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Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 8:44 pm
by Hank!
Dinner was a Kashi Mayan Bake pretty good stuff
and some coco almonds

overall today

1236 cals
45g fat
45mg cholesterol
904mg sodium
61g sugar
32g protien

trying to watch that sugar, very difficult especially with the fruit i am eating

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 5:19 am
by RobRegish
Great job, can't say it enough..

Don't worry too much about sugar from fruit. It's FAR different than most other sugar. Within the context of fruit, it's packaged naturally by mother nature... bound to fibers and not over-saturated as seen when done by the hand of man.

Mother Nature knows what she's doing :)

Famine Day 4 Thrusday

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 7:12 am
by Hank!
thanks for the encouragement Rob, really appreciate your support with this program.


Day 4
Blood Pressure
Pulse 63bpm
weight 249 coming off nicely..4+ lost since monday *13lbs since March 1

Plan to do some intervals today, really trying to activate stress response
Primary goal for today:
under 25gms of protein

btw also duplicating this journal on Tl's boards, i asked the mods if it was okay even not using ebol they were cool.

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 5:14 pm
by RobRegish
Great records here...

And nice work on this Famine. Damn fine work.

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 8:29 pm
by Hank!

Today i was hungry pretty much all day I would eat some greens or some fruit and literally 10 inutes later hungry.

I did make some better food choices today loading up some higher calorie vegetation early on

Got about a 12 minute warm up run in and then did some stairs until the HR monitor said i burned 600 cals (about 47minutes). I had more reserves today than yesterday that is for sure i attribute that to natures little green pearl commonly referred to as the AVOCADO, and luckily my was in the form of Guacamole.

anyhow tomorrow is a big day 90 squats and then some biceps cant wait

71g fat
55mg choles
3374 sodium <pickles203g carbs
98g sugar
28g fiber
24g protein

or if you want to see the whole shebang here it is

Turnip, Raw
Banana, medium
Guacamole Traditional
Half And Half
One Strawberry
Fresh Salsa (Home made)
Caesar Parmigiano
Green Tea
Jazz Apple
Sweet Baby Greens
plum, raw
Peanut Butter On Toast Crackers
Natural Simply Salted Popcorn

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 8:50 pm
by Hank!
Rob i am worried i havnt gotten in the Alarm State yet, tomorrow is day 5 of fast, do i start eating on Saturday regardless of resting HR?

I should bought multistix

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 3:16 am
by RobRegish
Here's your answer:

"weight 249 coming off nicely..4+ lost since monday"... you can start Feast on schedule.

There are some outliers. Meaning some people's conditioning outpaces their adaptive response. Likely you've built muscle/lost a higher % of fat and there's less stress on the heart. It operates more efficiently.

That's not conjecture. I've seen it 2-3 times in some of the beta-testers.

You're good to go :)

Famine Day 5

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 6:58 am
by Hank!
Here we go

RHR 63 then 2 minutes later ..73

wT 248.6

Rob, found a guy selling an ironmind hip belt for $30!! Hopefully he wont hose me
oh and why are you up at 3;15am?

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 3:35 pm
by Hank!
Todays workout..brutal iwas still eating famine style before WO


135x15 w/u

Supersetted with DB rows

I was sucking air after this.. literally (i terms of HR i would say it felt like my HR was equal to when i do HIIT or boot camp..maybe 155-168bpm)

BB Curls, no rest just worked like drop sets (short on time)


I was really feeling this

Incline BB Curls
35lbs was too much


Preacher on the Hammer


Then as a treat a big ol 342 calorie Vasolate shake, the stuff is really tasty

So Rob for the duration of the weekend i feast do i introduce my KreAnabolyn now or wait until i start working out again on Monday?

Also I want to continue to drop fat so should I figure my lean body mass x 15 for number of cals during feast? 3kcal a day?

I did also received from Mass my Alkalizing ,DHEA and Burn it up
any dosing protocol you recommend

Sups I own

2 bottles KA from Mass
1 Bottle Alkalizing Greens from Mass
1 Burn It Up from Mass
1 DHEA from Mass
1 2lb Tub Vasolate
3 Lbs of Myofusion
GABA 750MG (dose of 3gms works good for me)
Fish Oil
Animal Flex

I need to buy
BCAA's suggestion?
More Protein suggestion?
Liver Tabs. I will go with Beverly since i cant find Natures Own anywhere

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 4:03 pm
by RobRegish
"Rob, found a guy selling an ironmind hip belt for $30!! Hopefully he wont hose me"


oh and why are you up at 3;15am?


"So Rob for the duration of the weekend i feast do i introduce my KreAnabolyn now or wait until i start working out again on Monday?"

ANSWER: You start eating tomorrow :)

Also I want to continue to drop fat so should I figure my lean body mass x 15 for number of cals during feast? 3kcal a day?

ANSWER: Two strategies here I'll give you..

1.) BW x15 for the first 2 weeks, BW x 12 the next 2 weeks, BW x 10 last
2 weeks OR

2.) Rotate calories between 100% of maintenance on training days and
70% of maintenance on "off" or cardio days.

If it was me, I'd pick option 2.

I did also received from Mass my Alkalizing ,DHEA and Burn it up
any dosing protocol you recommend

ANSWER: 2 Alkaplex, 3x a day with major meals. BIU pre-workout, 2-3 caps. Add caffeine if you want more of a kick.

Sups I own

2 bottles KA from Mass - Suggest 3/day, with 1 prior to workout and 2 immediately after on training days1 Bottle Alkalizing Greens from Mass - As per my answer above
1 Burn It Up from Mass - As per the above
1 DHEA from Mass - Unsure on your age. Consider one prior to workout if using, 1 upon rising on off days.
1 2lb Tub Vasolate - Between meals or as a supplement to meals
3 Lbs of Myofusion - Between meals or as a supplement to mealsCordegyn5 - I'd lay off this stuff, for now. cAMP activation concerns me
GABA 750MG (dose of 3gms works good for me) - Before bed on an empty stomach. If you wake up at night that's a good time to down it.
Fish Oil - Minimum 3g/day
Animal Flex - Unclear. Assuming it's a joint support supp. If so, suggest taking it prior to bed. Not around the workout..
I need to buy
BCAA's suggestion? MassPro Amino
More Protein suggestion? More protein? :)
Suggest MassPro for per-workout. It includes
di-tri peptides and other unique proteins with
a low molecular weight. VERY quickly
Liver Tabs. I will go with Beverly since i cant find Natures Own anywhere

Good choice. If you have enough, see
the "Nuts, olives and liver tabs" trick in
Blueprint. It worked like a charm for Draco.
May want to consult him..

Nice start!

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 4:50 pm
by Hank!
Awesome thanks..i drank a shake today..(thought i could eat) that going to screw me up?

I am 45 YO

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 7:05 pm
by RobRegish
No, that won't hurt anything. Minor stuff. At 45 you'll likely benefit from the DHEA.

Key though, is what metabolic fate DHEA eventually meets. As the "mother" hormone, it can convert to either test or estrogen, depending upon several variable. The ideal of course, is Test. The process goes like this (oversimplified):

Cholesterol>Pregnenalone>DHEA>Androstenedione>Androdiol>Test, sometimes flipping back to Androdiol. This is one reason why low fat diets lead to depressed test levels (no cholesterol in the diet).

Now, the key to this may in fact be our old friend Eurycoma Longifolia Jack or Longjax as found in Adaptogen N.

Longjax appears to selectively convert DHEA and other precursor hormones to testosterone. It also positively modulates SHBG to free up more of the T as free testosterone, the biologically active form.

Asian J Androl 2009; (5 SUPPL): 25-95
Nutrients and Botanicals for optimizing Men's Health.
Examining the evidence for Erycomalongfolia jack, the Malaysian Ginseng in men's health

Early human trials on eurycoma longifolia: the land markstudies on human testicular cells incubated with standardizedwater-soluble extract of Eurycoma longifolia and with controlpregnenolone incubated with the same herb showed the herbpotentiate steroidogenesis in the testicular cells with 4 timesincrease level of testosterone and testosterone precursors. Therewas no increase in Dehydrotestosterone which is associatedwith cancer of prostate. In a double blind, placebo controlledstudy conducted in 2000 by Dr Sareena from the Department ofSport Science at the University of Malaya, provided 14 healthyadult males with either 100 mg day"1 of the Standardized extractor placebo for 8 weeks. Both groups performed an intensivestrength-training program for 8 weeks. The group on theStandardized extract showed improved body mass index as wellas muscle strength. In a non comparative non placebo controlledstudy conducted in 2001 by Dr Ismail Tambi at the ReproductiveResearch Center in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where 30 marriedmen, aged 31-52 years old, took 200 mg of the standardizedextract regularly for three consecutive weeks. Interviewsindicated that 73% felt healthy, active and energized, 82improved psychological wellbeing and 62% felt increased sexualdesire. The subjects showed an increased free testosterone index.Increased testosterone levels help improve libido, energy andmuscle mass for bodybuilding. Their levels of DHEA, anothercritical steroid hormone, gradually increased from 26% after oneweek to 47% after three weeks.Extended clinical trials: a double-blind placebo controlledhuman clinical trial conducted in 2004 by Dr.Ismail Tambi where20 male volunteers of various health conditions from the ages of38 to 58 randomly given 200, 400, or 600 mg of the standardizedextract or placebo for 2 months showed elevated SHIM scoresshowing improvement in sexual desire and performance aswell as improved AMS score showing improvement in sexual,physical, psychology, and vasomotor domains for majority ofthe volunteers. Testosterone and DHEAS levels showed highnormal levels when compared to baseline. Diabetic volunteersshowed an improved level of blood glucose. The Cortisol levelswere fluctuating suggesting the extract modulates the release ofCortisol. The majority of volunteers have high normal levels

Conclusion: standardized water-soluble extract of Eurycoma longifolia jack, the Malaysian Ginseng has undergone numerous clinical trials and evaluations locally and internationally and has been found to be a beneficial botanical optimizing men's health. The standardized extract has been patented as a supplement for men's health specifically in enhancing testosterone and improving male fertility of idiopathic causes. The extract has been found to be non-toxic even at a high dose of 600mg to the body functions. Extended studies on the same extract has proven the herb to be an energizer, an aphrodisiac, an ergogenic botanical which also facilitate muscle fatigue recovery and anti-stress. It is a potent adaptogen as well. Overall effects on the various hormones are also positive. It enhanced total testosterone and DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) which also modulate testosterone levels, ensuring enough free testosterone for the body's need. It's other adaptogenic effects include positive effect on body cortisol levels as well as on growth hormone as it modulates the release of IGF-1. With all these ample scientific and clinical findings, Standardized patented water-soluble extract of Erycoma lonfolia, the Malaysian Ginseng has emerged as a potent botanical supplement im men's health.

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 7:10 pm
by RobRegish
A good, STANDARDIZED Trib helps too. Here's the latest study..

Fiziol Zh. 2009;55(5):89-96.
The influence of the Tribulus terrestris extract on the parameters of the functional preparadness and athletes' organism homeostase.

Milasius K, Dadeliene R, Skernevicius J.
Vilnius Pedagogical University, Lithuania.

"The influence of the Tribulus terrestris extract on the parameters of the functional preparadness and athletes' organism homeostase was investigated. It was established the positive impact of dietary supplement "Tribulus" (Optimum Nutrition, U.S.A.) using per 1 capsule 3 times a day during 20 days on athletes' physical power in various energy producing zones: anaerobic alactic muscular power and anaerobic alactic glycolytic power statistically reliable increased. Tribulus terrestris extract, after 20 days of consuming it, did not have essential effect on erythrocytes, haemoglobin and thrombocytes indices. During the experimental period statistically importantly increased percentage of granulocytes and decreased percentage of leucocytes show negative impact of this food supplement on changes of leucocytes formula in athletes' blood. Creatinkinase concentration in athletes' blood statistically importantly has increased and creatinine amount has had a tendency to decline during 20 days period of consuming Tribulus terrestris extract.

The declining tendency of urea, cholesterol and bilirubin concentrations has appeared. The concentration of blood testosterone increased statistically reliable during the first half (10 days) of the experiment; it did not grow during the next 10 days while consuming Tribulus still."

I'm still looking for the full study. Worth noting though that my Adaptogen N run w/accompanying lab work showed a 55% increase in T in just 27 days.

For me, it's a non-issue. The stuff works for T elevation of that I am sure. What I take heart in is that it's HEALTHY. That's right, Trib has a beneficial effect on the heart. And according to this study, "the declining tendency of urea, cholesterol and bilirubin concentrations has appeared".

IMO, Optimum is junk trib vs. the Adaptogen N formula. There is none of Adaptogen's DHEA, Longjax, Suma nor melatonin. Still, even this low grade stuff gives an indication of the potential of the herb.

There's a reason it's been successful in this market since 1988. The test of time is often the most telling one...

Macros For last day of Famine

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 7:31 am
by Hank!
I did slip thinking i could eat so the numbers are skud a bit higher

1473 kcals
65g fat
80mg chol
1356mg sod
146g carbs 50g sugar
21 fiber

69 protein