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Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 1:24 pm
by MickMars
Yeap. Actually prior to BP I have been logging my workouts with similar mind-set. I was thinking after the initial 5 workouts, I would like to incoperate Upper days and Lower days.

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 6:31 pm
by RobRegish
Hank, Sovabrat couldn't be prouder of you guys. DEAD on in all of your commentary.

And Mick, great work so far. The kind of thought, creativity and work you're putting in is exemplary..

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 8:43 am
by MickMars
Famine Day 1: Thursday - 22/4/2010

Meal 1: 2 small apples + 1 orange
Meal 2: 1 cup grapes + 1 banana + 1 TBS Macadamian Nut Oil
Meal 3: 1 orange + 2 TB Peanut Butter
Meal 4: 1 cup grapes + 2 small apples
Meal 5: 1 cup grapes + 1 orange
Meal 6: 2 small apples + 2 TB Peanut Butter

~1500 calories

I stuck pretty much to my initial plan. I am hungry most of the time but I find that after I have a meal of fruits, I get rather bloated. Maybe the choice of fruits? Any ideas?

Squat: 120kgx6, 120kgx5, 120kgx4
supersetted with
DB Rows: 70lbx6, 70lbx6, 70lbx6

Cable Row: 67kgx6, 67kgx6, 67kgx6
supersetted with
Lat Pulldowns: 67lbx5, 67lbx5, 67lbx5

BB curl: 40kgx6
Incline curl: 40lbx6
Preacher curl: 30kgx6

I felt that todays workout was rather brutal and I felt very weak. Probably it's the lack of food plus I'm training without any stimulants and the rest time was pretty short compared to my normal training; but I got very light-headed after my squats workout almost to the verge of puking. I pushed forward anyway but I will be making some changes for my next leg training - leg press instead.

I will be doing an hour worth of cardio tomorrow.

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 9:17 am
by Hank!
The bloat is probably from all the fiber all at once. Your body should adjust. If it is uncomfortable you can use Bean-o which is an enzyme to aid in fiber breakdown.

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 9:50 am
by sovabrat
Good Job man. Obviously if you feel like you are going to faint, puke, or in extreme pain you should stop exercising. The no pain no gain expression is very much true, but the pain shouldn't be something you cant cope with.

Just wait until workout #3... :)

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 9:19 am
by MickMars
Famine Day 2: Friday - 23/4/2010

I woke up with my bodyweight at 76.5kg that is like a kilo dropped from yesterday (2.2lb).

Light-headed as usual and felt lazy throughout the day.

Hit the treadmil for an hour and this really reminded me why I hated cardio... anyway I hope this is worth it.

Just realize that my bottle of E-bol has some broken capsules from the bottom of the bottle, will be sending me another bottle.
Tomorrows Training:

I will be using Incline Barbell throughout this entire log as my meat and potatoes Chest exercise as I have some shoulder pains when I do flat bench. I have been using Incline Dumbbells all this while but reckon that I would use more weights (gym goes up to only 100lbs) so I am switching to Incline Barbell.

Doing it wide grip might cause some problems for my shoulder but I will adjust accordingly and will add Extreme Streching DC style.

Again, I would like to thank you guys for helping me with this. Much appreciated.

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 6:07 pm
by RobRegish
Great job Mick and guys, I can't thank you enough for pinch-hitting for me.. Things are getting better (cross my fingers).

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 10:41 am
by MickMars
Famine Day 3: Saturday - 24/4/2010
Bodyweight: 76.1 kg

As I was feeling rather light-headed and occationally headaches, I decided to play it safe and used machines instead of free weights.

Training went pretty well... compared to Leg/Back training on the first day of famine.

Surprisingly, though in weakened state, I felt pretty good.
Diet stayed pretty much the same, just that I substituted the 5th meal with a huge ass bowl of salad with some vinegar dressing. Taste ohhhh so good.

Will be doing cardio tomorrow. I'm thinking about starting to load up on digestive enzymes for the upcoming feast which is like 2 days away. A sudden reload on protein would be rough on the body?

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 10:42 am
by MickMars
Famine Day 3: Saturday - 24/4/2010
Bodyweight: 76.1 kg

As I was feeling rather light-headed and occationally headaches, I decided to play it safe and used machines instead of free weights.

Training went pretty well... compared to Leg/Back training on the first day of famine.

Surprisingly, though in weakened state, I felt pretty good.
Diet stayed pretty much the same, just that I substituted the 5th meal with a huge ass bowl of salad with some vinegar dressing. Taste ohhhh so good.

Will be doing cardio tomorrow. I'm thinking about starting to load up on digestive enzymes for the upcoming feast which is like 2 days away. A sudden reload on protein would be rough on the body?

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 12:18 pm
by RobRegish
Not rough when Feast starts, no.

In fact, your system is screaming for it! That's the idea.. after it hasn't been around for some time and with physical demands accelerating... the body will utilize it most efficiently.

Good idea on loading up on the enzymes. I hadn't thought about that...

Very Brainsquirt like :)

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 2:36 pm
by RobRegish

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 2:44 pm
by RobRegish
Excellent answers and 100% spot on.

Your big barbell lifts/loaded stretches are where the "money" is. For it is here where overload manifests itself as stimulus.

Supplemental movements are just that.... supplemental to the big lifts. Total tonnage almost invariably is less, but more when looked at in the context of the total workout. The supplementals then are at the top of your pyramid. The barbell lifts the base.

Always build upon a wide, strong base. Most guys go about it the other way around. Pyramids are still standing for a reason...

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 10:57 am
by MickMars
RobRegish wrote:Excellent answers and 100% spot on.

Your big barbell lifts/loaded stretches are where the "money" is. For it is here where overload manifests itself as stimulus.

Supplemental movements are just that.... supplemental to the big lifts. Total tonnage almost invariably is less, but more when looked at in the context of the total workout. The supplementals then are at the top of your pyramid. The barbell lifts the base.

Always build upon a wide, strong base. Most guys go about it the other way around. Pyramids are still standing for a reason...
I'll try my best to go as wide as possible, emphasizing on the stretch at the bottom of the movement without compromising the condition of my shoulder.


Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 11:17 am
by MickMars
Famine Day 4: Sunday - 25/4/2010
Bodyweight: 85.3kg

Well, same ol' feeling as yesterday... kind of worried about the crash-dieting*esque drop of bodyweight. Guess I'll get it back later.

Anyway, did 1 hour of cardio and can't freakin' wait for FEAST!!!!

1) Rob, I got some questions regarding training during Feast. I am thinking about adding Dorian Yates style deadlifts after Squats/stretch from stiff legged deadlifts.

Bench*Pullover->Squats*Stiff legged->Partial Deads

In your opinion, is it okay for BP standards?

2) Upon completion of the 5 initial workouts, I am thinking about structuring my workouts to 3 types. I read through the example Feast workout, but I don't quite understand the idealogy behind the EDT routine.

From my understanding, during Feast the main idea is to break PR's inclusive of HIT practises such as rest-pause etc. Right?

Workout 1: Chest/Tricep
Incline Bench
Incline Fly
Close Grip Bench
Side Laterals
Front Raises

Workout 2: Back/Bicep
Barbell Rows
Cable Rows (Middle back)
Rear Delts
Barbell Curls

Workout 3: Legs/Hams
Stiff Legged DL
Hack Squats
Standing Calf Raise

I'll probably take 2 days rest in-between workout days (need to experiment). For the rep range, prior to BP, I would have fixed a certain rep range for each exercise and ensure the weights or rep range increase everytime I revisit the workout.

Is it possible to cater this to suit the German Loading method as in BP?

I would appreciate your input on the items highlighted above. I just want to get the best results from BP and of course from the choice of exercises that I know works for me.

Thanks in advance for chiming in.