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Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:21 pm
by RobRegish
787 sure looks nice. Hope I get to ride on one some day!

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 9:02 pm
by dropthebeats
Age: 30

Education: Some college. Recently certified personal trainer.

Job: Fastenal. I setup new stores and work with top 300 accounts. Travel 4 days a week throughout the Northeast.

Girlfriend and Wife: Girlfriend now. She will be my wife someday.

Kids: 2 1/2 year old. Hayden

House: Rent apartment. House in 1-2 years.

Debt: Some. Will be out of debt within 3 months.

Goals: Start training part-time, maybe turning it into a full-time gig. I want to work with elderly and obese clients, and help them live a healthy life.

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 5:05 am
by RobRegish
Great job working down that debt!

I don't usually offer my advice on money matters but debt = control. Don't let them control you!

And this goal: "I want to work with elderly and obese clients, and help them live a healthy life".

What a fantastic way to give back. Kudos to you for sharing your knowledge with others!

Finally, I see you're a certified personal trainer. So my question:

Based upon your certification, what were your impressions upon reading The Blueprint?

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 1:34 pm
by DaCookie
education? Depends how many points I get from high school.If I do crap than I probably wont go to college and just do one of those one year personal trainer courses or something related to health.Really depends on results so...
job? Nope, depends on my results.Again bad results= job( I never studied so im not expecting anything great really.I just cant stick studying.)
girlfriend/wife? No
kids? No
house? No
overall happiness (1-10)? 9
future goals? Get big/ripped ha
current debt? zilch

Im 18 so as you can see what I wrote is not very complicated.

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 6:11 pm
by dropthebeats
The Blueprint is unique. A majority of the personal training course was about muscle imbalances and correcting them. Most clients that I am going to see will be beginners with no prier workout experience.

The course did talk about program design, but most if it is up to the trainer. They give you the recommended sets and reps as a base to be turned into a specialized plan.

Two stages of training, hypertrophy and maximal strength, are what your book falls into. Typically, hypertrophy would be done for a month, and then you take a step back and do a month of stabilization training before you would move on to the maximal strength.

I like that set up of The Blueprint. It allows you to get the gains in strength and size in a short amount of time. I like how you incorporate static holds and exercises that stretch the muscles, like dumbbell pullovers and stiff-legged deadlifts. They are great for adding size, but I like them for preventing injury.

It's a genius design. I'm glad a stumbled across it. It has educated me, and I would definitely recommend the book to others.

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 7:25 pm
by RobRegish
Wonderful feedback... thank you!

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 11:38 am
education? Military MOS training, tons of follow on courses. No college

job? I work overseas in direct support of USMC electronics systems

girlfriend/wife? Wife of 12 years

kids? 3 Girls, Chasity 11, Avery 8, Gracee 6

house? 2 of them, anybody want one lol?

overall happiness (1-10)? 9/10, wish I were home more often

future goals? Job in the states? Is that too much to ask? Be a good father and husband

current debt? Just my home, very fortunate to have a good paying job for the last few years.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 2:53 pm
by RobRegish
Awesome stuff. Sounds like your life is pretty grand.

Glad to hear it :)

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 5:13 pm
by beachpirate
Age? 40 (41 in Nov)

education? BS in Sociology and Social Work. I dropped out with about 17 hours left in my Masters in Social Work due to my wife being transfered to South Carolina.

job? Currently a stay-at-home dad. Previously 16 yrs in mental health and my last position was with the SC Dept of Corrections as counselor in the phychiatric hospital and responsible for the mentally ill on the Maximun Security Unit.

girlfriend/wife? Married 17 years

kids? 2, Caleb 5 and Jordan 4

house? yes

overall happiness (1-10)? 8-9

future goals? return to work and be in the best shape of my life. Drop 50lbs while I'm at it.

current debt? House, 1 car (unexpectedly totalled my last one and it was paid off) Medical bills and some credit cards.

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:46 am
by Gotsouthern

education- 3 yrs college (Criminal Justice), figured out I was much better at selling stuff and running my mouth than catching bad guys lol.

job- Sr. Accts. Rep in the shooting sports industry. Travel 2-3 days a week on my own schedule (read:if I wanna sit home any given week, I can) I LOVE MY FRIGGIN JOB!!!!

girlfriend/wife-Never married, no steady gf but I keep busy (I'll shut up now lol). Not even sure I ever want that to be honest. I really like being single.

kids-Negative, one pretty ass pit bull though

house-Negative, apartment renter, no desire to own a home at this point, not entirely sure I ever will after way things have happened in the past few years.

overall happiness (1-10)-Solid 9. If I can get where I want physically and financially it'll be a 10, and well on my way.

future goals-Keep doing exactly what I'm doing now for as absolutely long as I can!!! Seriously I love my job, I have the best friends a man could hope for and wonderful family. Truly blessed. Okay two future goals....10% body fat and I want another fast car so bad I can TASTE IT!!!!!!! Owned a well modded, 400+hp '02 Camaro in my early-mid 20's, worked in the high performance car business. Its in my blood, seriously, I LOVE to go fast, not a little bit fast either, like make-your-head-feel-funny-600 rear wheel hp-10 sec/130mph trap speed in the 1/4 mile-type fast lol. And I can drive those cars lights out too lol.

current debt-yes, all CC, but well within the realm of manageable (mid-4 figure range) and solid in terms of debt to income, very low interest rate too. Excellent credit, no car payment. Right next to my workout and physical goals is finishing off this last bit of debt. Me and CC's did not play well in my 20's, and I've been digging out for about 3 yrs now. Aaaalllmoooosstttt there lol.

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 6:19 am
by RobRegish
Nice job digging out man. CC's are EVIL things..

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 8:48 am
by st3760

Education-Associates degree in Radiology....soon to be bachelors and then on to PA school

Job-xray technologist at the two major hosptials in my town.

girlfriend/wife-getting married next weekend

kids-negative ghostrider

house-fixing my mobile home now

overall happiness 1-10- 9...wish I didn't have to work so much and had more time to devote to other things such as my soon to be wife,bodybuilding,hunting and fishing.

future goals-to be a great husband and go on to PA school and maybe move to a bigger city with bigger hospitals so I can make more money.

debt-just my new to me mobile home and about to marry a car payment.

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 12:02 pm
by bigpelo
First post, so there goes the intro:

Nationality: French Canadian

Age: 27

Education: 3 years technical school in mechanics and a BA in Mechanical engineering

Job: Mechanical reliability engineer

Girlfriend and Wife: Girlfriend

Kids: someday

House: nice little 1000 sq feet bungalow

Debt: house, and another year of payment for my car

Goals: Getting married next summer, get my eyes fixed (myopia) and then kids.

If my sentences feel weird or if I do grammar errors, please forgive me as English is not my first language. But feel free to correct me, so I can learn!

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 9:35 pm
by DaCookie
Update for me, I got my Fitness Instructor course and its starting in October.
