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Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 1:49 pm
by mars88
hey i just recently purchased the blueprint and will be starting it up in june. 2 months away and rob has already helped me ALOT! He is getting me ready to truly maximize my potential and your credibility is not goign to be ruined if you chose to add a sup, i havent even run the program yet and i'm in this thing. I got your back! I'm sure ill have great results because i will be working in the gym at 110% and my diet will be 110% too. I will no doubt be telling my friends about this in the near future!

A little off topic but is dacookies log on here? Would be interested to see since he at a lower bw too.. am i the lowest bw to ever use the bp? 140 lbs haha

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 2:42 pm
by RobRegish
Thanks again for your feedback. I will not let you down..

DaCookie's log is actually on Thermo's forum. 140lbs is irrelevant. We all start somewhere (I was 143 at 6' tall!). It's all about where you're going..

And I have BIG plans for you!