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Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 9:39 pm
by gymrat53
RobRegish wrote:The whole free bottle/refusing to confirm thing bothers me. Almost like they were trying to placate you.

In any case, if it's just 20H you're looking for the cheap route is Cyanotis Vaga. And most companies take the cheap route. I sincerely hope that isn't the case here but again, would be nice if they were more up front about things.

Anyway, good research on your part. Asking companies these questions is a good thing.
Yeah could be but free is free plus I got a sweet looking shirt. If I find it to be a good supplement then awesome if not I lose nothing and gain some knowledge. They said on the companies forums they used RCE for the 20H but I have no proof other then their word. Cyanotis Vaga is bunk but we both already know that.

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 12:49 pm
by gymrat53
RobRegish wrote:For pure hypertrophy, it's tough to beat EDT. However, I do have some pointers on how to go about making it more effective.

First, EDT focuses a bit too much on isolation exercises IMO. I know what Charles is getting at there as managing fatigue over time can cause form to slip a bit. On compound exercises, this can be dangerous.

What I like to do is arrange for the following spin on EDT:

PR ZONE 1 Total of 10-12 minutes

Set 1: Set of barbell dips for as many reps as possible within a 30 sec window. Immediately into
Set 2: Set of dumbell pullovers on a slight incline bench (very slight) for as many reps in a 30 sec timeframe as you can get

Rest about 2 minutes between sets. Repeat until the clock runs down to zero. You should be able to squeeze in 4 sets of each in this fashion, preserving a high workload on compound lifts. It's short enough to keep your focus, manage fatigue and deliver max overload. You'll be pretty spent so you need to do this first in the workout where it makes sense - you have the most energy out of the gate

PR ZONE 2 Total of 20 minutes

Traditional Staley PR Zone with less demanding (seated) movements where only the weight moves through space (not the weight plus the body as with dips/squats). Since you're working all upper body this workout I'd recommend:

Shoulder press (seated) for 5 reps or thereabouts immediately into skullcrushers/tricep extensions.

Rest 2 minutes between sets

The alternate workout would focus on legs and back/bis. For this workout I'd structure as follows:

PR ZONE 1: Total of 10-12 minutes

Squats for as many reps as possible within 30 second window immediately into seated cable rows, as many reps as possible within a 30 sec window.

Rest 2 minutes between sets. Rinse, wash and repeat.

PR ZONE 2: Total of 20 minutes in traditional EDT fashion

Leg sled for 5 or so reps immediately into Tbar rows for 5 or so reps.

Rest 2 minutes between sets. Continue until the 20 min are exhausted

I don't include dedicated bicep work as I feel they get adequate overload from the heavy rowing movements. I haven't done a curl in over 5 years.

This workout delivers the same Staley density overload so effective for hypertrophy, adds more efficient compound movements thereby ratcheting up the #'s (read, overload) and does so with adequate volume needed to stimulate hypertrophy.

The one variable to keep your eye on is frequency. As you grow stronger the stresses on your body grow greater and it will take you a bit longer to recover workout to workout. The solution is to insert an extra rest day when you observe strength gains slowing. I'd start with a 1 on/1 off format and likely quickly move to a 1 on/2 off from there. Perhaps 1 on 3 off if the situation warrants.

Give it a shot. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised (and winded) after the first few sesstions.
Couple of questions I have about this routine. What kind on weights should I use on these exercises? Is that going to be based on my 1rm after the first five workouts? I says to move up weight after noticing a 20% progression so do I use the same weight all the way through on each exercise like for example 225 for squat and when I progress 20% bump up weight?

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 7:49 pm
by RobRegish
Honestly, the "x # of reps in 30 sec" prescription is going to be a shot in the dark out of the gate. If it was me, I'd start with 50 - 60% of my 1RM:

Example: 1 RM on Dips = 100lbs or thereabouts

I'd use 50 to 60% of this or 50/60lbs. Assume it takes 4 sec to complete each rep (2 sec neg and 2 sec positive). You'd be able to complete around 7 reps in 30 sec.

Your mileage may vary so some experimentation will be needed. If you figure too heavy, no worries. Simply rest/pause to get as many reps as you can in those 30 sec.

And yes, same weight all the way through. Let's say you do get 7 clean reps with 50lbs. Once you've built up to 9 you'd bump the weight up to 60lbs or 20%.

It's not an exact science but you'll know it when you hit it. Optimal hypertrophy (but not absolute strength) will always be a function of some time under load (generally between 20-70 seconds).

I've spike out 30 sec as the optimal compromise.

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 8:10 pm
by gymrat53
Awesome that really clears things up. Last question is in regards to E-Bol how would you dose it. One pill with 6 meals, 2 pills with 3 meals, or another dosing protocol?

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 6:17 am
by RobRegish
2 pills with 3 meals as recommended as per label recommendations.

I speculate in BP that pre-workout would be best. See TIMING OF ECDY INTAKE: Cyclic GMP (cGMP) Activation - page 17. I'm doing some REALLY interesting experiments right now that will clear things up for you guys on dose timing. Will take many more months but it's been very revealing...

Hope that helps!

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 11:48 am
by gymrat53
Awesome man you've been a huge help can't wait to start my first BP run about a month from now.

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 7:10 pm
by RobRegish
My pleasure and here to serve you.

I'm pretty stoked today Despite no new orders :( , I picked up the nicest PM over at Since I respect people's privacy, I won't post his name/testamonial here. The gist of it was this after 2 WEEKS into feast:

"Never put on this much muscle this fast. Friends at the gym say no way, this isn't possible". He's up a tremendous amount and rapidly gaining size/strength and is already the biggest he's been in his life.

This is what you have to look forward to....and I'll be here every step of the way.

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 10:43 pm
by gymrat53
RobRegish wrote:My pleasure and here to serve you.

I'm pretty stoked today Despite no new orders :( , I picked up the nicest PM over at Since I respect people's privacy, I won't post his name/testamonial here. The gist of it was this after 2 WEEKS into feast:

"Never put on this much muscle this fast. Friends at the gym say no way, this isn't possible". He's up a tremendous amount and rapidly gaining size/strength and is already the biggest he's been in his life.

This is what you have to look forward to....and I'll be here every step of the way.
No worries the orders will come, so many people keep giving outstanding feedback that more and more people will notice or by word of mouth. I expect the BP to keep getting bigger with more followers.

Stop posting stuff like that I have 29 days of Mass Addiction left your making me anxious. :wink:

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 8:36 am
by scoooter
Just a thought to increase new orders, if the Blue Print could in some way become an add on to any infomecial workout equipment like bowflex, P90X, Total Gym, Ab slide, Ab lounger, ect ect ect......perhaps it would propel the BP into the masses, again just a thought and I'm sure there would be a ton of work and many legal logistics to work out and that might not leave enough time to visit these boards to offer us excellent advice so actually forget what I said ;)

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 6:49 pm
by RobRegish
Ha ha. Understand what you're saying and yes, would probably explode in popularity/new sales.

You may not believe this, but the LAST thing I'd want is the Blueprint associated with any of those "ab lounge" types.

And I'd still be here for you :)

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 3:06 pm
by gymrat53
Alright guys I finished my Mass Addiction log so now I can get this Blueprint run going. I'm taking this week off but Monday I'll begin the Famine Phase. I'll be logging my run at if anyone is interested. I guess I could do it here too if enough people would want me too.

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 3:44 pm
by askmass
Just an FYI... LOTS of ECDY isolates from CV is being passed off as RCE today, and it's all dicey Chinese sourced material on top of that.

I could go on a real "soapbox" here, but will refrain.

Buyer Beware.

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 6:19 pm
by RobRegish
Let me just add to that a bit...

I was comped 3 bottles of a "100% RCE Extract" from a certain company recently. 250mg "full spectrum" RCE per pill. I ran 3/day for a month.


ZILCH. Can you imagnine. I got absolutely nothing from this product. I didn't run a lab assay but one look at the wording made it pretty clear... they're spiking the 20H content from other sources/other means.

I don't know the full story on the legit RCE being scarce, but it's true. This is one of the reasons I won't be doing an Ecdy product for awhile... I refuse to put out anything inferior.

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 6:53 pm
by gymrat53
Does this go for all ecdy products right now. Like the divanil thing but not theres problems with ecdy?