished workout 1 of feast phase.. please may I pass out now..

That was tough, gave it all. On bench I did 3 reps of 60kg, as a tester, and decided to drop to 50kg, ended up doing 15 reps, immediately into dumbbell pullover* 25kg I think, only did 6 reps.

Squats** did 90kg for 3 reps to warm up then went down to 60kg and ended up bashing out 20 reps, when I put that weight down I was ready to fall over. Went straight into 60kg deadlifts, did 15 reps, stiff legged dead lifts, back is sore as hell now. Sweating like a pig but feels so much better after doing nothing for 3 days!!

I thought it overall was OK, I could of maybe used more weight on some of the exercises but played it out safe.

*THIS EXCERICE STRAINS SHOULDER. Dumbbell Pullovers. Thought it would but had to try, moving my left shoulder up and around my head or behind me can strain it if using a weight. I'll need to find an alternative to this exercise.

**Just to add the squats, i only go literally just passed parallel as ATG kills my knee.

AND JUST TO ADD: As I understand it the BCAA is on/off 3 days 'cycling' first 3 days of feast on, next 3 off, and so on. Is this regardless of training days? Cheers.

Edit: Oh and HOLY SUNBURN, back was burnt as hell whilst doing this, haha, own fault. Annd would you say my estimated 18-20% bodyfat is close? What do you think.

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 8:03 pm
by RobRegish
*THIS EXCERICE STRAINS SHOULDER. Dumbbell Pullovers. Thought it would but had to try, moving my left shoulder up and around my head or behind me can strain it if using a weight. I'll need to find an alternative to this exercise.

A. Try doing it with a cable/pulley. Pushingthelimit has a shoulder issue(s) and can do them without pain.

**Just to add the squats, i only go literally just passed parallel as ATG kills my knee.

A. Understandable. Good idea anway, IMO.

AND JUST TO ADD: As I understand it the BCAA is on/off 3 days 'cycling' first 3 days of feast on, next 3 off, and so on. Is this regardless of training days? Cheers.

A. Correct, although don't stress if you have to on a training day/non-training day.

Edit: Oh and HOLY SUNBURN, back was burnt as hell whilst doing this, haha, own fault. Annd would you say my estimated 18-20% bodyfat is close? What do you think.

A. I think you're right on..

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 8:23 am
by Redgum
Cheers Rob.

Weighed in at 211lbs this morning. Diet as it goes is OK, have tried the drink with pineapple/greek yog/banana/ice cream/whey. Thumbs up from me, handy when really busy and need to bump up cals.

Just done workout #2 of feast.

Straight into 60kg bench, did 12 reps, Dumbbell pullovers I reduced the weight to 10kg and added a resistance band to it, made it a little easier, as I workout at home I don't have a cable machine. Have ordered a strong resistance band, should arrive by end of the week, apparently up to 62lbs tension.

Anyway. Squats did 1 rep 60kg and then went into doing 11 reps of 100kg.
Stiff legged deadlifts I went straight into 12 reps of 100kg.

Felt as if I could have done more on squats/DL, maybe could of got another rep or 2 out on the squat but didn't want lower back to feel bad for the deadlifts, which is what happened on workout#1.

Overall felt good, will try get some cardio in on rest days, or maybe some HIIT. Just knee is giving some problems atm, but was alright during squats.

A few questions for you Rob et al.

I am just leaving one day rest in between workout days atm. Maybe I'll do on Mon/Wed/Fri off Sat/Sun, and repeat. or incorporate Sunday into workout days and just have one day on/off. Need a 2 day period off every week? Suggestions appreciated.


A note on the BCAA again. Would it be OK to cycle it on/off every other day? So using them on workout days, then off on rest days. Or just simply stick to 3 days on/off.


Peri Workout (assuming this is a drink for during workout) I have never used anything during a workout, I have Waxy Maize Starch and my BCAAs. I saw on a post in another thread somewhere to use the extra cals on workout days to use in this Peri workout drink. So.. my 'question' petty as it may sound is.. on the BCAA again, about the cycling on/off, unless I can use BCAA on/off every other day, do I simple not use BCAA in the Peri workout drink.

And a site note on the Peri workout drink. I just mix it with water, drink 1/3 before/during/after.

I do have some more questions about after the 5# initial workouts but don't want to bombard you with questions all in one post.

Many thanks again. :)

Edit: So looking forward to next week on workout 5# when I find my 1RM for Squat/Deadlifts, I've never tested those before. I also look forward to getting my bench up.. Just know its going to be good.

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 7:43 pm
by RobRegish
Great log! So good to hear you're doing well too..

A few questions for you Rob et al.

I am just leaving one day rest in between workout days atm. Maybe I'll do on Mon/Wed/Fri off Sat/Sun, and repeat. or incorporate Sunday into workout days and just have one day on/off. Need a 2 day period off every week? Suggestions appreciated.

A. Play this by ear. When in doubt, insert an extra rest day. Tough to give you or anyone a schedule. We all recover faster/slower than the next. Wish I could!

A note on the BCAA again. Would it be OK to cycle it on/off every other day? So using them on workout days, then off on rest days. Or just simply stick to 3 days on/off.

A. 3 on 3 off seems to be the trick. If you must go 1 on 1 off, I feel you're better served with BCAA loading protocol peri-workout only.

Peri Workout (assuming this is a drink for during workout) I have never used anything during a workout, I have Waxy Maize Starch and my BCAAs. I saw on a post in another thread somewhere to use the extra cals on workout days to use in this Peri workout drink. So.. my 'question' petty as it may sound is.. on the BCAA again, about the cycling on/off, unless I can use BCAA on/off every other day, do I simple not use BCAA in the Peri workout drink.

A. No, you want the BCAA's in that peri-workout drink for sure. Start just prior to the workout. Consume during and finish up afterwards. You're in for a treat if you've never tried this!

And a site note on the Peri workout drink. I just mix it with water, drink 1/3 before/during/after.

A. You got it!

I do have some more questions about after the 5# initial workouts but don't want to bombard you with questions all in one post.

A. Ha ha. HUGE points for you!

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 1:24 am
by Redgum
Many thanks for replies, i'll see how it goes over the next 3 workouts and figure something out before GLP!

Weigh in this morning 210lbs, 52BPM RHR.

But for now, I'll just leave these here :twisted:


1. On Workout #5 of feast how do I go about going for 1RM, jump straight to it, or at least do a couple of light reps?

2. On GLP I dont know of a tool to calculate all of the percentages apart from a calculator and working out 'manually'.
It's not laziness, but is there a tool/website you know of to work them out faster? (I know, it would only take a few mins!)



3. I'm trying to wrap my head around where you said 'stretch position supersets in EDT fashion' in the feast template workout.
Just to clear things up again. I'm getting confused, misreading or just general conception of it all (so much to take in!)
So, do you do 1 set of GLP, then immediate 1 set of stretching exercises or do you do 6 sets of GLP then do 6 sets of
stretching exercises? I ASSUME the latter. (If not then wow this will be tough in figuring our how to use just one barbell and extra movements)

4. Do you have to do GLP with just 2 lifts or can you do all 3? As I saw an 'if' peaking 2 lifts, I ASSUMED I can do 3.

EG: 3 big lifts, 3 total workouts a week, for 6 weeks. 18 workouts total.

So in one week I present..

- Workout 1# GLP: Squats for 6x6. then SLDL or Romanian DL
and T-bar rows in EDT way.

- Workout #2 GLP: Bench Press for 6x6. then I go into Dumbbell
Pullovers* and dumbbell decline press EDT. THEN the static hold of
barbell x 2. 10-15 secs, 1-2" below lockout.

- Workout #3 GLP: Deadlifts for 6x6, can I go into incline dumbbell
curls and tricep kickbacks EDT way?

^Repeat that for 6 weeks? Or have I made a major phuck up. :roll:

5. I have ASSUMED EDT is a must do thing too. Does it really matter where I add the bicep/tricep work?

Believe it or not, I read and read and read stuff over and over, look at other peoples logs and I just get mindphucked a
because I cant grasp it all! Apologies.

Thanks Rob :) You are very patient :)

(I have ASSUMED a lot here, was I right or have I made that old saying 'ASSUME makes an ASS out of U and ME... )

*(I'll be using a light weight or a resistance band due to shoulder)

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 6:30 am
by RobRegish

1. On Workout #5 of feast how do I go about going for 1RM, jump straight to it, or at least do a couple of light reps?

A. You definately want to warm up. Check out the warmup stickie in this section.

2. On GLP I dont know of a tool to calculate all of the percentages apart from a calculator and working out 'manually'.
It's not laziness, but is there a tool/website you know of to work them out faster? (I know, it would only take a few mins!)

A. Wish I did. Calculator gets it done. Just take it workout by workout. That's what I do..



3. I'm trying to wrap my head around where you said 'stretch position supersets in EDT fashion' in the feast template workout.
Just to clear things up again. I'm getting confused, misreading or just general conception of it all (so much to take in!)
So, do you do 1 set of GLP, then immediate 1 set of stretching exercises or do you do 6 sets of GLP then do 6 sets of
stretching exercises? I ASSUME the latter. (If not then wow this will be tough in figuring our how to use just one barbell and extra movements)

A. Suggest the latter.

4. Do you have to do GLP with just 2 lifts or can you do all 3? As I saw an 'if' peaking 2 lifts, I ASSUMED I can do 3.

A. Tall order, suggest just two. Carryover to the third should be decent.

EG: 3 big lifts, 3 total workouts a week, for 6 weeks. 18 workouts total.

So in one week I present..

- Workout 1# GLP: Squats for 6x6. then SLDL or Romanian DL
and T-bar rows in EDT way.

- Workout #2 GLP: Bench Press for 6x6. then I go into Dumbbell
Pullovers* and dumbbell decline press EDT. THEN the static hold of
barbell x 2. 10-15 secs, 1-2" below lockout.

- Workout #3 GLP: Deadlifts for 6x6, can I go into incline dumbbell
curls and tricep kickbacks EDT way?

A. Yes.

^Repeat that for 6 weeks? Or have I made a major phuck up.

A. Repeat for duration of Feast.

5. I have ASSUMED EDT is a must do thing too. Does it really matter where I add the bicep/tricep work?

A. Not really.

Believe it or not, I read and read and read stuff over and over, look at other peoples logs and I just get mindphucked a
because I cant grasp it all! Apologies.

Thanks Rob You are very patient

(I have ASSUMED a lot here, was I right or have I made that old saying 'ASSUME makes an ASS out of U and ME... )

A. I'd just give it time. Let it sink in over time. Best to address it one (or two) workouts at a time.

*(I'll be using a light weight or a resistance band due to shoulder)
Passion is born when you catch a glimpse of your potential.

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 1:33 pm
by Redgum
Thanks a bunch.

I would love to be able to do separate days and improve on all 3 lifts in the GLP :?

Where you mean carry over to the third, how do you mean, as in next run switch it up or, leave it as 2 workouts a week and start of the following week do the 3rd lift? Slight confusion, or might be the light headedness of post workout reading/typing this.

Woke up this morning 210lbs, I have just come off ECA stack, possibly coming down with a cold, don't think my body would appreciate that extra stress. Expecting weight to go up a few lbs, water weight maybe over the next few days.

I'll take into consideration what you said about one or two workouts at at a time, I just don't like jumping blinding into something unknown. Will see how it goes though when I get to GLP about the stretching EDT sets etc..

Calories today prob just went over 120% :oops:
Will try make up for it tomorrow, cutting a few off perhaps.

ANYWAY. Live and learn.

So I just did my workout #3 of feast.

Warmed up a little better this time. Taking my time, working up to the weights, as it was 2-3 rep max weight, thought I better not just go into heavy weights.

Bench was good!, managed 4 reps of 80kg (176lbs).
Used my new resistance band for the pullovers, its OK, but like my shoulder was fine, getting some sort of strain when coming back over my chest with the band/weights in my LOWER ELBOW/FOREARM, suggestions?
Just didn't feel natural.

Squats I warmed up well again, I was really wanting to go for a 1RM as I have never done it before, but I restrained myself. Managed to do.. 140kg(308lbs) x 4 reps !! Never squatted that much weight before... I was in new territory.. Was scary putting 3 plates on each end haha.

Deadlifts I was disappointed, I think I finally have to admit after squats this isn't the best timing, feeling drained from the squats damaged my deadlift number I think. Anyway, warmed up and managed 130kg(286lbs) for 5 reps. Possibly a new PR. 8)

Overall pretty good I think! Into numbers I haven't experienced before now.. Sweating like a beast! Lower back bit sore but suppose the heavier the weight the harder it is to keep spot on form. Will have to keep an eye on that. Maybe try get a belt of some sort too..


Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 4:22 pm
by RobRegish
New PR's... again :) Love this place.

Where you mean carry over to the third, how do you mean, as in next run switch it up or, leave it as 2 workouts a week and start of the following week do the 3rd lift? Slight confusion, or might be the light headedness of post workout reading/typing this.

A. Meaning carryover to the deadlift (3rd lift)

On the elbows, consider warming up with those bands prior to ANY pressing movement. Attach to top of power rack, step away from the rack and do some extensions (leaning forward with band overhead).

Works like a charm :)

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 10:14 am
by Redgum
OK thanks Rob.

Would of just worked out nicer if all 3 could be done in a week. but may of been pushing it.. will carry it over to following week to max out recovery time.

214lbs this morning, that 'water weight' I said would go back on after the ECA stack.. looks like it has! No worries, I'm taking creatine too, so prob doesn't help holding more water than usual too. Not that I'm bothered too much, go my mirror than weight usually.

Workout #4 just finished.

I felt hyped up for this workout but when I came to lift it went away :(

Bench did 11 reps of 50kg(110lbs), this is my so called 'deload'. Did more resistance band work, and added a set of incline dumbbell curls for the hell of it. 5 reps of 20kg (44lbs).

Squats did a a couple warm up sets with 60kg (132lbs) then did 10 reps with 100kg(220lbs). Deadlift straight into 100kg(220lbs) for 9 reps.

Sweating lots. No aches or pains, looking forward to Tuesday for workout #5 where I can test my 1RM.. 8)

(Saw your thread about how much time everything is taking up etc, I'll just add here than I'm certainly appreciating everything you have posted on my log and all the effort you're putting into the board, It's nice to see people passionate about putting time into helping others. I'm only early days into this programme but I can see how much other people have improved, it gives other members an extra boost when they see results of others. I've only seen positive comments/feedback on this board which is always good, seems like attitude reflects leadership.)

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 11:47 am
by Redgum
OK workout #5 of Feast.


OK, so woke up as usual, thankfully. RHR 50BPM. 215lbs.

Diet has been spot on today, really trying to knuckle down and note everything.

The workout... right. Not going to lie, didn't 'feel' it today.


Warmed up nicely, when I was at 80kg(176lbs) I honestly thought I wasn't going to go any higher but stuck it out, rested 5 mins, bumped it up to 90kg(198lbs), did 1 rep, thought 'Yeah I can do better'.. waited a 3 or 4 min.. felt how 100kg was, just held it up for a sec, then waited a min. Then did half rep.. I wasn't happy, waited 5 min, did 1 full rep of 100kg(220lbs)..

So anyway Bench was 1RM 100kg (220lbs).. That is a new PR, 10kg(22lbs) increase.

Did some 15kg(33lbs) bicep curls and some resistant band pulls.
Wanted to get into squats asap.


Warmed up again nicely. My knee was giving me some aggro and tbh I even thought about not trying for a 1RM.

I gave it a few mins and after a long warm up I managed a new PR of 150kg (330lbs)..


I hardly warmed up to a weight, I was buzzing to say the least, 2 new PR's already.. could I managed another?

Hell yes I did, pulled 160kg (352lbs)..

3/3 new 1RM/PR. Not bad..

Bring on GLP.